thoughtfulgold's Edging Theory
Hi there, TG here. Today I’m going to talk to you about Edging. Also why I prefer it to Ballooning and some of the other good uses for edging other than warming up and warming down from PE workouts.
Q: What is Edging?
A: Edging is the process of taking your penis to an erect state and teasing yourself and holding it there. Staying as hard as you can, for as long as you can. The purpose of it is as a light stress exercise is often twofold;
1. It can ready the penile tissue for a more in depth session of exercise or device use (this is using it to warm up). Typically takes no more than 10 minutes.
2. or to restore feeling in the tissues, affirm good circulation and keep the tissue plump and engorged for positive benefits at a sessions end (this is using it to warm down.) Typically needs no more than 15 minutes.
Q: What makes it different from Ballooning?
A. Ballooning is at least on its face very similar to edging. You do the same technique of taking your penis to full erection but the difference is you take yourself to the brink of orgasm, until you feel it coming on and stop it while maintaining your erection. The core difference is there in blue italics but if you want to talk technical, you need more self-control, concentration and typically more time to balloon than to edge.
In simpler words, added for clarity…
Edging is staying hard as long as possible while. not orgasming (cumming).
Ballooning is staying hard and going to the brink, where you feel orgasm starting to happen then backing off over and over.
Q: Why Balloon over Edge?
A. Ballooning takes advantage of the pre-orgasmic swelling a penis is naturally prone to do and if you can hit the “Point Of No Return” several times without orgasming you will engorge the penis more than with regular edging in the same time span. So you get a raw net benefit physically of engorged size with Ballooning.
Q: Why Edge over Balloon?
A. Simple. Ballooning requires more precision control over your orgasm and this is much harder to modulate than simple edging. Long-duration edging offers similar benefits to ballooning, just taking longer to achieve, and it is also not as hard to control and can be easily stopped and started again. Ballooning, to play with the PONR that it is designed to reach, often requires a very aroused mind instead of somewhat aroused and lower EQ will make ballooning nearly impossible but not the same for edging.
This work focuses on the benefits and usage of Edging primarily, the techniques may in some contexts apply to Ballooning as well but this is not the intended purpose of this work and Edging is thoughtfulgold’s method of choice. Stating this bias before continuing with Edging observations that you may also notice as you edge.
1. From the 1st to second day you’ll get big flaccid benefits. I have edged from 10 minutes to 4 hours per day. HOWEVER, this is based on time off from work and also PC gaming between time, 20 to 40 minute breaks. The times listed are cumulative, not necessarily consecutive.
2. From the 2nd to third day you’ll see reduced benefit and EQ but benefits should still exist. Reduced benefit is related to the length of the session on the first day more than the second.
3. On the 3rd day it’s highly likely you’ll orgasm. EQ does decline from extremely heavy edging sessions (of 90 minutes or more0 but if you subscribe to the engorged penis method if gaining then you will find some benefit in keeping it engorged so long and performing kegels and squeezing.
4. You need a lot of time and privacy. A freaking lot. You will find many interruptions.
5. Orgasm after 2 or 3 days of edging can be a small load, despite not having done so for 3 days. I wager it’s incomplete emptying due to tired PC muscles.
6. I’ve tried this many times on consecutive days edging. I turtle if I edge hardcore for 2 or 3 days and orgasm. I just do the following day for a good while. EQ drops to 0 for me at least that morning into the afternoon typically.
7. Edging, long duration, does seem to have lasting effects I’ve seen week to week. After an injury burning myself with a hot pump cylinder I can say I’ve definitely not done anything but edge, squeeze and some lightweight stretching from the Lightweight Routine #1-Stretching and I’ve seen gains in glans size and definition. There are other instances of lasting benefit but this one I’ve seen and felt recent, compared to the writing of this post.
