Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Questions Before Starting: Risks? Centering Erection?

My Questions Before Starting: Risks? Centering Erection?

Hi, this is my first post. I first found this site today. I’m considering PE but I’d like to know more before committing. There are lots of places on the internet trying to sell things, and a lot of places trying to comfort people, but I have a feeling this community will be the most honest about the subject.

I’m very risk adverse, so I’d like to know the average PE experiences when it comes to injuries. What’s the most common kind of injury you see people get into? How long does it take to recover from the average injury. How many people have permanent injuries? What kind of injuries can you get even without over-training? Or more simply, I’m looking for the lowest risk method, I do want to try PE but it’s not worth it for me if I end up hurting my little guy. I have other questions regarding techniques and factors. My penis when erect angles towards my left, I want to know if certain techniques help erections to be more centered. Do certain techniques that stretch the penis end up reducing girth? Does being uncircumcised negatively or positively affect certain techniques?

I guess since this is my first post I can introduce myself too. I just turned 20, in my teenage years I lived completely anti-socially, and I am a virgin. I’m a newbie at this PE knowledge, so I don’t know how to properly measure my penis yet, but based on my rough estimates I am about 3 inches flaccid and about 5 inches erect and I am uncircumcised. I am overweight, so the fat may be interfering with my bad measurement technique. I’m saying this stuff because I don’t know if PE is worth it for me, I’m probably not having sex soon, but PE seems to take a while from what I read. All I know is that I’d like to have a partner eventually, and I’d like to be able to please that person. Perhaps PE isn’t right for me, maybe I just need to exercise, slim down, and shave and my penis will look not small to me. Maybe my time would be better spent training sexual skills like stamina and such. That’s why I’m making this post, I haven’t committed to the idea, but just like any guy of average or below size, the idea of increasing my penis size through legitimate means sounds intriguing. If I go through with PE, I would also simultaneously try some life style changes to be more healthy and develop more testosterone.

I don’t expect one person to answer all my questions, if you have useful input for a newbie like me regarding to or similar to the questions I posed, then I would appreciate it. Or if anyone wants to ask me some questions I may answer about myself, I will answer some personal questions with limits of course. The people here seem kind enough to talk with about stuff like insecurities, life style, sex, and so on.

Welcome ScrollSerrayt,

Let me start by saying that I’m neither a mod nor veteran. But I am both committed and active. All of your questions are fair for a newbie and honestly speaking, have most likely been answered here. But I get it, because on day one, I wanted to know the gist of it all, before investing time in research etc. The problem with that is most answers are general because it depends on the individual. So I will drop some advice and resources first, then take a stab at answering your questions.

So while I understand where you are, I have to say, grab a beverage, relax and start with these reads. You don’t have to wait until you’re done reading to start, but you need to read.

PE Safety for newbies: Read This First: Warning To Newbies
Make this page a favorite: START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info
Tons of wisdom: Advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

Here’s the gist from my experience.

1. It works. It takes dedication, patience, and practice.
2. For your question marks:

What’s the most common kind of injury you see people get into?
I’ve read about and/or experienced discoloration, red spots, fatigue, and thrombose veins. I don’t know if any one is "most common". A vet may shed a different light there.
My recommendation: Get familiar with PI’s both positive and negative to help you identify what’s working well and what isn’t. Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

How long does it take to recover from the average injury?
Depends on the injury and how severe. Some have taken 2, 4, or even 6 weeks off. In a couple of cases I’ve read a few months.

How many people have permanent injuries?
I’m not sure those type of stats are captured here. I’ve never read or heard about permanent injuries.

What kind of injuries can you get even without over-training?
No exercise, be it jelqing for PE or sit-ups for abs is completely without risk. Factors such as technique, force, tension, and grip when applied incorrectly can create injuries. I don’t know how many ways you can break your penis.

Do certain techniques that stretch the penis end up reducing girth?
Not that I’ve read. I don’t know if you can make your unit smaller because that would involve tissue loss without restoration and/or loss of blood flow. I’m no urologist, but from what I do understand, I can’t imagine a scenario that would cause this.

