Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Linear Newbie Routine

Why dry jelqs? And is an ADS okay to be used by a beginner ? Or should I train my penis for 2-3 months before trying ADS, because as far as I know ADS and Hanging are the best for length gains but Hanging is for more advanced so what about ADS?

My EL is 6.2 BPEL is 7 I want to get my EL to 7 if I use ADS how much time would it take ? And if I only stretch and jelq would that be much slower ?

I am a beginner and right now I’m doing 2 30sec stretches in all directions after my warm up and I jelq until I feel my penis starts feeling fatigued.

I do dry jelqs just because its much easier for me considering my free time and privacy. I do the stretches in all directions as well. I am going to stick with the newbie routine for as long as I can and see what gains I get and that involves just me stretching and jelqing which I’m sure alone will work just fine as long as you stick with it. I can’t afford any of these devices or other things so I’m just sticking with the manual things I can do on my own time and with my own two hands

Also I hear that ballooning is good towards length gains as well

Starting measurements

7/14/14 NBEL: 5.25" BPEL: 5.5"EG: 4.75"

i gonna try this routine for 2 months, lets see where it takes me

Lightkun’s Log and Progress

I'm just a useless guy trying to improve himself.

I’m a real newbie and this is my first post. I was highly skeptical of the entire prospect, but, figuring I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, I started on this linear routine on September 16.

I cannot say that I have followed it exactly, but I have been religious about the rest days, and I have progressed in the number of jelqs exactly as prescribed. I’ve been keeping a spreadsheet. I’ve added a few things here and there as I have learned them: I try to do 10 Sadsak Slinky’s in each direction. I have also started doing an Uli on every 10th Jelq. I’ve added 3 or 4 Horse 440 on a couple routines, but only that few. They are (as advertised) too much for a beginner, and that is immediately apparent.

In short, after one month, I have added 0.25” to my BPEL and BPFSL and .0125” to my EG. That brings me to 6.75” BPEL/BPFSL and 5.125” EG. I am genuinely surprised, but very enthusiastic about it.

My initial plan was to stick with this linear plan for 4 months and see where it takes me. My limiting factor is the amount of time I have available to me. My wife has noticed my lengthening showers, but I keep chalking them up to ‘stress at work’ and needing time to think in a hot shower. =) I am going to continue to make time; it is worth it!

My wife has *not* noticed my lengthening penis, however. I wouldn’t expect her to notice a .25” increase, but I wonder if and when it will become obvious that something is different. I hope that I can keep up this pace of growth so that happens.

I am very curious how long I can can continue this pace of newbie gains and, assuming so, at what point I can expect her to notice. I ultimately want to get to 8”, but I am setting a shorter term goal of 7.5” in 6 months. I would also be interested to know the community’s opinion on whether or not that is feasible on this routine. Any personal experiences out there would be interesting to hear.

Thanks so much for running a great forum and for all the good natured support. This is truly a special place. After I submit this, my next stop is a donation, as should yours be!



Originally Posted by gnorxleflax

I am very curious how long I can can continue this pace of newbie gains and, assuming so, at what point I can expect her to notice. I ultimately want to get to 8”, but I am setting a shorter term goal of 7.5” in 6 months. I would also be interested to know the community’s opinion on whether or not that is feasible on this routine. Any personal experiences out there would be interesting to hear.

Awhile back I did this routine for 3 months and was able to add about .5 inches to my BPEL, which I ultimately lost about half of when I quit doing PE for a year or so. I also added short pumping sessions and ULIs as you did. I can’t say how much I would have gained after that, but I was planning on switching to a more pump heavy routine. I’m starting over now and doing a linear routine that has pumping from the beginning. I’m unsure if there is anyone here who has done this routine long term?

BPEL - 5 5/8" --- Goal 6"

MSEG - 4.5 " ---- Goal 4.75 "

I would follow it for at least three months without changing anything.

Generally wives notice the increase in hardness first than anything else.

Originally Posted by marinera
I would follow it for at least three months without changing anything.

Generally wives notice the increase in hardness first than anything else.

That was my experience.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Begginer here

Hello guys! Well I have spent many ours per day on reading threads.. And I’m actually going to start things using the linear newbie routine but I have some problems that I would like to solve 1) for the warm up I heard that 5-10 shower is ok but then my penis can’t get an erection easily to start the PE should I bring the phone and watch some pro or dunno..
2) because I’m 18 and I don’t have so much privacy yet I can’t do wet jelqs( wet are not considered with water right? Because ill do jelqs inside the shower when I’m wet is it ok?
3) what is the best grip to start with dry jelqs?
4)in the end of my program ill do a 5-10 min shower again when finished all this should I use some clothing in my underwear to keep the temperature for the night or it is fine to go sleep normally?

Well I’m with a girl right now and I’m very anxious of getting disappointed because I have a 15 cm dick so I want to get a little confident .. Please answer me I want to start PE
Thank you in advance(sorry for poor English)

Your dick is ok don’t have to worry for that.

1) Not understood the question;
2) yes but don’t use soap as lubricant;
3) V or C grip;
4) you can sleep normally.


1.) you can but you dont want to be dependent on porn(not getting one up without porn). You can also use a warm cloth/washcloth.

Your dick is perfectly fine and probably exactly right for your girl.

Focus on a healthy dick. Dont get overeager.
You could still be growing naturally and you dont want to stunt it with too intense exercise(injurys). This routine is good.
Start maybe a progress thread and track how your dick reacts to exercise.

Dont wait to have sex before you gained or something like that..its wasted time. You and your GF need to have fun hehehe and then you have some of your own mindmovies to get hard in shower ;)

Ok its time to start

Thank you for your quick answers you are really helping me .. And I have to ask some things more.

1)marinera said to not use soap as a lubricant but when I do shower(every day) I use soap to clean my body.. So if I have to do PE in the shower I shouldn’t use any shampoo before or after the PE to get cleaned?

2)is it normal to have a weaker EQ the first days of my program?(if I decide to have sex with my gf I need to be hard):)

But thank you again guys!

You can use soap on your body but not to jelq; soap dries the skin, can cause dermatitis and if goes inside the urethra can inflame it.

Oh. Thanks and what about EQ? It will be better or worse in the begging?

The linear newbie routine? Most of guys should be fine from the beginning I guess.


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