Not full Hard Anymore18
Hello everyone who takes time to read this short piece. I started working out about a week ago and I have never been on this website until now, with that being said I really wanted to ask the pros here because from my 2 hours of creeping, you guys know what you’re talking about.
I started and I was around 6 inches and I was doing routine stretches and jelqing every day ,except for the last 2-3 days, and everything was going well. Then 2-3 days I was feeling down, or at least my penis was, and I just wasn’t as hard as I normally am. I am to admit that I started masterbating recently and I was really feeling myself because I checked and I was at 6.4 in such short time. ( I can imagine that this was because maybe it was swollen from working it out?) The past 2-3 days I have not had a full erection and I’m kinda lacking some feeling in my penis. It’s the scariest thing that has occurred to me so far and I don’t know if I’m reacting correctly.
When I get a boner, I must add that I just don’t feel hard it’s just bendable and there’s some kind of pain on the left side of my penis. I haven’t done anything in the last 2-3 days thinking that I might need a break so I didn’t do anything and waited in the famed morning wood. The morning wood didn’t come like it usually did and this has been happening for the last 2-3 days and I feel I’m lacking flow of blood maybe? I’m hoping that I am not.
- I was doing 50 jelqs and stretching to each direction for 10 seconds each coordinal direction.
Can I please get some help from anyone that knows because I am truly scared.