A discourse on Morning Wood
Morning wood - often we use it as one of the indicators for whether we are overdoing it with PE, or whether is something may be wrong with our male circuitry. And for good reason. But I think it isn’t as simple as whether you have an erection in the morning or not.
Morning erections are the tail end of a series of nighttime erections, as many as five per night that can last for 20-30 minutes each. Now, depending on where you wake up during your sleep cycle, you may or may not have an erection. Just recently, I started waking up on less sleep than I had before, by about an hour. My morning wood stopped, and I became worried. However, over the course of time, I noticed that when I half awoke before my alarm, I had a raging hard-on, which actually subsided by the time my alarm “unnaturally” woke me up. There was no issue with my morning wood, I was just waking up at the wrong time in my cycle.
So anyway, just a PSA. If you are worried about morning wood or you stop getting it for a while, it is not necessarily a result of something being wrong. You could just not be waking up at the right time to see it occur.