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Physiologic\Theoretic Explanation For +EQ After Jelqing? (Morning Wood Question)

Physiologic\Theoretic Explanation For +EQ After Jelqing? (Morning Wood Question)

Hey again all,

Still having trouble getting my dick to cooperate with the actual growth portion of this workout strategy,
but i continue with my combined jelq (sometimes manual, sometimes with canning tongs) and bathmate strategy.

ONE QUESTION i have is this:
can anyone here posit a correct understanding of the mechanism that drives the insane EQ increases following jelqing?
It is night and day for me.
If i don’t jelq, the next morning = average morning wood at best, briefly upon first awaking.
If i DO jelq, the next morning = fucking rock hard dick from the first second i wake up until getting out of bed … I’m talking … i can be hard, and fading in and out of consciousness for almost 10 or 15 minutes … with a dick that will make the comforter bounce up and down it is so hard (kegels).

But … WHY?
I hear everyone say “this is the path to gains” … “watch your EQ” … yeah yeah … I get that … in theory, I AM on the path … but WHY DOES JELQING MAKE YOUR DICK SO FUCKING HARD? I just don’t understand the physiology behind it.

If we were damaging and then rebuilding smooth muscle in the penis, it should stand to reason that the day after (and the SECOND day after) we should have WORSE eq, because our penises would be in the process of rebuilding destroyed muscle. We should be in recovery. Not in Bonerama Land.


Jelqing forces more blood through vessels, thus circulation improves.

Jelqing may widen vessels, allowing for better default circulation.

Jelqing may cause micro tears in vessels, growing new vessels and again increasing circulation.

So i have wider blood vessels?
Now i just need a wider DICK!

:D :D :( :( :D :D

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