Manual Stretching question
I keep reading stuff about how pulling too hard will inhibit future gains. I don’t currently think I am pulling too hard to be honest. The only part that ever feels sore are muscles in my groin or my ligaments. I’d like to know something though. I am a when I’m flaccid and I stretch I can pull my penis out a little bit or a lot. I never pull it out to the point where it starts to hurt I just stretch it as far as it can normally be stretched. I don’t feel I pull too hard. I thought the point of stretching is to slowly put your penis past the point of where it can be stretched originally. I only pull as far as it can go.not farther even though that’s possible. Any farther and it’s clear my penis is not supposed to go that far. Allow me to demonstrate as best I can.
I probably pull to the || where my penis can safely be stretched to and no farther. Is this the correct way or should I be only pulling to one of the xs?