Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

thoughtfulgold's Edging Theory

Edging is a pretty widely known practice outside of Thunders, and the name itself refers to repeatedly trying to walk that line at the PONR. Ballooning appears to be more of a local slang.

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

Originally Posted by jhtownsend
Edging is a pretty widely known practice outside of Thunders, and the name itself refers to repeatedly trying to walk that line at the PONR. Ballooning appears to be more of a local slang.

Depends on who you ask. I learned it from Big Al originally so that’s what I use, the terminology he taught me. Seemed like the difference was worth emphasis when it was shown to me.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I edged for a whole 1 hour and I didnt feel aroused at all after 20 mins.

I know I’m a couple years late, but elements of this topic are explored in a book called “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” by Mantak Chia - including how to avoid blue balls and harness the energy for healing. Highly recommended!

And thank you thoughtfulgold for sharing your info and understanding - very cool to see this applied to PE.

BEGINNING : BPEL 6", MSEG 4.6", NBPFL-Hang ~4" x 4", BPFSL 5.8"

1 YEAR : coming up! BPEL ", MSEG ", NBPFL-Hang " x ", BPFSL "

MY PROGRESS: Affirming My Cock: EZduzzit's PE Journey

I would have missed this threat if the last member had not bumped it up. Excellent write-up from TG of a oft-ignored practice. For whatever reason, edging isn’t considered as interesting as working on length or girth. But if you want to keep going for at least an hour with your partner, it’s worth looking into edging.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
I would have missed this threat if the last member had not bumped it up. Excellent write-up from TG of a oft-ignored practice. For whatever reason, edging isn’t considered as interesting as working on length or girth. But if you want to keep going for at least an hour with your partner, it’s worth looking into edging.

Thanks for the compliment, Don. But I keep my theories in my methods post in my signature. This and most of my other “How to” stuff is in there.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Clearly articulated notes on Edging, thoughtfulgold. Thanks a lot. :)

I have a question related to edging. Whenever I edge for more than 20-25 minutes, I get a feeling of ‘heat’ down my throat and half way down my chest as well. (I get the similar heated feeling in my penis and testicles as well, but I guess that is to be expected?). Usually, this feeling of heat down the throat is accompanied by mild brain fog (and sometimes, a headache).

I did search to find if anyone else documented similar experiences, but I couldn’t find any such posts. So, I wanted to ask you whether this is expected or this is an indication of over-doing the edging part - from your experience.

(Don’t get me wrong. I love edging, despite this minor inconvenience. :D )


All apologies if this has been discussed in detail before, but I find edging to be very useful in better controlling my orgasm while my partner and I fuck. There is no better feeling when—after feeling her intensely cum all over me—she looks up with imploring eyes, and I am still ready to go balls deep for another round.

Originally Posted by lovethatO
All apologies if this has been discussed in detail before, but I find edging to be very useful in better controlling my orgasm while my partner and I fuck. There is no better feeling when—after feeling her intensely cum all over me—she looks up with imploring eyes, and I am still ready to go balls deep for another round.

Edging is considered the first and best method for fixing premature ejaculation problems for this exact reason. It has been discussed in detail many times but that’s alright.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place! Make yourself at home!

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by RazorJack
Clearly articulated notes on Edging, thoughtfulgold. Thanks a lot. :)

I have a question related to edging. Whenever I edge for more than 20-25 minutes, I get a feeling of ‘heat’ down my throat and half way down my chest as well. (I get the similar heated feeling in my penis and testicles as well, but I guess that is to be expected?). Usually, this feeling of heat down the throat is accompanied by mild brain fog (and sometimes, a headache).

I did search to find if anyone else documented similar experiences, but I couldn’t find any such posts. So, I wanted to ask you whether this is expected or this is an indication of over-doing the edging part - from your experience.

(Don’t get me wrong. I love edging, despite this minor inconvenience. :D )


My experience doesn’t have throat heat but the brain fog and heat in the groin are things I’ve experienced. I would say it’s an overload of dopamine and your body is giving you more reward for forcing this endorphin dump. I do think it is a way to know you’re doing a bit too much but I am not a good person to ask as I routinely edge over 40+ minutes in my routines. Part of it is for this reason and part of this is to ensure a solid warmup before my routines.

So, I would say it is an indicator of ‘overdoing it’ but I wouldn’t say you need to limit it unless it negatively impacts your sex life.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Great thread. In another thread sometimes back kingpole had described ballooning as a technique which involved use of reverse kegels, touching the sides of the shaft (avoid underneath the glans and other trigger areas). Seemed difficult to master though.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Edging is considered the first and best method for fixing premature ejaculation problems for this exact reason. It has been discussed in detail many times but that’s alright.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place! Make yourself at home!

