New to PE, need opinon on current routien.
Hello Thunder’s Place Members. My online name is rinler13, and I have been PE-ing for the past 6 ish weeks and so far so good, healthy body clues, no injuries and some major newbie gains.
I was BPEL 6” MEG 4.5’ now I am BPEL 7 MEG 4.875”
EQ is 9-10
LOT is 9:00 and below so I jelq out and up
And my tunica is what I need to focus my PE on
My current routien is:
10 minute warm up
10 minute stretch
7 flaccid bends
23 minute jelq
2 minute cool down.
When I am not PE-ing I am doing 5 minutes of kegals, 100 jai and 30 minutes of BTC
So let me know if I need to tweak anything or completely change a few things
Sincerely rinzler13