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Pumping with newbie routine

Pumping with newbie routine

All - I’ve been lurking for a while and decided to finally give this a try. I’ve been messing around with this for the last 3 or 4 days and figured once I fine tune over the next 3 days Ill start a scheduled routine. I had a couple of questions and was hoping to get some answers

1) I’ve got a cheap pump I’ve been messing with the last few days. Should I incorporate it? If so, how should it fit into the newbie routine? I really enjoy pumping.seeing my dick get that big in the pump is a huge motivator. IF I can pump it that big, maybe I can actually achieve that size with PE

2) I’ve been doing the newbie routine a few days now. Dry jelqing sucks. My skin is irritated and I have lots of bruising. 1 bruise underneath at the base, but I think I may have gotten that from the pump. 3 or 4 pea to 1/2 pea size bruises up my shaft and 2 pea size bruises on the head, top side. Is this normal or signs I’m doing something wrong.

3) The guy in the jelqing vid makes it look so easy, but after 20 jelqs or so I find it hard to keep a 60%er. And when I get soft, the jelq seems to do nothing. I found it easier to watch porn and stay hard during the session (if I can limit the pain). Is it OK jelq hard. I’ve read conflicting views on this.

For the record my BPEL = 7”. My non-BPEL is 6.5”. Not a lot of fat pad. Erect girth is about 5.5”
—Just side note non BP erection length was always 6. Since I started the last 3 days I’m consistently measuring 6.5. Take that for what it’s worth

Todays “routine” went like this

5mins warming

60secs Down Stretch
60secs Up Stretch
60secs Left Stretch
60secs right Stretch
30sec clockwise (down to right to up to left to down)
30sec counterclockwise
30sec helicopter

10 mins of painful dry jelq. I have no idea exactly how many but here is what I did
10 right hand
10 right hand reverse grip
10 left hand
10 left hand reverse grip
Repeat maybe 4 times so probably close to 200 jelqs

Pump for 2 mins at about 4hgp

5 mins warming

Any suggestions, comments, criticisms are welcome

One more thing.I mistyped that. After 3 days I went from nonBPEL of 6 to a nonBPEL of 6.25.not 6.5

Originally Posted by happi_g_more

10 mins of painful dry jelq. I have no idea exactly how many but here is what I did

Pain is not good, neither is bruising, swelling. Read the PIs thread on the front page. You need to learn how to do the exercises properly before you injure yourself. It sounds like you are going WAY too hard. Start slow, start softer and I would hold off on the pumping for the moment, especially if you are pre-damaging your dick.

Try wet jelqing if you haven’t.

Try and get a good grip at your base, you just want to trap blood not squeeze the life out of it, when you move your hand up, the parts above your hand and your glans should feel engorged, that is all you’re looking for.

Start: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 158mm/143mm/109mm (6.2"/5.6"/4.3") (end Sep '10)

Now: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 160mm/150mm/112mm (6.3"/5.9"/4.4") (end Oct '10)

GOAL: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 190mm/190mm/130mm (7.5"/7.5"/5.1")


Thanks datdat. I tried mimicking the video and it seemed quicker and harder then you describe. Ill try and take it easy.. I’m taking a day or 2 off to heal before I start on monday

Originally Posted by datdat
Pain is not good, neither is bruising, swelling. Read the PIs thread on the front page. You need to learn how to do the exercises properly before you injure yourself. It sounds like you are going WAY too hard. Start slow, start softer and I would hold off on the pumping for the moment, especially if you are pre-damaging your dick.

Try wet jelqing if you haven’t.

Try and get a good grip at your base, you just want to trap blood not squeeze the life out of it, when you move your hand up, the parts above your hand and your glans should feel engorged, that is all you’re looking for.

I’ve actually been wondering about this, the amount of, well, not just force to jelq with, but how tightly to squeeze at the base to begin the stroke. I thought I was doing OK but apparently I have been squeezing too hard. I did pumping for a couple of months before starting jelqing and then mysteriously about a week into jelqing morning wood would stop unless I took a rest day. I never thought I was I was jelqing too hard because it didn’t hurt, but no wood is no good.

So if you or anyone can expand on the force/squeeze needed - is it sufficient to make gains if you only slightly squeeze at the base and that you visually see the glans engorge even though you aren’t using enough forcing to make it feel engorged?

happi, my general approach to PE is to use the minimum amount of force necessary to achieve gains. Coax growth out, don’t try to force it out.

Some have the opinion that too much force too quickly makes the penis ‘tougher’ and more resistant to further growth. I don’t know if that is true, but it makes a certain amount of sense. Using the minimum amount of force necessary to achieve gains is also safer.

That’s why my general recommendation is to follow something like the Newbie Routine, and complete that before adding pumping into the mix.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanis guys.

Thanks for the replys. By any chance has anyone seen any additional how to jelq vids? Maybe staring someone without so much “runway” to play with. I’m just finding it hard to duplicate

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