Thunder's Place

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Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

I have had an ongoing problem w/ premature ejaculation.. I practice kegels regularly through out the day and do visualization techniques etc.. I would really like to know if anyone has learned how to truly solve this problem w/ out prescription medication .. After all what good is a bigger dick if can’t use it for more then 2 minutes.I know this thread is semi out of place but I can only post in the newbie forum.. Now.. A couple things.. I have heard of a product called DetainX .. I am completely unaffiliated.. But what I have read about this product I like.. Has anyone used this product and what were your results.. Further more I think the most effective treatment has to do w/ serotonin levels in the brain.this is a neurotransmitter that plays a MAJOR role in ejaculation timing or at least so I have read.. If this is truly the case I have come up w/ a theory based on my life in times I can remember not having this problem I was regularly taking Tylenol and/or ibuprofen.. As well as running everyday and weight training 5+ days a week ( I still run everyday and lift but no more pain meds) I was also on a fat burner.. And my diet was slightly cleaner than it is now..

On a hunch I looked up the effects of Tylenol (active ingredient acetaminophen) on brain chemistry and found that it does indeed increase levels of serotonin in clinical studies done on rats.. And ibuprofen according to one study increased serotonin 139%!! I Also looked for foods that increase serotonin and found that junk food IE candy, cakes, cookies temporarily may raise S levels in the brain.

I plan next time I go on leave and go home to my girlfriend to be first night on Tylenol, second night ibuprofen, third night just sugar food .. Following nights some mix of all the above.. And note my bodies response.. Keep in mind this is all theoretical I came up w/ it by myself but I am that desperate to cure this problem once and for all and I will not rest till I have a 9 inch dick and can fuck for an hour.. I will report back when I return from leave (January 10Th) on how this went for anyone interested.

In the meantime please respond w/ personal stories and how anyone and everyone has overcome this .. I am a man on a mission.. I figure if I can take myself from 25% body fat at 195 lbs to 10% body fat at 186 lbs I can definitely overcome this problem.. We can beat this problem..

So that’s my story.. Whats yours?

My story is just kegel and reverse kegel, that’s it.

I don’t think you are fucking girl with 9” for 1 hour, you are kiling her.

I would like to recommend you to do a search on that. Ton of threads covered that topic.

Here are some keywords: “premature ejaculation”, “reverse kegel”…

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

My apologies Thunder.

Did anyone try that chinese technique for stopping the ejaculation (the 3 finger technique I think it’s called) where you use your finger(s) instead of your PC muscle to stop it?

I tried it and indeed it stopped anything from going out of my dick but it still went limp after the orgasm (it was supposed let you continue the intercourse) and I had to press really hard.

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08

I have read about this but I don’t think I will even attempt to employ this method because it seems almost dangerous to me. I’ve found that I can ride an orgasm w/ out ejaculation during masturbation from strengthening my PC muscles I believe and developing a greater awareness of my arousal scale, however thus far I still cum in 2 minutes after entering my girl approximately 75 % of the time. My first order of business after getting a money back refund on my extagen in three months is to order detainX. It seems to offer what I believe will work.

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