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Questions after doing newbie routine

Questions after doing newbie routine

I’ve been doing the newbie routine for about 2 weeks and I have some questions.

1. When I’m erect it starts out at a left angle and then curves up and to the right slightly. Almost like the right side is pulled out more than the left. Will the PE routines eventually correct this or should I try to do anything differently?

2. I noticed I have a big vain in the middle and the left, but the one on the right is much smaller. Could this be responsible for the bending, and if so can I do anything about it?

3. I’ve had wet dreams twice during these 2 weeks, both times the night after doing the PE routine, will this affect my gains?

4. I have a steam shower, can this be at all useful for PE?

5. What is a realistic expectation when I take measurements after my first month?

I’m keen to know more about #2 also. Since starting PE not long ago, and not very consistently, I’ve seen a significant increase in vascularity, more pronounced on the left side of the shaft than the right.

It doesn’t bother me or anything, and hasn’t caused any problems, but does it indicate that I’m doing something less than ideally?

1 It can correct it but you cannot be sure. Jelqing from the other side might fix it a little.

2 Veins increase during PE and you don’t have much control about them. The best technique to balance and increase veins can be found here: /forum/showthread.php?t=59136&

3 Ejaculation will not affect gains.

4 It can be for warming up.

5 There isn’t much to say about gains. There are way to much factors in getting gains.

Originally Posted by tommy32
I’ve been doing the newbie routine for about 2 weeks and I have some questions.

1. When I’m erect it starts out at a left angle and then curves up and to the right slightly. Almost like the right side is pulled out more than the left. Will the PE routines eventually correct this or should I try to do anything differently?

2. I noticed I have a big vain in the middle and the left, but the one on the right is much smaller. Could this be responsible for the bending, and if so can I do anything about it?

3. I’ve had wet dreams twice during these 2 weeks, both times the night after doing the PE routine, will this affect my gains?

4. I have a steam shower, can this be at all useful for PE?

5. What is a realistic expectation when I take measurements after my first month?

1) Jelq against the curve
2) Veins won’t affect the "bend" of your dick.
3) No
4) Use for a warm up if you want
5) 0-0.25", most of which would probably be an increase of erection quality

All of these questions have been asked before. Give this thread a read :)

How to use the Search button for best results

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Bird2
The best technique to balance and increase veins can be found here: /forum/showthread.php?t=59136&

Thank you! Very interesting.

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