Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Measurements after a month of newbie routine

Measurements after a month of newbie routine

9/08: BPEL - 5.75”, EG - 5”

10/08: BPEL - 6”, EG - 5.2”

I don’t know if I’ve made any actual gains, because my erection quality has increased tremendously, and my new measurements might be because of that. I’m going to keep at it. My confidence is through the roof compares to before. I’ve been wanting to do jelqing for a while, but not could not find a site as comprehensive as this one. T

Good job bro. I was in the same boat as you, I was afraid to just start tugging on my unit. Glad it’s working out for you.


I was in the same boat as you when I started. Look at my sig now! (I am a little bigger then my sig numbers.) The first changes I noticed was a much harder erection, and I thought it was the reason I had bigger numbers, that and measuring technique. But after a few months, I realized that I was really growing. (I now have hair running up the sides of my penis. About 2” up from the base. That in itself is proof og growth.)

Best of luck, and don’t stop now!

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!


Rage congratulation on your results.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Wow, that fast. You encourage me! I better get stated right away!

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