Thunder's Place

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newbie questions

newbie questions

I read the thread where it says that masturbating after jelqing isn’t bad. Now my question is this. Why do so many other sites or sources say that ejaculating after (or during) your workout will keep you from gaining? Why does this board say it’s not bad? Specifically is there anyone on here who does in fact ejaculate after and still sees growth. It isn’t a big deal to me (I can keep from doing so) but I’d like to know about real world results. Also instead of the 2 on 1 off, could i go with 5 on 2 off? Thanks.

Masturbating and jelqing is a very well debated topic. Ejaculating makes your testosterone drop, and I know that for a fact. Does it affect gains? We don’t know for sure. I just try to avoid masturbating within 2 hours of my routine.

You should work your way up to a 5/2 schedule. do a 1/1, then 2/1, then 3/2. then 4/2, then 5/2, or something like that. Don’t jump into 5 days in a row right away.

Alright, thanks BT. I asked because I’m gonna stick with it this time and would like to make the best gains possible you know.

Originally Posted by bt

Masturbating and jelqing is a very well debated topic. Ejaculating makes your testosterone drop, and I know that for a fact. Does it affect gains? We don’t know for sure. I just try to avoid masturbating within 2 hours of my routine.

bt - Can you provide a source for this “fact?” We have many members who are married or have steady sex partners who have made significant gains and have not limited their ejaculations. A few of us have done some extensive searching and we cannot find any source that has documented proof of a drop in testosterone after ejaculation. There is documentation that testosterone production increases after ejaculation because it’s needed to make more sperm (to replace those sent out with the ejaculate), but an increase in T after ejaculation does not mean there was a drop in T or that the T level was low to begin with. If you could provide your source we’d appreciate it.

Still waiting for that source, bt.


I’m with Westla. Sexual intercourse or masturbation never stopped me from gaining. And there are many others in this forum who have said the same thing. In fact, I turned into a sex fiend when I started doing PE seriously. Lol.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Crap, I forgot all about this thread. Well, I’ll say that I’m not saying that it will stop you from gaining. All I’m saying is that your testosterone levels drop after ejaculating. I got this info from a bodybuilding website that I frequent. I’ll give you guys a link when I get the chance.

This may sound weird, but have you guys ever pumped iron, took a few minutes of breaktime and decided to masturbate, then resume weightlifting and you’re as weak as a twig?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that masturbating and ejaculation alone is physically exhausting and makes your body very relaxed?




And no, no I haven’t. I don’t think the owner of the gym I go to would appreciate it. :)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

After a couple of months of PE-ing, you probably won’t feel like ejaculating every time you do your session… Well, that’s how it worked for me at least :)

I’m back.

On a bodybuilding site that I frequent (a site that is almost entirely dedicated to “juicing” and “juicer” workouts/dieting/general health, etc), many members report a drop in testosterone levels after ejaculating, usually around 10-30%, as is recorded in their juice cycle logs. Most report a testosterone level at or near normal an hour after ejaculating. Testosterone levels are important, especially after a (weightlifting) workout so most of the people there try their hardest to not fuck/masturbate anytime near workouts.

I know that the penis is not a muscle, but I still avoid masturbating anytime near doing PE. BTW, I searched for a study on this in a few scholastic journals but couldn’t fint it.

Thanks for the additional info bt. Did it say how these guys are measuring their T? Is there a clinical laboratory and a phlebotomist at the gym to draw the blood? Lab results on testosterone, especially “free” testosterone, usually take a significant amount of time to be reported.

In UK, there’s a few reputable companies that you can send your saliva to, and they send back the results in the mail. A few fanatics go as far as taking samples throughout the day to study wakeup/pr-emeal/post-meal/pre-workout/post-workout/before-bed testosterone levels. Most just get tested once per week when they start a new cycle, because it’s costly.

I had forgotten about the method of measuring T in the saliva. A quick Internet search showed that a) it is equivalent to serum T measurements and b) T levels can change by measurable amounts in a short period of time (the one I found was 30 minutes). If these weight lifters were careful not to introduce other reasons for a change in T level (even listening to music can do it) then you may be on to something. I still wouldn’t call it a fact without a more controlled method of testing.

Also, why do you think having a certain level of testosterone makes any difference in gains from jelqing or other PE methods? As has been said, guys who do have sex or masturbate are gaining, some with great success, so it doesn’t seem to have much influence, IMO. If a guy wants to abstain from sex or masturbation while doing PE it won’t hurt. But this discussion has been around many times before and doesn’t want to be resolved.

Other threads:
Masturbation - Decreases Potential?
Ejaculation hinders gains

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