Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting PE due to concerns that minimal sleep during my teens stunted penis growth

This sounds more like obsessive BDD than anything else.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I was a vegetarian in my preteen years. I suffered from depression. Both of these have massive effects on body chemical balance. As a result, I *suspect* my late puberty which really got in gear at 19 was related. What it did and didn’t do I can’t be sure of. But I can say I felt undergrown. My starting stats were not something to be proud of. I can’t postulate what caused them, though.

I didn’t bother guessing. I had plenty to guess on, if I wanted to though. Everything from my finicky eating habits, calorie intake, staying up nights reading.. Medication interaction that I likely should have worried about that causes known chemical imbalances in children.. But I did not make it my issue then. Doing so now after the fact adds too much extra baggage for not enough benefit and I have enough baggage for a personal tour bus, believe me. I made a big cock for myself instead. It is easier to work on my next move than map my past.

That you want to is up to you. I find it to be a poor practice and once again, your tenuous at best assessment that your huge penis would be more titanic if you had more sleep is.. In my objective opinion.. Horse shit. Period. I have nothing more to add.


Being a vegan, having lower calories, late puberty (you couldn’t control that much), your medication, you staying up (Don’t know if it was as bad as mine), these are all negative on growth, but I’d say sleep is paramount, most important.

If I can draw a comparison, most bodybuilders and even the information you find online, they prioritise sleep, diet and then training in that order.

Now as long as you had a minimal baseline amount of calories, and nutrients (think 1200 calories a day), then there’d be no stunting, it doesn’t take copious amounts of energy to build a penis a few micrometers per night, the sleep itself is the vehicle for the growth, hormones are released, cells grow (I know they grow during the day too, not as much but).

I’d say sleep is most important then, or at least as important as all the other factors combined, this is why I do my 50% reduction factor.

Now I stress the question, is that factor of 0.5 enough, or could it be less or more.

I ask you, intuitively, how much you would guess, if you were to entertain these thoughts, you would’ve lost by sleeping 1:15 less than average.

Now, if you can’t throw a ballpark figure, at least tell me, more likely to have lost a bit, or gained a bit? I think the answer is obvious here.

Finally, let’s say nothing can be lost, then it would take slightly longer to grow ones penis to its ultimate size, true? That means on a macro level there is less growth on any given night, but it just takes longer.


A) you lose a little - try and quantify it, I’ve set up a framework for you to do so
B) you lose nothing
C) you gain?

BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.5" Mid Shaft, 5.8" Base, Crown (measuring around the ring): 6.00" (need to double check)

Sleep deprived throughout puberty, like a lot of other teens (maybe a little more on the worse side) - would that have effects on my penis growth? Hmmm I don't know but PE religiously and I'll be bigger than I ever could have been with the perfect lifestyle. At least I trained well, was skinny, ate well, didn't get any sever illness, didn't do drugs too much :)

I don’t think there is a so strict correlation between the 1:45 hours of your missed sleep during your puberty and your hypothetical missed penile length.

It may also depend by other factors that are considered in the study you are referring, like: the number and type of the population in exam, their eating habits, etc.

(Re)Start: 8-11-2016 17.9cm BP

Today: 22.8cm BP


It’s not just the hormones … | Science | The Guardian

"You won’t grow up to be a six-footer if you don’t sleep at night

Adolescence is marked by a huge surge in growth hormone production. The secretion of growth hormone is carefully timetabled in a pattern that persists through puberty. Growth hormone is released principally at night during sleep, short bursts, every one to two hours during the deep sleep phase. So when your mum says "if you don’t go to bed now, you won’t grow up to be big and strong," she’s right. If onset of sleep is delayed, so is onset of growth hormone release. Children who are deprived of sleep are smaller than they should be.

The surge of GH follows that of increasing levels of GnRH. The relationship between these two hormones is not a direct one, however, but an indirect one, involving oestrogen. The idea that a female hormone is driving growth in boys as well as girls, is counterintuitive at first, but it explains much about the gender differences in growth. Before the onset of the teenage growth spurt, boys grow very slightly faster than girls, but a girl’s growth spurt starts about two years before that of boys between 12 and 14. For some four years, girls are, on average, taller than boys. But by adulthood, men are on average 14cm taller than women. This difference is almost entirely due to what happens at puberty - for boys grow on average for two years longer after puberty. It also helps explain why girls grow earlier and faster than boys - it’s because they have oestrogens which pump up the production of growth hormone."

