Thunder's Place

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Newbie needs routine???

Newbie needs routine???

OK, ive been doing some searching around on here it seems that these techniques are the most popular:

So if I combine these into a 50 mintues routine…should I see decent gains. Also I really would like to increase my girth first off or is it better to go with length then girth or work on both. Also ive starting taking pro solution pills are these worth it??? Any info would be great thankyou!!

Check the threads at the top of the newbie forum. Especially the newbie routine. I think 50 min a day is to much to start out with.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I’ve just started myself. I started with what I thought was a slow routine. After a month, I have changed it to fit my time schedule and what I thought would give me the best gains for the time I put into PE.
Check it out -

/forum/showthre … eadid=15701<br>

Remember to read read read. it’ s the best way to get where you want to go. The more you know about the exercises that you are doing, the more you’ll get out of them.
I would suggest that you start with just a jelq routine of about 15-20 min -Morning / Night, 1 day on - 1 day off and work up to the amount of time that your talking about. Once your penis can handle it move to 2 days on - 1 day off. Make sure you take that time off to let you penis heal (Very Important). Jelqing will give you both girth and length.

Good Luck

Life isn't fair, but why be bitter? Life is way too short to go though with a bad attitude.

Thanx for the info!!…..yes a slow start to work me into things seems best

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