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Need Help Developing Routine. Will this work?

Need Help Developing Routine. Will this work?

The past few days I realized I’m not quite all there for my girlfriend and personal satisfaction. (Don’t ask me why it took so long to realize this haha)
I have been reading all sorts of different sites on average length, what women want in length more importantly and what my girlfriend would like me to be. I stumbled across your site and it’s given me encouragement that this actually works. The past few days I haven’t really done anything that could be considered a routine but just some minor stretches and a few jelqs, taking all of about 15min to complete. I thought it would be a good idea to get things warmed up so to speak.

For my routine I believe I want to do your newbie routine 2days on 1day off, but my question for you guys is, would taking a male enhancement supplement along with the PE help my gains? I realize they are mostly out there to make a quick buck from guys insecurities, but one pill in particular I found doesn’t promise gains, only improved erections and orgasms. The pill is called prosolution.

If I continue with my original plan I’ll have had about 12 days total (2on 1off etc) of the newbie routine, where then I planned on starting to take this pill for about 2 months to help increase blood flow to fill up what I’m stretching out and hell, see if I can get harder erections. With the money back guarentee I don’t see why not, I haven’t read about any serious health risks.

Would this routine work you think?
Is this pill dangerous? Has anyone been using it?
How long should the pill be used?
What is a rough estimate on percent successful for gaining length and girth?

If you guys could help me out I would really appreciate it. I’ve been going nuts the past few days and I’m hoping this forum will put me in the right direction.

*Current measurements*
EL: 5.8”
EG: 4.7”

EL: 7-7.5”
EG: 5.3-6”

Are these goals unrealistic for around a 1-3 month period?

1. Look at this newbie routine — lighter than the official one, takes less time, works for a lot of people. Be sure and read the first post entirely — good theory on why a "less is more" approach can work for a lot of people.

I did something similar with very good results. Even now I do not do more than 100 -120 jelqs:

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Originally Posted by J123
LINEAR ROUTINE for newbies

- Do 5 minutes warm up before and after workout and massage your penis little after you have warmed it.

- Stretching: I don’t recommend doing any stretching within the first week or two.
When you begin stretching do one 30 second pull to each direction (down, up, left, right, forward).
Within the first 2 months add max. 1 stretch (up, down..) per week, but if you feel, that it is not
necessary to add number of stretches, then don’t.

- Jelqing: Start from 10- 20 jelqs. At the beginning add for example 10 jelqs about every 3 workout, but there is no need to go over 50- 60 jelqs within the 2 or 3 weeks.
Beyond 50- 60 jelqs add 10- 20 jelqs in a week if necessary. If you seem to gain with a lower amount, then don’t increase the amount until you feel it is necessary.
At the beginning when your workouts are short it is a good idea to do workouts in a shower. It offers brilliant warmup and cleaning possibilities.

- I recommend doing this workout every other day or 2 on 1 off and giving a extra resting day whenever you feel it necessary.

2. Personally I would skip the "male enhancement pill." However thunder’s member kingpole recommended a couple of relatively inexpensive ERECTION HEALTH supplements that I will recommend to you:

— L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Powder - 1.5 grams/2 teaspoons twice a day
— Gingko Biloba - 120mg twice a day

Both promote blood circulation. AAKG promotes blood vessel health and the production of Nitric Oxide, which results in good strong erections. In addition, you will probably find that the AAKG increases the size of your loads (which is fun).

Do they help with PE? I don’t know. Intuition tells me they have helped me some. Can you gain with out them? Of course. Do you like having strong erections?

On the AAKG the cheapest I have found it this - $25.00 for 500g
http://www.vita … lutarate-Powder


Originally Posted by Jeesh
The past few days I realized I’m not quite all there for my girlfriend and personal satisfaction. (Don’t ask me why it took so long to realize this haha)
I have been reading all sorts of different sites on average length, what women want in length more importantly and what my girlfriend would like me to be. I stumbled across your site and it’s given me encouragement that this actually works. The past few days I haven’t really done anything that could be considered a routine but just some minor stretches and a few jelqs, taking all of about 15min to complete. I thought it would be a good idea to get things warmed up so to speak.

For my routine I believe I want to do your newbie routine 2days on 1day off, but my question for you guys is, would taking a male enhancement supplement along with the PE help my gains? I realize they are mostly out there to make a quick buck from guys insecurities, but one pill in particular I found doesn’t promise gains, only improved erections and orgasms. The pill is called prosolution.

If I continue with my original plan I’ll have had about 12 days total (2on 1off etc) of the newbie routine, where then I planned on starting to take this pill for about 2 months to help increase blood flow to fill up what I’m stretching out and hell, see if I can get harder erections. With the money back guarentee I don’t see why not, I haven’t read about any serious health risks.

Would this routine work you think?
Is this pill dangerous? Has anyone been using it?
How long should the pill be used?
What is a rough estimate on percent successful for gaining length and girth?

If you guys could help me out I would really appreciate it. I’ve been going nuts the past few days and I’m hoping this forum will put me in the right direction.

*Current measurements*
EL: 5.8”
EG: 4.7”

EL: 7-7.5”
EG: 5.3-6”

Are these goals unrealistic for around a 1-3 month period?

Those goals aren’t realistic over that time period.

Just have a look at the advert on the net for prosolution the last paragraph says it all. It’s just a sexual enhancer.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Oh I missed your goals and timeframe. As invisible says, that is not realistic in one to three months.

PE is a marathon, not a sprint. Attempting to rush things will just result in frustration and injury.

Slow and steady wins the race. Take your time, use plenty of heat.

If I start taking that powder will my circulation and erection strength stay like that after I stop using the powder?

Reality is simply a hallucination manifested by your consciousness. What do you create?

Expand your mind, there is only one moment, and it is here, right now, enjoy it while you can.

Oh, and I smoke a lot of weed to, will that mess with my heart with this powder or anything?

Reality is simply a hallucination manifested by your consciousness. What do you create?

Expand your mind, there is only one moment, and it is here, right now, enjoy it while you can.

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