My newbie routine
Ok this is going to be my routine. Positive criticism is welcomed.
2 Days on, 1 day off.
Following advocets routine on pumping. Will pump 10 minutes every day and progress as routine is stated.
Heating Pad - 10 minutes
Exercises - I stretch for 15 seconds every angle Up, Down Left Right, (And between those angles) I go through all the angles and do it 4 times.
Rotator Stretch (Or whatever it’s called) I grab and pull in a circular motion to the left 25, then the right 25. I do this for a total of 100 times.
Jelq - Then I progress to do 50 Jelqs.
Heating pad 10 minutes.
Supplements - ProSolution to come in the near future. I hear people have great results from it while doing PE exercises. If any of you know of a supplement that is cheaper that opens up the veins down there, Let me know.
After every week (2 on 1 off) I will increase add a set to each stretch. Add 20 total to the rotator stretch (30 reps, 4 sets) And I will increase my jelqs somewhere around 5-10.
Let me know what you all think! Thanks!