Does being uncircumcised negatively or positively affect certain techniques?
Well I’m uncut as well and because I don’t have experience doing exercises any other way, I can’t say if it is easier or more difficult. I would imagine that stretches are easier if you’re cut because for me, I have to retract my foreskin as much as possible so that I can grip the shaft and get a good stretch. Otherwise, I’m just pulling skin.

Also, my glans (head) used to be extremely sensitive to touch, especially dry. Over the months, I’ve gained more tolerance for touch during the routine although I still have to use a sock wrap or wash cloth to grip during stretches.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

As a “risk-averse” person, then you’re the perfect candidate for the Newbie Routine, as damianromante mentions. The emphasis with this is on starting slow and safely. Welcome to TP and best wishes!

Kudos to ‘damianromante’ here,

Absolutely follow what he is saying here. Especially by reading the attached threads. Also once you have gone through those I urge you to just navigate the site a bit, exploring other threads you see as most of your questions have probably been discussed individually around the site before. If your risk adverse the extra time just reading will probably put you at ease, as well as put you in a much better position than most newbies should you dive into PE. All of that research will help ensure you limit the potential for any injuries, and increase the chances of success in your journey.

I also wanted to comment on the piece about your physical health. I think no matter what you should spend some time looking on how to start that journey as well. Perhaps first and foremost even. This is not to say that you shouldnt do PE until you start working out. Just that with out a doubt between Fitness and PE, Fitness will give you the best gains of your life overall.
Starting that journey will help you mentally, physically and everywhere in between. Also you are right, that as you start to cut the fat back, your dick is going to grow. I mean not literally grow, but it will look like it is. You could easily take measurements before and after losing some weight and find an extra 0.5 to 1 inch, which would be the easiest PE gains in the world.

I used to be a personal trainer, and am now trapped to a couch for another 6 months do to needing shoulder reconstruction, so taking the time to help highlight the benefits of working out to others is a must. Its such an important part of life, and at 20 you have so much time still to make an impact on the rest of your life by starting sooner than later. Best of luck on BOTH of your journeys, hopefully 2021 is the year of gains all around for ya.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Originally Posted by damianromante
Welcome ScrollSerrayt,

Let me start by saying that I’m neither a mod nor veteran. But I am both committed and active. All of your questions are fair for a newbie and honestly speaking, have most likely been answered here. But I get it, because on day one, I wanted to know the gist of it all, before investing time in research etc. The problem with that is most answers are general because it depends on the individual. So I will drop some advice and resources first, then take a stab at answering your questions.

So while I understand where you are, I have to say, grab a beverage, relax and start with these reads. You don’t have to wait until you’re done reading to start, but you need to read.

PE Safety for newbies: Read This First: Warning To Newbies
Make this page a favorite: START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info
Tons of wisdom: Advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

Here’s the gist from my experience.

1. It works. It takes dedication, patience, and practice.
2. For your question marks:

What’s the most common kind of injury you see people get into?
I’ve read about and/or experienced discoloration, red spots, fatigue, and thrombose veins. I don’t know if any one is "most common". A vet may shed a different light there.
My recommendation: Get familiar with PI’s both positive and negative to help you identify what’s working well and what isn’t. Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

How long does it take to recover from the average injury?
Depends on the injury and how severe. Some have taken 2, 4, or even 6 weeks off. In a couple of cases I’ve read a few months.

How many people have permanent injuries?
I’m not sure those type of stats are captured here. I’ve never read or heard about permanent injuries.

What kind of injuries can you get even without over-training?
No exercise, be it jelqing for PE or sit-ups for abs is completely without risk. Factors such as technique, force, tension, and grip when applied incorrectly can create injuries. I don’t know how many ways you can break your penis.

Do certain techniques that stretch the penis end up reducing girth?
Not that I’ve read. I don’t know if you can make your unit smaller because that would involve tissue loss without restoration and/or loss of blood flow. I’m no urologist, but from what I do understand, I can’t imagine a scenario that would cause this.

