Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Realistic Goals?


Realistic Goals?

Probably a decent amount of us are looking for as good of gains as we can achieve. But that begs the question.

How realistic are our goals?

I’m currently 7 BPEL x 5 MEG and ~6.25 NBPEL, with a goal of 8 NBPEL x 6 MEG. I’ve read about guys on here that have achieved such gains, but for every success story, how many unsuccessful attempts are there?

I don’t mean to shoot down anyone’s dream, I’m more so attempting to figure out the best possible way of achieving such goals. Which brings me to my point.

To the goal-reachers and good-gainers, and aside from the standard ‘Do the newbie routine’, what tips and tricks can you share to us rookies and those who may be discouraged by their current results? How did your PE routine progress? What do you know now you wish you knew at the beginning? What are your gains/goals?

I’m sure similar questions/posts have been asked. Feel free to provide links to anything similar, and any information you feel to share.

Thanks again for your time and input. I look forward to reading the replies.

Here’s the best advice; get a routine and put in time and effort. It’s really that simple.

There are a lot of unsuccessful people.

If you’re going to do PE, commit and stay committed. That’s how you succeed as with anything in life.

Your goals might take you 10 years. Are you OK with that? You might get half way in 6 months and spend the rest of the time getting the other half.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by BoggeyWan

How realistic are our goals?

TLDR: 0.75 to 2 inches in length is a realistic expectation with serious effort.

I am really glad you asked. I have thought about this.
Someone who is good with programming and statistics could probably capture the data from this site and give a reasonable answer.
I found this:
These are likely outliers at the high end. So expectations beyond this are very unreasonable. Anyone reporting gains outside this (either in rate or total) is probably very confused. Almost all the data is self reported, and that makes it of limited value. But there are people who are fairly well documented who gain 2 inches in length.
There is a study by the university of Turin reported in a British medical journal:
A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the
‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender
device in the treatment of ‘short penis’
After 6 months the mean gain in length was
significant, meeting the goals of the effect
size, at 2.3 and 1.7 cm for the flaccid and
stretched penis, respectively. No significant
changes in penile girth were detected.
They do not measure erect length, but if the increase in stretched length is equal, then one (on average) will gain 17mm.
So if we “bound the problem” it seems that a gain of 0.75 to 2 inches is a realistic expectation.
The short penis study showed the gains over 6 months. So at least 6 months of serious effort is required. And for gains beyond that, it is a years long effort.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Your length goals seem very acheivable. I gained an inch in just under 6 months, and ive seen several reports on here of the same.

Girth appears to take quite a while longer to achieve. Im at around 0.75cm gain in the girth department during my 7-8 months of focusing on length. I just started a girth focused routine, so hopefully that inch gain is attainable for me.

My wordy progress thread:

Beebs' Monthly Weigh-in Stealth PE

Originally Posted by bergbrauchen
Someone who is good with programming and statistics could probably capture the data from this site and give a reasonable answer.

There’s a live analysis which links to other analyses.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

There’s a live analysis which links to other analyses.


(15.4 KB, 338 views)

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

My own PE ended more than six months ago, I am here to share my experience and talk to similar people.

I went from 16 cm BPEL and 12 cm girth to 20.8 cm length and 14.3 cm girth(uniformly) in a year.

When I did newbie routine I didn’t count either jelqs or stretches I aimed for at least 15 minutes each but it would go up to 30 minutes each.

Game changer where piss pulls (google it) with that done even on rest days I was gaining 2 mm each week, once I got 3 mm.

I actually stopped doing stretches and piss pulls at 20.5 cm because I wanted my girth to catch up, last 4 months I was exclusively aiming for girth.

What I can attest to is that girth gains slowed when I stopped stretches and focused on clamping and clamped squeezes(was doing them even before abandoning lenght gains) so always do your stretches until reaching 8 inches.

Just had tons of sex with an older artist woman, at times she would push me off because it hurts, no point in more than 8 imo and that’s BPEL.

I could definitely fit much more girth, like 2 times but length is a problem, and who knows maybe she has exceptionally deep vagina, maybe I am already too long for most.

But I do like the idea of grabbing left out dick and circling it around and stimulating walls without pulling out for a thrust, lazy sex but hey she moaned like hell.

In terms of lenght, I can gain very fast but unfortunate thing with fast lenght gains is that erection hangs lower and it’s irreversible IME

Can’t stress this enough: PISS PULLS on top of newbie routine, clamping and/or pumping for girth a few months into PE and I can’t see how you wouldn’t gain.

Consistency, don’t ejaculate too often as it hurts EQ and girth gains with it.
I wasn’t resting on a set day like 2 in 1 out, only when I felt I needed it.

Newbie routine is the basis and should be done always, extenders are crap, I gained more than those fuckers in studies without wearing annoying crap 8 hours a day for months.

That’s my 2 cents

Edit: it definitely paid off, she really likes it 😁 and keeps complimenting, at times cursing at me from too much friction while simultaneously enjoying it.

