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Question for the uncut guys - puffy foreskin, is this a donut

Question for the uncut guys - puffy foreskin, is this a donut

I did a fairly long PE routine last night - 5 minutes hot towel, 10 minutes manual stretching, 15 minutes jelquing, 4 sessions of pumping about 5-10 minutes each at 5-6 HG with jelking and edging in between sessions.

Today, my foreskin is kind of puffy/swollen, noticably at the tip of my penis where it protruds over the glans more than usual (the tip is puffy/swollen). Is this a donut? Sorry if my description is insufficient, I’m at work so I can’t take pictures and upload them.

Is this a common problem for you uncut guys? I have a feeling this is because of the pumping I’ve added to my routine, any advice on how to avoid swollen foreskin would be much appreciated, thanks.

- HungLow123

It’s fluid buildup most likely caused from the jelking and most probably the pumping.

Dont be alarmed. It will go away by late in the day or overnight. Tomorrow you will look normal.

Peforeal, a giant in pumping, always recommended duct tape taping/wrapping to prevent fluid buildup and donuts in extended pumping. It works. I am uncut and heres how you do it as an uncircumcised guy. The first thing to do is to tear off about eight inches of duct tape from the roll and stick it lightly onto your bathroom cabinetry (or whereever). Get a hard and then pull back the foreskin. Wrap the duct tape around about a half inch of the bottom of your coronal ridge where the glans meets the shaft. The duct tape will sorround and wrap your foreskin within a snug wrapper like fashion extending distally from the bottom one half inch or so of your glans down onto your shaft the distance of the duct tape. Again, your foreskin is all within this duct tape wrapping shielding it from the pressures of the cylinder and preventing fluid build up in the foreskin.

Good luck to you and enjoy your foreskin. I dont want to start a war here, but I am so glad my parents left me uncut. My dad must have known something about foreskin pleasure or maybe it was the old country doc who delivered me. Dont want to highjack your thread, but have you discovered the gripped and tightened foreskin method around your glans to get yourself aroused and hard for P E work and getting off solo? Wonderful wonderful stuff.

I think that the swelling definitely came from pumping. Aside from the pumping part, your session wasn’t too hard. But I really don’t know much about pumping, maybe someone else can tell you.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Thanks for the feedback guys.

@ Thinktank: Thanks for the wrapping advice, I’ll be sure to try it the next time I pump. Regarding foreskin, during my younger years, I wished I was cut (more so to fit in with the rest of the crowd). Plus, I had heard that chicks like a cut dick better. Nowadays, I really don’t care, I’m using what I got and will not consider getting circumscised at this stage of my life.

What is the gripped and tightened foreskin method? Is that when the foreskin slides up and down your glans when you jack off?

I get the same swelling from hanging sometimes. Actually the last time I did get it it caused a tear in the piece of skin that connects the foreskin to my glans. I couldn’t pull the skin back at all for over a week. Very very painful.

Has this ever happened to you or anyone else? This has actually got me strongly considering a circumcision but I have to do more research on that.

Anyways be careful. You don’t want to break your penis.

Originally Posted by thinktank

It’s fluid buildup most likely caused from the jelking and most probably the pumping.

Dont be alarmed. It will go away by late in the day or overnight. Tomorrow you will look normal.

Peforeal, a giant in pumping, always recommended duct tape taping/wrapping to prevent fluid buildup and donuts in extended pumping. It works. I am uncut and heres how you do it as an uncircumcised guy. The first thing to do is to tear off about eight inches of duct tape from the roll and stick it lightly onto your bathroom cabinetry (or whereever). Get a hard and then pull back the foreskin. Wrap the duct tape around about a half inch of the bottom of your coronal ridge where the glans meets the shaft. The duct tape will sorround and wrap your foreskin within a snug wrapper like fashion extending distally from the bottom one half inch or so of your glans down onto your shaft the distance of the duct tape. Again, your foreskin is all within this duct tape wrapping shielding it from the pressures of the cylinder and preventing fluid build up in the foreskin.



Yeah, I’m sure it sticks well, but how does it come OFF?

If you’re going to wrap in conjunction with pumping, consider other materials. Take a look at the Condom Pumping thread as well - same concept, different material, and decidedly more friendly to sensitive penis skin.

Here is Peforeal’s original ‘duct tape for wrapping’ thread:

Donut (lymph buildup) Removal Suggestion Using Duct Tape

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Taking off the duct tape is a ginger manuever but it is not painful. It is a little discomforting but hey, we are men……we are tough…….we do anything we have to to build a bigger dick.

Heres what I do to take the tape off.

I use babyoil on my unit when I pump so I am lubed up. I put my index finger under the duct tape on the top of my glans and lift the tape up until I can get my index finger under the tape to a distance back behind my glans, but under the tape. Then I pull the tape forward breaking the seal it has with my foreskin back on my shaft. I then go around my shaft pulling the tape off gingerly. After the tape is off, I wash up getting any residue from the tape off my unit with warm soapy water.

It works for me and evidently it has worked for Peforeal and many others. Experiment. You wont die. We are men. We want results.

Foreskin grip method of solo work is here

This method places the meissner corpuscles of the ridged bands of the foreskin against the meissner corpuscles in the frenulum. It is working the frenulum big time. The ridged bands of the foreskin are full of these pleasure giving cells and this method compounds pleasure in solo work or getting a good one for PE work.

Good luck. Google the work of Dr. Fleiss on ridged bands. He is an advocate against cirucumcison for the sake of saving the meissner corpuscles of the foreskin. His work is here.

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