Does being uncircumcised negatively or positively affect certain techniques?
Well I’m uncut as well and because I don’t have experience doing exercises any other way, I can’t say if it is easier or more difficult. I would imagine that stretches are easier if you’re cut because for me, I have to retract my foreskin as much as possible so that I can grip the shaft and get a good stretch. Otherwise, I’m just pulling skin.

Also, my glans (head) used to be extremely sensitive to touch, especially dry. Over the months, I’ve gained more tolerance for touch during the routine although I still have to use a sock wrap or wash cloth to grip during stretches.

Thanks a lot for the detailed and thorough response! For injury recovery even 2 weeks sounds like a lot. Does resting after an injury include a break from masturbation? It makes sense because the body takes time to heal, but that would be especially tough for me to get through. I read on the advice forum that you linked that one tip is to masturbate less in general to see more reliable gains. So I also have a new question, do people who masturbate daily still get gains? It’s really not on the table for me to take extended breaks from masturbation. Whenever I’ve tried even to take a week long break, I have painful day-long erections, constant wet dreams, and painful aching. I can’t do anything productive on days where I don’t do it, it’s a problem, but not something I can do anything about. It’s to the level where if it was possible to get 2 inches PE gains by simply not masturbating for 2 weeks, I doubt I would be able to do it.

I’m also a bit surprised that you haven’t read or heard about permanent injuries. When I research the subject on the general web I see constant warnings about people permanently damaging their penises trying to enhance the size of their penis. Perhaps this is disinformation made to discourage people, and perhaps the real people here only encounter that scenario very rarely. I really don’t know, the internet is just a cesspool of conflicting information, and it is comforting to hear that permanent injuries here don’t seem as frequent as other places lead me to believe.

Originally Posted by oMooseknuckle
Kudos to ‘damianromante’ here,

Absolutely follow what he is saying here. Especially by reading the attached threads. Also once you have gone through those I urge you to just navigate the site a bit, exploring other threads you see as most of your questions have probably been discussed individually around the site before. If your risk adverse the extra time just reading will probably put you at ease, as well as put you in a much better position than most newbies should you dive into PE. All of that research will help ensure you limit the potential for any injuries, and increase the chances of success in your journey.

I also wanted to comment on the piece about your physical health. I think no matter what you should spend some time looking on how to start that journey as well. Perhaps first and foremost even. This is not to say that you shouldn’t do PE until you start working out. Just that with out a doubt between Fitness and PE, Fitness will give you the best gains of your life overall.
Starting that journey will help you mentally, physically and everywhere in between. Also you are right, that as you start to cut the fat back, your dick is going to grow. I mean not literally grow, but it will look like it is. You could easily take measurements before and after losing some weight and find an extra 0.5 to 1 inch, which would be the easiest PE gains in the world.

I used to be a personal trainer, and am now trapped to a couch for another 6 months do to needing shoulder reconstruction, so taking the time to help highlight the benefits of working out to others is a must. Its such an important part of life, and at 20 you have so much time still to make an impact on the rest of your life by starting sooner than later. Best of luck on BOTH of your journeys, hopefully 2021 is the year of gains all around for ya.

Yeah even if I don’t go through with PE long term I still do hope to improve general fitness. Fitness is weird thing for me, because I know that in my current life style being fit won’t benefit me directly in any way. But I’m also a young guy and I want to be fit primarily just because I’m curious what it would be like to be really in shape, and I want to live a long life. So it just seems like the wise thing to do, just in case my life style changes, or if the world changes. Like if society collapses I don’t want to be left behind as the weakling. I also need to find a way to properly measure my penis length in a way that accounts for my fat pad, because if I lose weight and do PE at the same time it will be really tough to see if PE does anything for me. Could you do me a favor and maybe link me to a thread about proper measurement technique?

I can only speek for myself, but during the 2 year+ in time I had 1+1/2 inch gain, I masturbated daily, once or twice a day. So I do not beleive in that no masturbation equals less gains. Good luck with your journey.

