No gains after 4 months
Hey guys,
I’ve been trying out PE since march 2012, so have been going on for four months. So far my gains have been pretty small, about 2/8 of an inch in length and nothing in girth. I believe its because I have been doing the incorrect exercises which led to overworking or under working the penis. These were my routines:
During the first 2 months I would do the light newbie routine, 2 days on 1 day off, first 35 second stretches for all directions and then jelqing, but almost flaccid, about 20 - 30% erect, which might be the cause of having no gains. The next months I switched to erect jelqing as well as 3 sets of V stretches, which at first seem to be showing some temporary results but they all disappear very quickly. At my current stage I am jelqing at the normal erection level, about 70 - 90%. Should I keep this routine or is this already overworking my penis? I’m starting to feel this is the case.
I would like to target mainly on girth, any suggestion as to how I can start making some progress? Thanks