People who aren’t like you are the majority, that’s the point. And this guy is not even speaking of hanging - newbies shouldn’t hang, this thread is in the newbie section. So, who’s spreading Evangel here?
Suggest ‘fatigue is a good thing’ to a newbie and you’ll likely have an injury. Beside that, doing too much will likely toughten your dick earlier, so for most of people it is not the best advice at all. If your penis requires more work, you can always compensate. If your penis requires less work, doing too much will raise risks of injury and will prevent optimal gains.
And don’t let me start with all the confusion that LOT, angles etc. puts in newbie minds. Most of them just are lost and don’t get gains because are always wondering about some mystical secret they aren’t able to get, where just pulling on their dick would likely give them gains - as gives to the majority of people who don’t think that much about things that don’t have any base in anatomy and physiology.
So I don’t think here mods are spreading their unbased opinion, they are speaking from a wiser and a better knowledge of the field.