So heres my story so far
I have gained half an inch in the last 30 days BPEL. I went from 7 to 7.5 my NBPEL went from 6.25 to a little under 6.75. I am not worried about girth right now ill clamp that down as soon as I reach 8 NBPEL, which should be in a few months if things keep going at this rate.
What I’m doing is wrapping a heat pad around my crotch the entire time I’m hanging like some bushman from a tribe.. It helps. I got the bib hanger and recently started on 11 lbs. This is what I’ve been doing that I have not read on here yet.. Yoga. While I’m hanging straight down I stretch my legs as if I’m going to go running, then I lay on the edge of my bed, still hanging straight down, and do twist and turns in some yoga manner. At the end I use a mediocre pump for 10-15 minutes. Girth as increased due to stretching but not significantly, I’m at 5.25 with that.
I can honestly say I have seen my penis get longer every night I have done this. I don’t want to get anyones hopes up or anything but I would like a few other people to try this out and get back to me on it. I hang about 1 hour a day, 3 sets of 20 mins. And I occasionally finish it off with a happy video to congratulate my success. Haha.