Last edited by jocacar : 08-31-2022 at .

Originally Posted by jocacar

I went from 16 cm BPEL and 12 cm girth to 20.8 cm length and 14.3 cm girth(uniformly) in a year.


When I did newbie routine I didn’t count either jelqs or stretches I aimed for at least 15 minutes each but it would go up to 30 minutes each.


I actually stopped doing stretches and piss pulls at 20.5 cm because I wanted my girth to catch up, last 4 months I was exclusively aiming for girth.


What I can attest to is that girth gains slowed when I stopped stretches and focused on clamping and clamped squeezes(was doing them even before abandoning lenght gains) so always do your stretches until reaching 8 inches.


But I do like the idea of grabbing left out dick and circling it around and stimulating walls without pulling out for a thrust, lazy sex but hey she moaned like hell.


Consistency, don’t ejaculate too often as it hurts EQ and girth gains with it.
I wasn’t resting on a set day like 2 in 1 out, only when I felt I needed it.


Edit: it definitely paid off, she really likes it 😁 and keeps complimenting, at times cursing at me from too much friction while simultaneously enjoying it.

Newbie routine + incorporating clamping/pumping later on got you where you wanted to be. It does seem like you went for everyday, consistent work over a specific day/time schedule. Anything in particular about this approach you think did well for you? What other parts of your routine can you share?

I did have to look up piss pulls. I’m going to start doing that.

You noticed a lag in the girth gains once you stopped focusing so much on length. I’ve come across this quite a bit in TP and it seems that any stretching of the tunica aids in the amount of fluid it can hold, thus always benefiting girth. So maybe not a full stop on stretching/length exercises but a slight dial back once you reach your length goals.

I have read quite a bit about edging and it’s perceived benefits, and how cutting out porn/masturbating as a whole (hard to do when you’re working him out everyday) greatly improves EQ. I haven’t read much about better girth gains/retention though. Interesting. I’m going to have to look more into this.

The ole mixer dick, moving that bad boy around while inside to create more stimulation. Lol that’s a classic. Can’t wait to do it more once I get my bigger tool.

Appreciate the replies!

This is my first post here. I’ve experimented with PE since the mid ’90s in my teens. What I’ve learned is most of what you will find online doesn’t work and is flat out dangerous. I’ve been off and on with years in between doing nothing, I can say consistency, knowing your limits, staying injury free, and proper healing time are extremely important. I recently got back into it 100% and my gains are exploding, though I haven’t been with anyone for 5yrs.

Originally Posted by Father_girth
This is my first post here. I’ve experimented with PE since the mid ’90s in my teens. What I’ve learned is most of what you will find online doesn’t work and is flat out dangerous. I’ve been off and on with years in between doing nothing, I can say consistency, knowing your limits, staying injury free, and proper healing time are extremely important. I recently got back into it 100% and my gains are exploding, though I haven’t been with anyone for 5yrs.

Welcome back to the journey sir.

Glad to hear you’re experiencing gains. Could you share any wisdom you’ve acquired over the years?

8x6 is definitely reachable but 8x5.5 will probably come first. I gained a whole 1x0.5 in my first 3-6 months and lost 1/4in from both length and girth when I took several years off.

Just like bodybuilding you have to stay with it or you don’t gain. Sometimes you have to mix it up. Sometimes you get in a place where you have limited time. Do what you can and keep it up. I am 1/2 shorter than you and hear no complaints so getting bigger isn’t a top priority for me anymore, it’s just part of a larger body routine.

My end goal is probably 7.5x5.5 or until I reach a size that my girl can’t tolerate on a regular basis.

I think up to 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth is a realistic goal FOR AN ENTIRE PE CAREER (like, 5+ years of commitment).

For a first year, I’d shoot for 2cm in length and .5cm girth tops. I doubt 90% of people even achieve this.

There are people who get newbie gains - and run here to report it, making it seems like getting half an inch in length in the first two months is the norm. It is definitely NOT.
My theory is that newbie gains apply mostly to people with overall poor health/cirulation/erection quality problems and the like.

Also, I believe the vast majority of people who don’t see gains in the first couple months probably give up.

Originally Posted by penewbie
I think up to 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth is a realistic goal FOR AN ENTIRE PE CAREER (like, 5+ years of commitment).

For a first year, I’d shoot for 2cm in length and .5cm girth tops. I doubt 90% of people even achieve this.

There are people who get newbie gains - and run here to report it, making it seems like getting half an inch in length in the first two months is the norm. It is definitely NOT.
My theory is that newbie gains apply mostly to people with overall poor health/cirulation/erection quality problems and the like.

Also, I believe the vast majority of people who don’t see gains in the first couple months probably give up.

