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Smoking and PE gains

Smoking and PE gains

Hey guys! I’ve been reading some threads on here for awhile, (first time post) and am just starting out with PE. I have several questions and was hoping to get some feedback from some of you veterans out there. I will post pictures as I get chances as I am a very busy man. My first question is more of a concern really. I smoke almost two packs a day, and am afraid that all of my exercises are for nothing. It’s weird because my “NORMAL” flaccid state is lacking I believe, but when I wake up in the morning ( after several hours of not smoking) my flaccid state, not morning wood, is so much thicker and fuller, kind of impressive I think! So my question is, if I can quit smoking do you think my normal flaccid state will be like my morning wake ups consistently? Also, will my workouts prove results better? I have just started PE and haven’t taken any measurements yet.. I will post before after picture as I have chances.. Please help! Thank you!

Yes, there is a considerable chance that quitting smoking will make your flaccid state bigger all the time. Smoking affects blood vessels and over time can contribute to erectile dysfunction due to decreased optimal blood flow to the penis. (see: Smoking and Your Heart - How Smoking Affects the Heart and Blood Vessels | NHLBI, NIH and see: Impotence and Smoking: What’s the Connection? )

Personally I smoke but plan to quit within 5 years. I cannot compare gains when I smoked vs when I didn’t smoke either. However if getting more gains from PE is enough to inspire you to quit smoking then that is awesome and you should do it!

My progress thread: Nine progress thread

Re-start stats: BPEL: 210mm (8.26'') MSEG: 140mm (5.5'') BPSFL: 220mm (8.7'')

Current: BPEL: 219mm (8.62'') MSEG: 147mm (5.8'') BPSFL: 230mm (9.06'')

I smoke about a pack a day. Starting PE with the newbie routine,I have seen gains in months. I am sure smoking will not help and will add a certain amount of hindrance to your PE journey, but I bet it is negligible.

Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
I smoke about a pack a day. Starting PE with the newbie routine,I have seen gains in months. I am sure smoking will not help and will add a certain amount of hindrance to your PE journey, but I bet it is negligible.

I am.roughly at the same.quantity. For explaims why on long-term I seem to be a slow gainer. PE has become a big point for start thinking about reducing the nicotine.

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by dacamp219
Hey guys! I’ve been reading some threads on here for awhile, (first time post) and am just starting out with PE. I have several questions and was hoping to get some feedback from some of you veterans out there. I will post pictures as I get chances as I am a very busy man. My first question is more of a concern really. I smoke almost two packs a day, and am afraid that all of my exercises are for nothing. It’s weird because my “NORMAL” flaccid state is lacking I believe, but when I wake up in the morning ( after several hours of not smoking) my flaccid state, not morning wood, is so much thicker and fuller, kind of impressive I think! So my question is, if I can quit smoking do you think my normal flaccid state will be like my morning wake ups consistently? Also, will my workouts prove results better? I have just started PE and haven’t taken any measurements yet.. I will post before after picture as I have chances.. Please help! Thank you!

Stop smoking, it is holding you prisoner via time and health. You are losing time because you are captive to it. Your vascular system is also coming to an end.

Nicotine holds you prisoner.

Not fully engaged in conversation because you need to exit to smoke.
Leaving important events at awkward times to smoke.
Waking up in the middle of the night, losing sleep, to smoke.

Nicotine is a seriously controlling addiction. Yes, it strangles your vascular system, yep, the cock, but it also holds you prisoner via time.

I am a forever recovering addict of nicotine. Currently free. Make the jump, I know, so hard, but make the jump and quit. It will be one of the hardest things that you have ever done, but it is in the end a liberating step to a new freedom. It will take everything you have to quit. It will be a fight minute to minute. You will be angry that even after two months free you still have cravings, that is how controlling it is, but you are in control, so you make the final decisions.