Thanks for the welcome! I don’t really have premature ejaculation issues these days, but I remember how it used to be very frustrating. Communication was the best prescription, and kegel exercises were the breakthrough. My partner and I still both do kegel exercises. I wish so much I knew then what I know now about sex, but we’ve muddled through anyhow.

I can post some Goodreads book recommendations (not my own, but by sexologists and therapists), if there is any interest. As likely everyone knows (but it’s worth repeating anyhow), the brain is our best sex organ and the one we can most affect.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold

18. Edging, especially consecutive days and long duration is in fact PE and if you’re going to use it in a longer sense like I detailed in this work, some of your rest days need to feature no PE at all. That way you can give yourself a more complete rest time. Overtraining with edging leads to the same losses in EQ, turtling, sensitivity issues and other negative Physiological Indicators that other overtraining leads to. Take this seriously.

Hey thoughtfulgold,

I disagree with your views on this one.
Following your logic, chronic masturbators should generate gains over time by ballooning/edging.
General consensus indicates otherwise.
I think ballooning/edging is good to retrieve tempgains after a pe workout and can help with recovery/bloodflow or be a measure against turtling.
As you mentioned a long duration edging session can affect EQ.
Something you don’t want after a pe-workout.
In my eyes edging/ballooning shoudn’t be a main focus. I consider it more of a warm up/warm down.
As a maintenance tool it is great though (to maintain tempgains(i.e. condition break)).

In german forums cockring edging/balloning is more popular to go along a routine than old fashioned edging/masturbation.
Just use a soft and non-constricting (!) cockring and thereby reduce the time investment and increase efficiency.
It can create gains on its own.

If you want a natural max expansion in a shorter time frame, do high EQ towel raises. You can do them too using a soft cockring.
Great way to conserve the temp gains and skyrocket the EQ after a few weeks of using them instead of comprising EQ.

In general, I wouldn’t rely on chronic masturbation to create gains. Not very effective and moreover very time consuming.
If you enoy it, go for it. But in my eyes it is not necessary for a good pe workout.
Just my take on it.

" PE is a helluva drug. "

Every PE practice doesn’t create size gains. Kegels are also a well established element of PE and won’t make you larger.

I said what I said because people act like edging “doesn’t count” when deconditioning. It and kegels are important and deserve the same respect as any manuals when deconditioning. I never said edging is good for gains. Just that it counts on the Penis Enlargement and Enhancement spectrum.

That was the nature of the statement I was making at that time.

Originally Posted by pe_pe
Hey thoughtfulgold,

I disagree with your views on this one.
Following your logic, chronic masturbators should generate gains over time by ballooning/edging.
General consensus indicates otherwise.
I think ballooning/edging is good to retrieve tempgains after a pe workout and can help with recovery/bloodflow or be a measure against turtling.
As you mentioned a long duration edging session can affect EQ.
Something you don’t want after a pe-workout.
In my eyes edging/ballooning shoudn’t be a main focus. I consider it more of a warm up/warm down.
As a maintenance tool it is great though (to maintain tempgains(i.e. condition break)).

In german forums cockring edging/balloning is more popular to go along a routine than old fashioned edging/masturbation.
Just use a soft and non-constricting (!) cockring and thereby reduce the time investment and increase efficiency.
It can create gains on its own.

If you want a natural max expansion in a shorter time frame, do high EQ towel raises. You can do them too using a soft cockring.
Great way to conserve the temp gains and skyrocket the EQ after a few weeks of using them instead of comprising EQ.

In general, I wouldn’t rely on chronic masturbation to create gains. Not very effective and moreover very time consuming.
If you enoy it, go for it. But in my eyes it is not necessary for a good pe workout.
Just my take on it.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
My experience doesn’t have throat heat but the brain fog and heat in the groin are things I’ve experienced. I would say it’s an overload of dopamine and your body is giving you more reward for forcing this endorphin dump. I do think it is a way to know you’re doing a bit too much but I am not a good person to ask as I routinely edge over 40+ minutes in my routines. Part of it is for this reason and part of this is to ensure a solid warmup before my routines.

So, I would say it is an indicator of ‘overdoing it’ but I wouldn’t say you need to limit it unless it negatively impacts your sex life.

Thank you for chiming in with your thoughts. Much appreciated. :)


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