Taken from The Truth About Hormones by Vivienne Parry (Atlantic Books, March 21).

Now I don’t know how much truth there is to what this lass Vivienne Parry thinks, but here is just one of many sources.

Deep Sleep Important for Start of Puberty | Live Science

"The findings "raise concerns that the disordered or restricted sleep that is increasingly prevalent in the adolescent population may compromise normal pubertal development," the researchers said."

BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.5" Mid Shaft, 5.8" Base, Crown (measuring around the ring): 6.00" (need to double check)

Sleep deprived throughout puberty, like a lot of other teens (maybe a little more on the worse side) - would that have effects on my penis growth? Hmmm I don't know but PE religiously and I'll be bigger than I ever could have been with the perfect lifestyle. At least I trained well, was skinny, ate well, didn't get any sever illness, didn't do drugs too much :)

Deep Sleep Is Important During Puberty

"If the parts of the brain the brain that activate the reproductive system depend on deep sleep, then we need to be concerned that inadequate or disturbed sleep in children and young adolescents may interfere with normal pubertal maturation. This is particularly true for children who have been diagnosed with sleep disorders, but may also have more widespread implications as recent studies have found that most adolescents get less sleep than they require."

"A previous study, conducted in 2009 and published in the journal Sleep, suggests that changes in sleeping patterns among children between the ages of 11 and 12 sometimes are evident before the physical changes that come with puberty, I.e. It is extremely important to try to keep children and adolescents on regular sleeping patterns when they are on the threshold of puberty. "

I don’t know about you guys, but a compromisation of normal puberty as described above, doesn’t sit too well with me. Combined with the knowledge that less sleep= less GH and Test, you’d be foolish to say, at least on a micro level, that you aren’t going to grow less for any given night. Now whether your body catches up somewhat, fully, or not at all, that’s something we don’t have the research for when it comes specifically to sleep, we can, however, see there is a lot of research for cases of malnutrition where kids/teens catch up to their normal adult height (who’s to say they aren’t marginally stunted) and I know no one can give me the answer but let’s speculate on the case of penis growth. As I’ve mentioned many times before, I’ve applied a factor of 0.5, to change the ‘linear with a gradient of 1’ relationship between the loss of sleep and loss of growth to a linear with a gradient of 0.5 relationship.

The spreadsheet is attached in the original post, it is messy, you might need help in navigating it, it used to be cleaner, but I tweaked it a lot lately and didn’t bother cleaning it up. If this issue still troubles me I’ll redo it.

BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.5" Mid Shaft, 5.8" Base, Crown (measuring around the ring): 6.00" (need to double check)

Sleep deprived throughout puberty, like a lot of other teens (maybe a little more on the worse side) - would that have effects on my penis growth? Hmmm I don't know but PE religiously and I'll be bigger than I ever could have been with the perfect lifestyle. At least I trained well, was skinny, ate well, didn't get any sever illness, didn't do drugs too much :)

TL;DR sleep tight piggy

This guy is a troll

Originally Posted by TigerStyle
TL;DR sleep tight piggy

Please read the Forum Guidelines and remember:

1. No name calling. Period.

2. This is a forum. Reading is most of what’s done here. If you think something is too long to read then do not read it. No one needs to know nor cares what you think about how long what they wrote is.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I apologize for being rude, yet when someone goes on an endless monologue about themselves about something of no relevance to anyone here, that is also rude.

Seeing as we don’t have a time machine to go back and get that 1% that we missed out on, why should we care or read anything this guy posts?

Just like why should we care about my opinion, I understand, and I respect you as a moderator. I just hope this guy actually contributes to the forum at the same level he obsesses over this minutia.

And I’m off! To make an endless post rambling about myself :) godspeed

This guy is a troll

Originally Posted by TigerStyle
I apologize for being rude, yet when someone goes on an endless monologue about themselves about something of no relevance to anyone here, that is also rude.

Seeing as we don’t have a time machine to go back and get that 1% that we missed out on, why should we care or read anything this guy posts?

Just like why should we care about my opinion, I understand, and I respect you as a moderator. I just hope this guy actually contributes to the forum at the same level he obsesses over this minutia.

