Newbie Routine 2 adays?
Hey everybody I’m brand new to Thunder’s Place and approaching my 3rd month of PE. I recently gained my first half inch so I’m officially “all in” on PE and TP for years to come after finding out first hand that this stuff truly works. My routine is about an hour long and goes along the lines of..
5 minute warm up
10 minutes of stretching. Straight out, Left, Right, Straight up, Straight down. 20 seconds each
10 minutes of jelqing. Slow and steady 5 second strokes regular hand position although I might throw in some overhand into the mix soon
10 minutes of more stretching. Same directions except on this set I do kegels after the first 10 seconds of the stretch. I also throw in A and V stretches with no kegels
10 minutes of an 75% erect jelq. I lock in an OK grip at the base and go up and down with my other hand. Not sure what these are called
10 minutes of ULI I believe 90% erect jelq. I lock in an OK grip below the glands and and with the other hand go up and down from the base
5 Minutes of strictly kegels
5 minute warm down
I have a a bunch of random questions.
1. Should I be doing kegels with all my stretches and/or jelqing?
2. Include the A and V stretch in both stretching sets?
3. Should I include overhand jelqing?
4. And most of all, the reason I made this thread, would doing my 1 hour routine in the morning AND at night 5 out of 7 days a week be over kill? Even if I maybe do it 2 or 3 out of my 5 training days?
Thanks in advance for any help. Call me crazy but I’m chasing 9 inches NBPEL with 6-6.5 EG. I’m not going to ask how likely it is, if it’s possible or how many people have done it. I am saying that this is happening and it is simply a matter of time. I’ve been keeping up and reading into this forums for months now and you guys have really established a nice community here and I’m excited to be apart of it. I will eventually start hanging but I would like to achieve some more results before I get into the hardcore stuff.
” I have finally found the holy grail!” not sure who said this but I can’t agree more. This stuff is truly changing my life in the upward direction. No pun intended!