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Need advice - clarification about EQ and morning wood

Need advice - clarification about EQ and morning wood

Hey guys,

So, I’ve been reading through the forum and am a little confused regarding EQ and PI. I’m finding that with PE, my EQs have been average, but my morning and night wood have been non existent. But I have seen some gains to. After certain cessions I’ll have some turtling for a day as well.

My question is, according the the main ‘PIs for Growth article,’ if morning wood or EQ diminishes, I should quit for a few weeks. And I do have a tendency to get a little over eager. But I also have some gains so far, so I’m not quite sure what I should do - stop, slowdown or keep going?

To add, it seems that the best EQ I’ve had recently was when I was only pumping in 15min sessions- no jelqing or stretching. But, there was no gains either - least not like manual PE.

Should I quit for a few weeks? Sorry if this question is redundant on the forums, but there’s just so much info and they seems to conflict at times. Thanks in advance.

If you’re doing PE for size, then gains are the bottom line and PIs don’t really matter. They are just an indicator and can sometimes indicate the wrong way. If you’re gaining then you’re doing something right.

I wouldn’t recommend a break- no reason to stop if you’re still gaining. Stick with what works and if the gains slow or stop then look to PIs and EQ for guidance.

Great advice. One more thing - and this might be in the stupid question category- but is there a link between morning masturbation and morning wood? I might be beating the meat too much.. I’ve never really noticed a link.

It’s kind of cool to learn so much about how my body works with making my dick bigger :D

Probably no link, morning wood is usually a result of naturally high testosterone levels occurring at that time of day. If a link existed I would suspect it would be positive- you get wood as the body “anticipates” the usual morning masturbation session- but this is just a theory.

Yeah PE is practical science with an awesome reward. Honestly I’m amazed that relatively few people know about it.

Originally Posted by heatseeker
If you’re doing PE for size, then gains are the bottom line and PIs don’t really matter. They are just an indicator and can sometimes indicate the wrong way. If you’re gaining then you’re doing something right.

I wouldn’t recommend a break- no reason to stop if you’re still gaining. Stick with what works and if the gains slow or stop then look to PIs and EQ for guidance.

So, is it OK to have a bigger but a non-functional penis. PE is not about size only, it’s about the overall penile health. The PI’s danomyte mentioned refer to overdoing. You may step back and take it a little easier, and wait for things to get better.

And when the gains stop or slow down, that doesn’t mean the good PI’s should drop. Some people continue a light PE routine just to stay in good shape, and to maintain a good EQ.

Originally Posted by danomyte
Great advice. One more thing - and this might be in the stupid question category- but is there a link between morning masturbation and morning wood? I might be beating the meat too much.. I’ve never really noticed a link.

It’s kind of cool to learn so much about how my body works with making my dick bigger :D

Be careful of who you take advice from. Some one who has just joined (the same month as you by the way) may not be the best person to listen to.

3/7/08: BPEL 7.00x5.125 Starting PE

2/07/09: BPEL 8.307x5.77 || 211mmX146.5mm

My Log: PE an Engineers approach

Note that I said “if you are doing PE for size.” Some people’s goals are different than others. If increased EQ is your main goal, then that is what you should look for.

I quote sparkyx’s thread “Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!”. He offers an interesting perspective:
From Post 66

Originally Posted by sparkyx
It’s not that morning wood is necessary in of tends to be an early, sensitive and accurate INDICATOR of overtraining.

Kind of like years ago, they used to bring a canary in a cage down into the coal mines with the miners.the canary was very sensitive to toxic gasses. If the canary keeled over dead, the miners would get out of the mine before they too got sick or died.

Morning and nite wood is a early indicator of overtraining. The other good indicator is EQ or erectile quality. If you find it’s harder to get an erection, and/or the hardness isn’t what it used to are slipping into overtraining.

But also in the same thread:
From Post 77

Originally Posted by sparkyx
INCREASING morning wood is a positive indicator, and DECREASING morning wood is a negative indicator. That is to say that if your normal base line is hardly any morning wood, and now you have more.thats GOOD! On the other side, if you usually have morning wood, but now it’s gone.thats a POSSIBLE indicator of overdoing it. Ideally you will have several positive or negative indicators that taken TOGETHER will indicate whether you are going in the right direction or not.
Remember the king of all indicators.that trumps ALL other indicators is GROWTH or LOSS OF SIZE! All other indicators MUST be interpreted in light of gain or loss. If you are gaining, I really don't care what any other indicators are on the right track. Conversely, if all other indicators are positive, yet you aren’t making gains.a change is called for.

(bold added by me for emphasis)

If you can achieve the same gains (or better) with less work/better PIs then obviously go for it. Your should definitely look at PI and watch for overtraining. But I think stopping a routine while gaining is counterproductive. Maybe play with the intensity levels and note any change in PI, then tweak the routine as necessary?

Morning woods alone are not a reliable indicator. Sparkyx explained this point many times.

You said that your EQ is the same and your morning and nite wood have disappeared?

And you state that you get a little too eager sometimes. And you are already using pumping and changing the newbie routine after about a month of PE?

My advice: take a few days off, at least to mentally put yourself together. Use those days to find few techniques to control your eagerness and perhaps devise a new routine.

You can’t always use gains as an indicator you are doing it right. Just because you aren’t doing it wrong enough to cause yourself severe injury, doesn’t mean you are reaching your full potential.

So, why not find a routine that can both give you gains and let you keep your morning and nite wood?

It’s unlikely that one could know if nite woods are non-existent without been monitored for that in a hospital or such.

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