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jelquing for 1 week - now always partly erected!?

jelquing for 1 week - now always partly erected!?


I just started jelquing 10 days ago. The first three days I jelqued for 10min, then always for 20min, after the fifth day i made a 1day-rest.
Currently i am resting since 2 days because there is a small red dot under the glans, just above the Frenulum(?). I felt a tingle in my glan after jelquing.
Well, it got already smaller, I hardly can see it anymore so I will continue jelquing tomorrow.

Another thing I noticed in the past few days: My penis seems to be so much bigger being flaccid (*all the time*). I don’t think I made gains, my penis just seems to be a little bit erect all the time.
Normally when flaccid my penis was partly covered with foreskin, now he is not covered with any foreskin at all. When I touched him I also noticed he was kind of hard in the inside. Any comments on this?


Sounds like you are doing everything right. You are having a very typical reaction. Some of it is from the physical exercise and some of it is from the mental excitement. Keep up the good work!

Before I started pumping and jelqing I was using just the jelqing when I first started out. I had similar results. You have nothing to worry about. Keep doing what you are doing.

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