8. *Squeezes seem beneficial with edging. With each full erection (80% or better) I’ll do one or two squeezes (until erection fades) after kegeling to max erection possible and kegeling regularly to keep maximum engorgement. A tight OK grip somewhere below mid shaft is sufficient. Everywhere above the grip reaches close to max expansion for the period of time you put the pressure on. In 2 weeks I’ve noted greater Corona Ridge (the round edge of the glans) definition. I’m hesitant to claim additional head size now but the potential seems very strong.
9. Friction over 3 days reduces sensitivity. Even if you somehow don’t orgasm I’d recommend resting with 0 PE or edging a full day just for that.
10. I said this in the definitions of Ballooning and Edging but I repeat that I personally find the “Point Of No Return” the point of diminished returns. Ballooning…is just too difficult and complex. Many successful prevented orgasms decrease EQ for the rest of the session. So, all of this advice is geared towards just edging. Ballooning can benefit I’m sure but this isn’t about that theory. Dancing with the PONR is just not the idea here. Play it safe. Let your Erection fade. PONR is not to be played with and can lower your morale if you miss it and release.
11. Edging is also a great time to try on condoms as you’re getting bigger. Understanding condom fit is best done solo, you don’t want surprises at showtime.
12. Hide your ruler/measuring tape. Mindset of getting bigger is so important. Ruler and tape can take you out of that zone if they aren’t bringing good news every time they appear.
13. Mix up your porn if you’re using porn. Try to imagine yourself in the action. To think of other sex or enjoyable times that you can generate images and feelings for in your mind. Edging is mental. Arousal is mental. Porn isn’t going to be there when you need to get erect for her. Try to make sure your arousal triggers aren’t static. This is one way how you can prevent dysfunction.
**14. For Long-term monogamous and Married PE practitioners a very good way to prevent dysfunction is to ditch porn all together and start using your partner as your material. Sext daily. Get nudes of them. Video of them masturbating or giving you fellatio. If you’re really good with your hands or have a tripod, take video of an entire session together. Become your own aphrodisiac. Prevents ED, makes sex a simpler affair and is a healthy habit to cultivate.
15. There is no minimum time for edging to show benefit. Don’t get down if you don’t last 10 minutes. Still happens to the best of us. Edging still benefits even without long durations.
16. Refine your technique and keep it stable. You need to know how to stay hard without releasing. So find your hot spots and use them sparingly. You can orgasm with a half erection (I’ve done it) so be careful when you use the more sensitive parts of your penis or your more arousing thoughts and material.
17. Do not forget that edging supplements a routine, be it manuals or devices. Engorging tissue that hasn’t seen prior strain will result in less change. Edging is encouraging your penis to reach its maximum and passively increase it. Increasing that maximum actively is still very vital and this is where your normal routine comes in.
18. Edging, especially consecutive days and long duration is in fact PE and if you’re going to use it in a longer sense like I detailed in this work, some of your rest days need to feature no PE at all. That way you can give yourself a more complete rest time. Overtraining with edging leads to the same losses in EQ, turtling, sensitivity issues and other negative Physiological Indicators that other overtraining leads to. Take this seriously.
*Squeezes here are defined as a basic exercise. Reach 80% erection, kegel, squeeze with an OK grip from the mid shaft or lower to the base if you prefer and hold for 30 seconds (kegeling additional blood to hold a stone hard engorgement is optional). I do not use ULIs or jelqing during edging. It increases fatigue to a point the session will conclude faster than I want it to. Do not do more than 3 of these consecutively. Stamina to continue the session does decrease quickly if you do.
**I stress “long-term” and “monogamous” here because you do not want to center your sexuality around anyone who is not a fixture in your life. This can cause serious problems if this person can or does exit your life because there’s no guarantee or reasonable expectation of a future with them. It will not be suitable for every partner that you may come across.
These are my personal notes on Edging and my theory on the concept. It may in fact differ from your experiences and beliefs and this is okay. If you feel you have anything to add or any questions just drop a comment below. We can all stand to learn a little more.
Good luck.
Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.
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Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 10-31-2016 at . Reason: Added clarity