Originally Posted by ScrollSerrayt
Thanks a lot for the detailed and thorough response! For injury recovery even 2 weeks sounds like a lot. Does resting after an injury include a break from masturbation? It makes sense because the body takes time to heal, but that would be especially tough for me to get through. I read on the advice forum that you linked that one tip is to masturbate less in general to see more reliable gains. So I also have a new question, do people who masturbate daily still get gains? It’s really not on the table for me to take extended breaks from masturbation. Whenever I’ve tried even to take a week long break, I have painful day-long erections, constant wet dreams, and painful aching. I can’t do anything productive on days where I don’t do it, it’s a problem, but not something I can do anything about. It’s to the level where if it was possible to get 2 inches PE gains by simply not masturbating for 2 weeks, I doubt I would be able to do it.

I’m also a bit surprised that you haven’t read or heard about permanent injuries. When I research the subject on the general web I see constant warnings about people permanently damaging their penises trying to enhance the size of their penis. Perhaps this is disinformation made to discourage people, and perhaps the real people here only encounter that scenario very rarely. I really don’t know, the internet is just a cesspool of conflicting information, and it is comforting to hear that permanent injuries here don’t seem as frequent as other places lead me to believe.

Regarding recovery time, that’s just what I’ve read and experienced. I had a swollen vein, like a small knot on the underside of my shaft near the glans. It took about two weeks to go away completely. But there wasn’t pain really unless I messed around with it a lot.

I don’t find a direct correlation between masturbation and gains. However, since I am experimenting with clamping and edging, both sex with my girl and masturbation impacts my EQ. This is because each subsequent erection is weaker, depending on how many times I came. This is a problem because I want girth more than length, and in order to get the expansion needed for girth, I need at least a 90%+ erection for clamping. Jelqing and kegeling may be okay at 70%, I’ll let the vets chime in on that.

There have been times that we’ve spent the morning in the sack and my guy is done for the day. So again, the impact is more indirect and it depends on the exercises. Kegels, jelqs, stretches, and pumps should all be fine to do with a less than 100% erection.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Don’t worry about masturbation. You can totally masturbate and do PE.

Especially in the beginning, it can actually be useful to Jack off before your workout so that you can stay flaccid for your stretches. You shouldn’t stretch or jelq while erect or close to erect.

One thing I wish I would have done from the outset is a good warmup before beginning exercises. It really reduces the occurrence of injuries, and optimizes your gains.

I lost my virginity at 24 and went through all of college single, with only one very drunk blowjob freshman year. Don’t worry dude, you’re still young, and TRUST ME, if you are a decent human being who treats people with respect, and goes into dates with no expectations other than mutual respect and getting to know the other person, you are better than 90% of guys out there. Regardless of how you feel about YOUR self worth. Most guys are fucking garbage…

Looking back, I’m the only one who was in my way and I wish I had put myself out there a lot sooner.

If you want to please a woman in bed, PE is a very inefficient use of your time. PE is a marathon where fractions of an inch are cause for celebration and elation.
Being confident, and knowing how to use your fingers, mouth, and brain to seduce and give pleasure will get you so much farther towards where you want to be than PE ever will.

Most women aren’t nearly as hung up on penis size as we men are. True, there are size queens out there, but they are far from the norm.
A good percentage of women straight up can’t orgasm from penetration at all. Whether your tool is the size of a hot dog or an eggplant.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t do PE, and that witnessing even small gains can do wonders for one’s self esteem, but you shouldn’t go into this thinking it will be some sort of magic for your performance in the bedroom. You should go into it thinking that it’s something you’re doing for yourself to improve yourself, like exercise and diet. It’s penile health.

And that brings me to your mindset. You have the right one. So many go into this thinking they’re going to go balls to the wall, do hours every day, freaking sleep with an extender on every night, advance to the dangerous and advanced techniques only a few weeks into their PE journey, and that’s exactly what leads to injuries and dissolution.
You should go into it being very risk averse. You have only the one penis, and you enjoy using it. Daily! I’m the same way. I don’t want anything preventing me from being able to put it to use.

