Question for the uncut guys - puffy foreskin, is this a donut
I did a fairly long PE routine last night - 5 minutes hot towel, 10 minutes manual stretching, 15 minutes jelquing, 4 sessions of pumping about 5-10 minutes each at 5-6 HG with jelking and edging in between sessions.
Today, my foreskin is kind of puffy/swollen, noticably at the tip of my penis where it protruds over the glans more than usual (the tip is puffy/swollen). Is this a donut? Sorry if my description is insufficient, I’m at work so I can’t take pictures and upload them.
Is this a common problem for you uncut guys? I have a feeling this is because of the pumping I’ve added to my routine, any advice on how to avoid swollen foreskin would be much appreciated, thanks.
- HungLow123