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Max Xtender stretching device

Max Xtender stretching device

Anyone heard of or tried this thing? It’s relatively cheap compared to a penis stretcher with weights, but does this work the same way? What are your opinions.. Thanks.

OK, the deal is, (for those who do not know how to paste the words “Max Extender” into the search screen), that the noose attachment is uncomfortable/dangerous.

There have been multiple threads on this one: Member #11, Guiri, first brought this up, back in ‘02. On the other side of the coin, the perennially tanned member from Florida, 789, has used one and had good results.

in short, if you are going to get one, be aware that, without modification, it might be uncomfortable, and a waste of money. The “PenisMaster”, a similar device, is far superior.

If you are handy, try making your own, like Piet or Handyman have.


Originally Posted by dino9x7
…it was the first device I bought in back in 2000 it almost ripped my dick off.

Originally Posted by AlexW
The extender is bulky and uncomfortable. The worse 40 bucks I’ve spent all year.

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