Start with the newbie routine. Manual exercises tend to be safer.
Treat the first 6 months to a year as purely learning about your penis and how it reacts to the various stresses and strains you subject it to. When you are ready, you will know. And if you don’t, then you aren’t there yet ;)

Everyone gains from the newbie routine, so don’t think you’re wasting your time. But pretty much everyone who bypasses the newbie routine, and goes on to advanced techniques like hanging, pumping, and (god forbid) clamping quickly, experiences setbacks (read injuries), and even though I’m very hard pressed to think of anyone getting a permanent injury, any significant injury can be very emotionally traumatic because it’s your damn penis!

Just get going man ;)

And if you want to have sex, put yourself out there. Lots of online dating apps and websites these days. It might take a while, and you might have to talk to a bunch of women before you find one compatible and worthwhile, but they’re regular humans like you and I and they have the same needs and wants ;) . It’s just about running into the right one, and the best way you can do that is by being yourself. Just don’t be thirsty ;)

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
You shouldn’t stretch or jelq while erect or close to erect.

Wait…so jelqing should be done completely flaccid?

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

No, richard is advising him to use safe technique. Those who are new to PE should be jelqing at less than 80% EQ.

An overzealous stroke with too much restriction around the shaft while too erect can lead to injury.

One should start slow and be conservative, there is no rush.

Safety first.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by ScrollSerrayt
Hi, this is my first post. I first found this site today. I’m considering PE but I’d like to know more before committing. There are lots of places on the internet trying to sell things, and a lot of places trying to comfort people, but I have a feeling this community will be the most honest about the subject.

I’m very risk adverse, so I’d like to know the average PE experiences when it comes to injuries. What’s the most common kind of injury you see people get into? How long does it take to recover from the average injury. How many people have permanent injuries? What kind of injuries can you get even without over-training? Or more simply, I’m looking for the lowest risk method, I do want to try PE but it’s not worth it for me if I end up hurting my little guy. I have other questions regarding techniques and factors. My penis when erect angles towards my left, I want to know if certain techniques help erections to be more centered. Do certain techniques that stretch the penis end up reducing girth? Does being uncircumcised negatively or positively affect certain techniques?

I guess since this is my first post I can introduce myself too. I just turned 20, in my teenage years I lived completely anti-socially, and I am a virgin. I’m a newbie at this PE knowledge, so I don’t know how to properly measure my penis yet, but based on my rough estimates I am about 3 inches flaccid and about 5 inches erect and I am uncircumcised. I am overweight, so the fat may be interfering with my bad measurement technique. I’m saying this stuff because I don’t know if PE is worth it for me, I’m probably not having sex soon, but PE seems to take a while from what I read. All I know is that I’d like to have a partner eventually, and I’d like to be able to please that person. Perhaps PE isn’t right for me, maybe I just need to exercise, slim down, and shave and my penis will look not small to me. Maybe my time would be better spent training sexual skills like stamina and such. That’s why I’m making this post, I haven’t committed to the idea, but just like any guy of average or below size, the idea of increasing my penis size through legitimate means sounds intriguing. If I go through with PE, I would also simultaneously try some life style changes to be more healthy and develop more testosterone.

I don’t expect one person to answer all my questions, if you have useful input for a newbie like me regarding to or similar to the questions I posed, then I would appreciate it. Or if anyone wants to ask me some questions I may answer about myself, I will answer some personal questions with limits of course. The people here seem kind enough to talk with about stuff like insecurities, life style, sex, and so on.

I think you are focusing too much on how bad an injury can be instead of being more positive and think about the good things that can happen. As for me, I’ve been a hard pumper for years and if you listen to your body you will be fine. My advice is don’t lie to yourself, if there’s pain of discomfort you might be overdoing or doing something wrong. Know the difference between feeling pain and feeling exhasuted. Find what works por you, not all penises are the same.

Disfrutando de las ganancias temporales mientras se construyen las permanentes. Mi progreso

Enjoying temporary gains while building the permanent ones. My progress

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
No, richard is advising him to use safe technique. Those who are new to PE should be jelqing at less than 80% EQ.

An overzealous stroke with too much restriction around the shaft while too erect can lead to injury.

One should start slow and be conservative, there is no rush.

Safety first.

Thank you for explaining what I was alluding to much more clearly than I did!

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

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