Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Not full Hard Anymore18

Not full Hard Anymore18

Hello everyone who takes time to read this short piece. I started working out about a week ago and I have never been on this website until now, with that being said I really wanted to ask the pros here because from my 2 hours of creeping, you guys know what you’re talking about.

I started and I was around 6 inches and I was doing routine stretches and jelqing every day ,except for the last 2-3 days, and everything was going well. Then 2-3 days I was feeling down, or at least my penis was, and I just wasn’t as hard as I normally am. I am to admit that I started masterbating recently and I was really feeling myself because I checked and I was at 6.4 in such short time. ( I can imagine that this was because maybe it was swollen from working it out?) The past 2-3 days I have not had a full erection and I’m kinda lacking some feeling in my penis. It’s the scariest thing that has occurred to me so far and I don’t know if I’m reacting correctly.
When I get a boner, I must add that I just don’t feel hard it’s just bendable and there’s some kind of pain on the left side of my penis. I haven’t done anything in the last 2-3 days thinking that I might need a break so I didn’t do anything and waited in the famed morning wood. The morning wood didn’t come like it usually did and this has been happening for the last 2-3 days and I feel I’m lacking flow of blood maybe? I’m hoping that I am not.

- I was doing 50 jelqs and stretching to each direction for 10 seconds each coordinal direction.

Can I please get some help from anyone that knows because I am truly scared.

hey Reborn 1217,

Many of us have had small injuries like the one you describe, myself included. It took me personally about 10 days to recover, so I suggest you just wait and if it doesn’t improve, see your GP. Also when doing stretches, sometimes EQ suffers so that part isn’t necessarily an issue. I recommend rest and if it doesn’t improve, see a doctor. Stressing over it is only going to make it worse, too. Relax, see what happens. Hope that helps.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Hey Reborn 1217,
Many of us have had small injuries like the one you describe, myself included. It took me personally about 10 days to recover, so I suggest you just wait and if it doesn’t improve, see your GP. Also when doing stretches, sometimes EQ suffers so that part isn’t necessarily an issue. I recommend rest and if it doesn’t improve, see a doctor. Stressing over it is only going to make it worse, too. Relax, see what happens. Hope that helps.

Thank you so much for replying! You honestly gave me hope. Ok so you said about 10 days and I’ve only been like this for 2-3 days. Well thank you very much I’ll wait patiently and hope that nothing is wrong. I really am hoping it’s not serious enough to go to the doctor since it’s going to be so embarrassing.

Originally Posted by Reborn1217
Thank you so much for replying! You honestly gave me hope. Ok so you said about 10 days and I’ve only been like this for 2-3 days. Well thank you very much I’ll wait patiently and hope that nothing is wrong. I really am hoping it’s not serious enough to go to the doctor since it’s going to be so embarrassing.

You should be fine. Shorten your stretches to 5 seconds and don’t pull as hard as you can. I know the impulse is to tug and tug like the dickens…but don’t, especially just starting out. Stretches are known to ruin EQ in a short-term way. 10 days and you should be right as rain. But if you aren’t, just continue to rest and stop stressing. I assure you, and I’ve been at this a long time, most EQ problems are mental and not physical.

Relax. Rest. All should be well in no time.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
You should be fine. Shorten your stretches to 5 seconds and don’t pull as hard as you can. I know the impulse is to tug and tug like the dickens.. But don’t, especially just starting out. Stretches are known to ruin EQ in a short-term way. 10 days and you should be right as rain. But if you aren’t, just continue to rest and stop stressing. I assure you, and I’ve been at this a long time, most EQ problems are mental and not physical.

Relax. Rest. All should be well in no time.

Alright I’ll take it easy and just rest up. I must say after reading these responses I am feeling much better down there. With that being said, you’re right it isn’t probably just mental. Thank you very much!

I’ve had injuries and bad EQ that took 2-3 weeks to recover from. Learn from it. Give yourself time to heal. Restart slowly. You have a lifetime to make your gains.

Originally Posted by MadVillian

I’ve had injuries and bad EQ that took 2-3 weeks to recover from. Learn from it. Give yourself time to heal. Restart slowly. You have a lifetime to make your gains.

Yea you’re probably right. Restarting slow should be the best option. Do you have any recommendation? Earlier I heard that I should reduce my stretches to 5 seconds.

I’m only a month into serious PE myself, but maybe could offer a little insight.

The first week or so did see a reduction in erection quality, I’d score about a 6/10.
Usually when solo I can reach an 8, occasionally 9.
This did come back after that initial period.

I think starting out with 50 jelqs per day for 4 or 5 straight days is too much.
The mindset I forced myself into, was not into gaining, but getting to know my penis better.
Trying not to think with your big head, listen to your little head.
He will tell you how hard to go, how many reps, and when to take a day off.
He wants to see peoples jaw hit the floor just as much as you do, so let him guide you.
I have seen gains already, with very little soreness. More just a bit of irritation, really.

Just a fellow newb’s 0.2

As others have said, take a break and get your rest, let your EQ return to expectation. Then comeback into it with a less aggressive approach. Think long term. Don’t rush and focus on developing a balanced routine that allows you to maintain the level of EQ that you are comfortable with.

Also, most women can be ravished with what you are starting with if you have mastered your artistry.

Best wishes!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by McTwitch
I’m only a month into serious PE myself, but maybe could offer a little insight.

The first week or so did see a reduction in erection quality, I’d score about a 6/10.
Usually when solo I can reach an 8, occasionally 9.
This did come back after that initial period.

I think starting out with 50 jelqs per day for 4 or 5 straight days is too much.
The mindset I forced myself into, was not into gaining, but getting to know my penis better.
Trying not to think with your big head, listen to your little head.
He will tell you how hard to go, how many reps, and when to take a day off.
He wants to see peoples jaw hit the floor just as much as you do, so let him guide you.
I have seen gains already, with very little soreness. More just a bit of irritation, really.

Just a fellow newb’s 0.2

Alright fellow noob thanks for your amazing I highly appreciate this it really helps put my mind in the places it should be.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
As others have said, take a break and get your rest, let your EQ return to expectation. Then comeback into it with a less aggressive approach. Think long term. Don’t rush and focus on developing a balanced routine that allows you to maintain the level of EQ that you are comfortable with.

Also, most women can be ravished with what you are starting with if you have mastered your artistry.

Best wishes!

Thank you very much for the advice. I am feeling my erections back somewhat but still some pain.

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