I would give up too after just a single month but I had already gained 1cm in length and some girth too.
I was 23 and fit so your bad circulation argument doesn’t apply to me.
It was exactly a year and I have gained 4.8 cm lenght and 2.3 cm girth and stopped working on it except 1 session a week for two months to cement.
It has been 5 months since my last clamping session and 3 to one before that, measurements are exactly the same so no shrinkage for me.
Rest days where something like 1/6 but there would be entire month multiple times of no rest followed by 4-5 days of it.

Only on 3 occasions I have felt pain, 1 with stretches and two with jelqs, none from clamping and clamped squeezes.
Why tell people that they can’t achieve more than you have or wish you have but couldn’t… Everybody’s different.

Edit: at times I would go for a month of 1.5 hours main routine and piss pulls trough the day.
Have you?

Originally Posted by BoggeyWan
Newbie routine + incorporating clamping/pumping later on got you where you wanted to be. It does seem like you went for everyday, consistent work over a specific day/time schedule. Anything in particular about this approach you think did well for you? What other parts of your routine can you share?

I did have to look up piss pulls. I’m going to start doing that.

You noticed a lag in the girth gains once you stopped focusing so much on length. I’ve come across this quite a bit in TP and it seems that any stretching of the tunica aids in the amount of fluid it can hold, thus always benefiting girth. So maybe not a full stop on stretching/length exercises but a slight dial back once you reach your length goals.

I have read quite a bit about edging and it’s perceived benefits, and how cutting out porn/masturbating as a whole (hard to do when you’re working him out everyday) greatly improves EQ. I haven’t read much about better girth gains/retention though. Interesting. I’m going to have to look more into this.

The ole mixer dick, moving that bad boy around while inside to create more stimulation. Lol that’s a classic. Can’t wait to do it more once I get my bigger tool.

Appreciate the replies!

Can you share your PE status and hopefully results?

Most important thing is doing it almost every day, and lenghtening the time of workouts every few weeks or when you feel yor dick can take that additional punishment.

I have not done pumping, only clamping 3 sets of ten minutes with 10 minutes rest after the newbie routine.
Newbie routine would go for 1 hour sometimes(I was watching podcasts) and sometimes I would do 6 clamping sessions of 10 minutes with 10 minutes rest.

There would definitely be times I would do it for 3 hours straight although only after adding clamping because half of your clamping hour is inactive- rest.
But 2 hours was not rare at all, standard actually at some points in the journey.
Tomorrow I would do it all over again and the next day too and next…all that while doing piss pulls everyday.
From the day I started I was always challenging my dick and it evolved to take massive punishment, only allowing that small fuck to rest 8 hours at most while I was sleeping, as soon I get up I would piss and that was reminder(hey let me stretch this small fucker 30 times with speed it only takes a minute, sometimes I would say fuck it I am not in a hurry let me pour 2 minutes in this small PE micro session and never skipping piss pulls after a piss, doing them even whenever I had privacy and it crossed my mind)

So IMO and IME volume and consistency is all that matters.

Of course do increase volume only when you feel you can take it, if you think you penis is battered too much don’t do it or do it more gently.

I was eating terribly as I had swallowing problems so that probably slowed down my progress, I also just operated a hernia when starting PE and was unable to do all my daily activities which included a lot of bodyweight training along with 10 hours of construction work every day except sunday.

It took a huge mental toll both swallowing difficulties (associating eating with death and struggle instead of nourishment and enjoyment) and being unable to be physically active as I have always been and even earn a living as I was a construction worker exclusively from 18-23 and a half , also unable to smoke weed as it made me feel operation site like crazy along with some of imagined hernias.

Luckily I had some savings and all the time of this world as an unemployed and severely depressed guy unable to do anything I loved and I put it to great use.
I couldn’t do anything I liked, not even yoga and breathing exercises.

All that energy I spent on all those activities went to PE.
And things that helped me power my crazy PE routine was porn addiction, booze and tons of cigarettes along with not releasing semen.

Not releasing is incredibly important for girth gains especially and more so if you are such a train wreck as I was with diet of booze, coffee and cigarettes primarily.
I had extended this poor state of mind much longer than I realistically had too bug hey that’s depression for you.

Anyway now I am much larger than most guys in porn, which I stopped watching 8 months ago.
Book that motivated me to seek real intimacy and stop pornography and almost all sexual fantasies was the same one that teached me to last as long as I want with this new tool of mine:
Multi Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia

I had sex only once before PE and many dozens of long lovemaking sessions with two different women, one of which I still fuck to this day I release semen only if she begs me like really hard.
Longest I have managed to fuck everyday multiple times(5+ times I am a pervert so) was 5, not because I can’t but because in heat of passion after multiple orgasms she literally demands it.
One thing I improvised and added to teachings in the book is hitting my penis especially underside and glans for 2 sessions of 30 minutes, either at thighs or table or just slappfest.

I was able to go 20-30 minutes with teachings in the book but with this added desensitizing of the penis there is no limit.
I also learned a lot of tricks from channel called Sexual Kung Fu.

That’s my full PE story from start to finish and beyond.

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