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Reverse Kegel

Reverse Kegel

I have done alot of searching on reverse kegels and still can not attest to HOW YOU DO THEM. I have found alot about what they do but not how to perfom them, thanks in advance.darenwilder

Next time you take a piss, just push the urine out forcefully. And you’re there. That’s a reverse kegel.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

It’s really that simple wally, heheheh I’ve used to think the same way as darenwilder, “what the hell is this reverse kegel”, just don’t do these when you are in the mood to take a shit.

A reverse kegel means relaxing the BC muscle. There is no pushing or flexing anything. A muscle (in this case the BC) can only do two things, contract (kegel) and relax (reverse kegel). That’s my understanding of it anyway.

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Originally Posted by Dicko6X5
A reverse kegel means relaxing the BC muscle. There is no pushing or flexing anything. A muscle (in this case the BC) can only do two things, contract (kegel) and relax (reverse kegel). That’s my understanding of it anyway.

No its doesnt.

A relaxed BC muscle is nothing.

A kegel is using the BC to stop the flow of urine.

A reverse kegel is using the BC to force the urine out faster.

A BC can do 3 things, not 2.

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Yeah reverse kegels definitely involve a push. I’m just not sure how hard I should push when I do reverse kegels because I remember hearing someone say that if you did them too hard they end up stimulating the prostate a little bit. I’m not sure on that though.

Sorry, I’ve been on a little vacation.

The bulbocavernosus muscle has nothing to do with urine flow. Telling someone to contract it to stop urine flow is an easy way to get them to understand how contracting the BC feels, but it actually isn’t involved in controlling the flow of urine.

The BC does come into play at the end of micturation by compressing the urethra and squirting out that last bit of urine. It also does the same thing for semen during ejaculation (in concert with the rhythmic contractions of the other parts of the system).

The BC can contract or not contract (rest). Those are the two states.

The Kegel exercise is done by contracting the pubococcygeus (PC) in women and the bulbocavernosus (BC, also called bulbospongiosus) in men. Doing so regularly can help tone the muscle and allow it to contract with greater force or strength.

A “reverse Kegel” is simply a relaxing of the pelvic muscles while you do something else, usually manual stretches. It’s supposed to allow greater movement of the structures because you aren’t opposing the pulling with muscle contractions. That may make some sense, but it probably doesn’t really help all that much.

Forcing urine out faster is a function of bladder muscle contraction or increased abdominal pressure and doesn’t involve the BC muscle at all. Urine flow is a function of a normally closed ring muscle (sphincter) which when contracted opens to allow urine to flow. You don’t have to do anything to stop urine flow. Relaxing the bladder neck sphincter will automatically close the exit from the bladder and urine flow stops.

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