Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie - Hello all

Newbie - Hello all

I just happened upon this site while trolling the net and I must say I’m really surprised that penis enlargement is actually possible. I’m really looking forward to starting my PE program. I’m 20, and I haven’t measured myself since I was 16, but I’m probably average or slightly below average (I think, maybe I’m on the small side.. Or maybe not), yet.. Like most men I wished I had a bigger dick because my girlfriends have always mentioned that they liked bigger dicks. I’ve generally dated very experienced women, so I believe them.

I’m a little below average height about 5’9/5’8 with a smallish frame. I weigh 145 lbs, so it’s not like my dick is disproportionate to my body or anything. It’d just be nicer to not have my girlfriends thinking so fondly of the men they used to see and instead enjoy me.

Anyway, you all know the deal. I’ve got some low-dick-esteem and I wanna deal with it. I just wanted to introduce myself formally on the board so I’m not really a lurker.

I had a few questions too:

- Where’s a list of definitions? I don’t know what LOT or all of this measurement acronyms stand for. Could someone explain these or tell me where it is under the newbie section? I haven’t been able to find it via search.

- I’m planning on warming/Jelqing/Stretching/warming for two months before I try anything else, basically the newbie routine.

- How do I stay safe? How much pain is OK?

- Should I wait on hanging/anything requiring a purchase from the hardware store for after the first two months?

- I’m a little worried that I won’t jelq properly. I’ll follow the videos exactly, but I’m not entirely sure what it means to be 80% erect. Is that 80% of total massive hard-on or 80% of not-bendable erections?

I think that’s enough questions for now. I really appreciate all of the detailed posts. This community seems to be very dedicated and intelligent and I look forward to contributing to it in the future.


Hi criot,

Welcome to Thunder’s. Be careful with the word ‘trolling’ here :)

>Where’s a list of definitions? I don’t know what LOT or all of this measurement acronyms stand for. Could someone explain these or tell me where it is under the newbie section? I haven’t been able to find it via search.<


>I’m planning on warming/Jelqing/Stretching/warming for two months before I try anything else, basically the newbie routine.<

Sounds good. don’t forget the kegels.

>How do I stay safe? How much pain is OK?<

No pain is OK. You should feel stress but not pain.

>Should I wait on hanging/anything requiring a purchase from the hardware store for after the first two months?<

You may never need to hang. If you do at least 2 months with no gains would be a good plan.

>I’m a little worried that I won’t jelq properly. I’ll follow the videos exactly, but I’m not entirely sure what it means to be 80% erect. Is that 80% of total massive hard-on or 80% of not-bendable erections?<

Does 80% of the potential erectile capacity make more sense? 80% is too high initially anyway.

This form of description is a problem. It’s been discussed but no real good alternative has been chanced upon yet.

Thanks for the response!
Sometimes it can be a little challenging to find information on this site, even when it’s right under your nose.

I appreciate the help and I’m excited about getting started.

Oh.. And I think my LOT is about 8 o’clock or 7 o’clock. Is this better than being a 9 o’clock?



Bib’s LOT Theory 101

Stretch down anyway. Confirm you have no lig gains to get before giving up. Maybe use BTC stretches.

Check out the newbie routine man, be careful, you only got 1 dick lol!

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Crikey criot, you sound like you’re a great character already and a lot of fun to be around I would think, so welcome to Thunder’s madhouse :uhuh: that was supposed to be Place btw :noreally:

Anyway, you’ve met mem, he would be more towards the serious end of the scale here and he’s awfully smart (same thing really) and I’m Roussie, but I tend to plonk myself on at the opposite end (it’s a bit of a tighter squeeze that side) to balance things up (think see-saw and you’re there), it’s not because I should really be over there, good heavens no, it’s only to keep the brainy one’s from falling off seeing as they weigh more than us, having that little bit extra on top.

Then we go merrily up and down for hours at a time and I must admit it’s usually fairly uneventful, but occasionally someone gets over excited and we all have to hang on by the skin of our :whatever: , well you know how it is.

I do sit on the other side from time to time, but it’s only when somebody doesn’t weigh in, so I don’t really mind :rolleyes: and it helps to keep the whole thing going, don’t you know.

Btw, Tit whom you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting just yet, usually sits on one of the swings, waiting patiently for someone to give him a push. :-k Exactly! That’s what I was thinking!

What a splendid idea :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

No Bossman I don’t, no :noreally:

Why, do you think maybe I should? :spin2:

:-Y I bet this is Bossman’s way of saying he wants me to run up little verses to have printed on his Christmas Cards, saucy ones probably, because he knows I could do those very well, especially given my vast experience on all aspects of this particular subject :whatever:

Criot you can help if you like, Tit’s spelling isn’t the best, yes I’ll dicktake and you write everything down. Oh dear, I think I might have spelt something wrongly in there myself, but not to worry Bossman.

Young Criot there has just offered to make all the necessary adjustments :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Anyway, you've met mem, he would be more towards the serious end of the scale here and he's awfully smart.

“Smart” is a slur on my character I can take, but “serious”? Moi?

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