I don’t judge for not being able to quit, it is so hard. I have done it many times, gone back over the years. Currently I am free! Vaping was the hardest to quit!

Not easy to quit, but you can do it! Take control, take pleasure in every moment that you don’t light up that cigarette, do whatever it takes each moment, beat the monster!

IMHO, everything is second to quitting smoking. PE is an extremely slow process, everything matters, diet, rest, what you are in-taking. Not saying that because you smoke you shouldn’t practice PE, but you are right to question its impact on progress.

Last edited by LittleEngine : 07-09-2017 at .

nicotine is alright dude, but I never got that oh no I can’t quit feeling from it, just a decent buzz. as a side note I tried amphetamine, dextromethomorphan, alcohol, caffiene, mushrooms, testosterone, and cannabis, all at high dosages beforehand. might have influenced my idea of what a good drug is lol. or maybe I just have a high tolerance or different metabolism

I have a friend that recently switched to E-Cig; still not healthy in my opinion but certainly better than traditional cigarettes. I haven’t asked him about his “size” but he has told everyone how much better his libido and erections are since he stopped and his wife is falling in love with him all over again. I could see how increased health would certainly lead to a better flaccid as erection as well. And if you’ve been smoking for a while and are unhealthy jelquing and clearing out the veins arteries ad capillaries will probably give you some good newbie gains.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

If you want to do it in stages, the way I gave up completely was by first changing over to Pipe smoking. With inhaling cigs the Nicotine gets into your blood stream in seconds. Pipe smoke is only taken into the mouth and it takes minutes to get to your head. You train your body off the Instant Nicotine hit with a pipe (plus there are some really nice pipe tobaccos around that even non-smokers love the smell of). You have to absolutely stop cigs and only smoke pipe though. It’s much easier to then stop pipe smoking because you have trained yourself to not expect instant Nicotine hits. But.. You may not even want to stop pipe smoking because studies have shown that


Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Stop smoking, it is holding you prisoner via time and health. You are losing time because you are captive to it. Your vascular system is also coming to an end.

Nicotine holds you prisoner.

Not fully engaged in conversation because you need to exit to smoke.
Leaving important events at awkward times to smoke.
Waking up in the middle of the night, losing sleep, to smoke.

Nicotine is a seriously controlling addiction. Yes, it strangles your vascular system, yep, the cock, but it also holds you prisoner via time.

I am a forever recovering addict of nicotine. Currently free. Make the jump, I know, so hard, but make the jump and quit. It will be one of the hardest things that you have ever done, but it is in the end a liberating step to a new freedom. It will take everything you have to quit. It will be a fight minute to minute. You will be angry that even after two months free you still have cravings, that is how controlling it is, but you are in control, so you make the final decisions.

I don’t judge for not being able to quit, it is so hard. I have done it many times, gone back over the years. Currently I am free! Vaping was the hardest to quit!

Not easy to quit, but you can do it! Take control, take pleasure in every moment that you don’t light up that cigarette, do whatever it takes each moment, beat the monster!

IMHO, everything is second to quitting smoking. PE is an extremely slow process, everything matters, diet, rest, what you are in-taking. Not saying that because you smoke you shouldn’t practice PE, but you are right to question its impact on progress.

+1 to this

A former smoker here as well. I’m always tempted. Every time I go to the gas station and I see a wall of cigarettes calling out my name behind the clerk it’s so hard. I just want to say, "May I please have a pack of……" Or just doing activities in which I always smoked. Something always seems to be missing from them?? It totally controlled my life and still does even though I quit.

I quit using the patches. I got enrolled in a study through the University of Wisconsin, in which they gave me the patches for free and paid me to answer questions over the phone. They also gave encouragement and support. Anyone who may be interested in quitting, something similar could be available to you in your area? Here’s a link to the program that helped me quit UW-CTRI – UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention – UW–Madison

The main thing is, you have to want to quit.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

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Last edited by James N : 07-10-2017 at .
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