Newbie question
Hi All,
Just started jelqing and had a couple of questions I hoped I could get some help with.
I started three weeks ago at 15cm length and 13.3cm girth, now at 14.5cm and 13.6! I hope the length change is a mis-measurement or this may be a bad idea!
I’ve been very careful not to do anything that might injure me, and have been doing the following pretty much daily
Warmup of 3 mins stretches followed by sitting in hot bath for 5 mins
Then 100 jelqs, followed by a rest then another 100, warm down being hot bath.
This all being done pretty gently, I feel a pull on the ligaments but nothing too strenuos.
So my questions are
1. Could I be causing a reduction in length by this programme
2. Is this programme suitable, I’ve found lots of different types of exercises on this site and elsewhere. Obviously I’d like the most efficient and speedy!
Many thanks for any help