NoFap or Edging?
I could use some advice on what I think about the whole NoFap idea and Edging idea.
So, essentially, NoFap is used for semen retention.
And Edging is used for lasting longer in bed, and there might be a little semen retention involved, but let’s face, if you edge, you’re going to eventually give in right? And besides, I’ve heard it’s not healthy to hold in your semen for too long after edging, but I’m a noob, so what do I know.
In my opinion, yes, just an opinion. NoFap is the same thing as edging when it comes to semen retention alone, just a MUCH slower build up. Would anyone agree? Because of this, it’s also much easier to hold, or retain, from ejaculating (unless you were as bad as I was when I first heard about semen retention). However, even on nofap, after long periods of time, you will find yourself still having wet dreams or draining your semen build up with your waste (urine). In other words, the body is still going to find ways to use up extra semen build up.
With edging, your speeding up the process, and making it much more challenging to retain from ejaculation.
Please keep in mind, I’m only talking about the semen retention factor. Obviously there are huge differences between nofap and edging.
~~~NoFap vs Edging~~~
Anyways, over the past couple years, I’ve dabbed a little in both. I’ve tired NoFap and I’ve tried edging. Always switching back and forth between nofap and edging, I have found that I am really pleased with NoFap, not so much edging, and here’s why.
Ok, so, with NoFap, it’s so much easier to retain from ejaculating. Even when I was masturbating everyday/ejaculating everyday, after about a week of nofap, I found it very easy to do. I did mess up a couple times after discovering edging, but I found that it was still very simple to achieve fairly long streaks without ejaculating. I also find that the semen retention (nofap) makes me feel so much more energized and clear headed.
With edging however, I find it very difficult to retain from ejaculating. Like I said earlier, it’s more challenging, and I get it; it’s supposed to be. However, I also find that I get this haunting anxiety from edging. I stutter a lot, lose focus, lose my patience easily, get social anxiety, and my energy levels suffer tremendously.
~~~My Longest Streaks of Semen Retention with Both~~~
My longest streak with NoFap was 2 months, and I had no problems. It was too easy, really.
My longest streak with edging is about a week and a half.
After that 2 month streak of nofap, which isn’t the longest, I know, I asked myself, “what’s next”? And how will this help me last longer in bed? Sure, I have all this “build up,” but when I go to have sex, I’m probably going to burst in seconds, so what’s the point in having all this build up other than it’s pretty awesome to ejaculate as much volume as I will, cause let’s face it, after it’s been awhile, you see an increase in volume. What good does it do me when it comes to sex?
So I decided to edge after that 2 month streak. Sure enough, I didn’t last long at all, and boy did it feel great, but that wasn’t enough for me. I want to last longer!! The clear-head and energy is great, but what good does it do me if I can’t last long in bed!?
Practicing edging, I went from giving in to ejaculation every 2 days, to about a week on average, and I also seen improvements in delaying my point of no return, from about 20 seconds to about 5 minutes none stop, sometimes 20 minutes on a good day.
However I have found that I get a haunting anxiety from edging. I tend to stutter, get social anxiety, and feel absolutely terrible, as I mentioned earlier. On and off with edging, I have found that my latest practice with edging lead to a little improvement in social anxiety, and my energy levels are a little better, but I still have this nervous energy built up inside me, and I have these twitch like reactions, that would be good if I was needing to be alert at the time, but aren’t comfortable. I jump when a dog barks or a toaster pops. It’s like my “fight-or-flight” kicks in when it wants to and I have no control over it.
I get it, edging is more than likely not the route cause my anxiety, but it does push me over that edge where I just feel terrible, like I’m drained. I am denying my body of orgasm, and it’s not used to that, so that’s probably were some of my fatigue/anxiety comes from.
What should I do?
A part of me wants to continue with NoFap, as it is so much easier to retain semen, and I’ll feel much better doing it and have much more energy. I just feel like NoFap is avoiding the problem though. It’s easy not to ejaculate when you’re avoiding sexual arousal.
And another part of me wants to practice edging so I can last longer in bed.
I’ve seen improvements in both, so I know that both will work, and both have pros and cons in my opinion.
I’ve pretty much got NoFap down pack, unless there’s more to it I don’t know about, but am I doing something wrong with edging? Am I not supposed to using it for semen retention? If so, maybe that will help with my anxiety factor when edging?
Is it possible to have a little of both? Can I retain my semen (nofap) as long as I’d like, have a clear head, nice energy levels, no anxiety, and practice lasting longer in bed? Or do they oppose each other too much? Or are they more similar than I think, and I’m just missing something here?
I’m probably answering my own questions here, but I need advice!!
If you don’t want to answer all them other questions, please just answer these two:
Am I not supposed to be using edging for semen retention, long lasting retention, as in weeks?
Is it possible to practice edging, retain for semen for as long as I want, and still manage to have great energy levels, clear mind, etc, or is that asking too much?
Oh, and just to clarify, I’ve been porn free for about a year now.
Last edited by BrandonW971 : 05-24-2018 at .