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Question over debate of ADS

Question over debate of ADS

Does anyone think an ADS is necessary. All the classic big gainers I’ve read about(Bib, DLD, and Thunder SS and that “big gainer” in the thread at the wrestling matches) never wore one. All of the members I mentioned were big gainers each with an inch plus gain in length and girth. Isn’t this proof alone that an ADS is not necessary? Any advice would be appreciated.

ADS are not mandatory. You can have gains with just manual techniques. Many vets here believes manual exercises are and maybe always will be the foundation of PE.

I never even heard of ADS’s when I started PE. Didn’t stop me gaining!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I say use every tool in your arsenal to get a big cock they may not be mandatory but that doesn’t mean they don’t work. They didn’t have hammer strength equipment back in the day but they do know and thank god for innovation it makes my work out much more productive.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

ADS is just a tool. Some of the ADS device produce the same amount of tension as hanging with moderate weights.

ADS is hands free for the most part, so those of us who use them appreciate we can watch TV and for the most part “relax” while using them.

I think most people involved in serious PE will evaluate all the available tools, and have some at their disposal.

Many of you imagine spending $100 or $200 as a waste for a PE device. I did too, at first with some scepticism. However the devices work, and save me time and energy. I think I did well.

I personally use a Static Stretcher, I got the full kit for $249.

I also have a Boston Pump, using a McMaster brake bleeder vacuum pump on it. I personally can see paying $200 for a variable cycling-electric vacuum pump too!

I also personally do Jelq’s, usually before or after applying one of the PE tools I have and various manual stretching methods.

Okay, thanks guys. I was just curious and thought maybe you can’t gain length without one, then I looked back on the big gainers and saw none used one. I’m sure they definitely assist in gains.but I have seen great length gains already and until they halt I’m not going to buy one.

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