Newbie routine done
So I’ve gone through with the newbie routine and I got to say I’m sad I didn’t gain as much as some have, but not discouraged.
I gained what I think might be .25 length and no girth sadly (really aiming for girth seeing as my stats are 5.75 BPEL and 4.0-4.5 girth.. Its hard to measure girth lol my dick goes soft whenever I try.)
Now that I’ve conditioned myself I think with my bonus from work I’m going to bite the bullet and buy a bathmate (unless someone has a suggestion for a different pump) a clamp, and a ADS. I will still do minimal manual work but honestly I just don’t have the time.
Anyone else do ADS for the work day, then get home and pump / clamp? Recommendations on where to start with a routine would be great! Thanks :)