Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing problem

Jelqing problem

I have been jelqing for 3 days and then took a break yesterday and penis looked normal but then today it shrunk like 2 1/2 inches small and normal is about 3 1/2 inches will someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

You haven’t provided enough information for anyone to try and diagnose what you’re doing wrong. Are you following the newbie routine? It is always advised that newbies follow the newbie routine, it is accepted the best and safest entry into PE.

Is the shrinkage you describe erect or flaccid length? A little turtling (temporary shrinkage) is quite normal, and your dick should return to normal size in a day or two, if this is the case.

Newbies tend to overdo it. I think your penis just needs some rest. You’ll notice the newbie routine recommends 2 day on followed by 1 day rest, whereas you went 3 days straight. You may even go every other day and build up.

You should also read sparkyx’s EQ thread, which is so important that it appears at the very top of the page every time you log in to TP.

If you still need more guidance, then post the details of your routine and the members will be able to pick it apart. But you will most likely get one kind of advice now: Follow the newbie routine.

Last edited by eponymous : 03-20-2012 at .
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