There is only cloudy information on curve correction. I got into PE to fix my curve so let me share what I have.
First, the market claims extenders are best to fix a curve. I used to mod at the X4 forum. Some guys reported correction. Others like myself didn’t. Hangers can correct curves in certain cases, or cause them depending on how you affix the device.
However, the cause of your curve is important. Is it congenital? Due to a skin bridge? Peyronie’s? Or a bad circumcision? (Those are most common)
Second. To straighten a curve, you have to pull the penis straight. How is this done? By stretching. So.. Doing it half heartedly only hampers your ultimate goal at this point. I can’t shape your routine but.I’d give stretching more consideration if I were you. Also, stretching is often a vital warmup to any PE. Please note that as well.
Third, curve correction has exercises recommended for it. Erect Bends are way up there in priority. I have a Bundle Stretch theory based around twisting against the curve and pulling one direction.. But I’ve only seen limited success with that and erect bends.
No curve correction is going to avoid length gains. If you gain length and are still below 7.5, it’ll be very manageable for most and you’ll have a decent shot at fixing the curve.