And I’m off! To make an endless post rambling about myself :) godspeed

It is up to the reader, if he decides he wants to read what the OP of any thread posts or its replies. If you want to heckle, you can rack up a pretty mean post count at 4chan or reddit.

Here, if we have nothing to add constructive we leave folks be. Not only is it polite but it saves both keystrokes and clicks when it doesn’t interest us.

I highly recommend it.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Respect. This place is awesome.

This guy is a troll

It might have relevance to some people, I’ve seen this question posted on a few places, reddit, yahoo answers, others have had similar questions. After all the bullshit we are fed about sleep so you can grow up big and strong, it’s only natural for some people to relate that to their penises eventually.

Maybe someone can read it and take from it what I couldn’t. I have a really obsessive tendency so It’s hard for me too look past this haze.

I’ve really appreciated everyone’s help, especially thoughtfulgold, and I hope in time their words sink in.

Most of us on here have suffered sleep deprivation growing up to some extent. Most average americans have probably, by my calcs, slept 130% more than I have, so I would say they’ve faired better than me, but still, early school start times combined with sleeping with a sibling who’s not only older and therefore wants to sleep later than his younger sibling, but in general just didn’t sleep, well that screwed with my energy levels and receptiveness at school.

If for anything but my ”growth potential” I’d go back in time just to be able to have had a better social and education experience at school by moving out of home and having my own bedroom.

Rant over.

BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.5" Mid Shaft, 5.8" Base, Crown (measuring around the ring): 6.00" (need to double check)

Sleep deprived throughout puberty, like a lot of other teens (maybe a little more on the worse side) - would that have effects on my penis growth? Hmmm I don't know but PE religiously and I'll be bigger than I ever could have been with the perfect lifestyle. At least I trained well, was skinny, ate well, didn't get any sever illness, didn't do drugs too much :)

It might have relevance to underage people yet why would they be here? Pretty sure you have to be 18 to sign up.

What are you talking about Americans getting more sleep did you have a band of kangaroos kicking your window every night?

To summarize, everyone on this on this site is past their natural growth in their teens,so this thread isnt really relevant to anyone who wants to make their dick bigger. It’s also a no brainer, yea you dont grow as well if you dont sleep good.

But I respect your tenacity and depth of research good luck in PE

Originally Posted by TigerStyle
It might have relevance to underage people yet why would they be here? Pretty sure you have to be 18 to sign up.

Hehe came to post exactly this. The people this sleep info might be useful for (assuming sleep has any effect on penis size at all) are not allowed on the site because of the age limit.

Well TigerStyle, it’s potentially true, even me being as biased as I am, I’m not convinced it has a huge impact, or even a small one, maybe a miniscule one, think 1-6%

Now I know most of you don’t care now, but anyone who’s ever had the thought of, damn did I maybe harm my potential by gaming everynight, or just growing up tough like I did, not having a room, being with an older sibling who didn’t care, parent’s who didn’t realise the importance of sleep, and just thought to themselves, for the sake of it, I wonder if it did anything to me..

There’s no point thinking of the past, as the days go by I’m coming more and more to terms with what I can do NOW and I’m over judging and analyzing the past. I just really wanted to know for my own peace of mind if it would have an effect or not on ones penis. We all here the shit on the internet where doctors advocate getting your rest so you release more GH and grow to your potential, but it’s not a huge difference

Your still releasing GH that you should’ve released at night during the day, your body well and truly makes up for it, especially in times of development. As far as testosterone, it doesn’t do that, but the loss in testosterone is probably so minimal anyway it’d barely have an affect.

Finally, the actual function of sleep, penile tumescence, hormones working on your body, cell division and growth, those processes would obviously be to a lesser degree, although you can argue that the first 4 hours of sleep are where the body does most of its growing, and the successive hours have a much smaller effect.

Long story short, Tigerstyle, it can be said that less growth does occur, in any one given night, but this isn’t to say that in the long run, you will not reach your maximum potential, it might just take slightly longer.

We aren’t pot plants here, we’re complex organisms with DNA, and I like to think any harm is minimal.

Just yesterday, I thought of a different way of thinking about this:

60-80% of ones height is genetic 20-40% of it is down to environmental factors, mainly nutrition.

So is it fair to say, lets assume 60% is down to genetics, 20% down to nutrition, and the other 20% down to sleep (This is really conservative, I’m sure general health, physical activity also play a role, but lets neglect them, to get a ‘worst case’ analysis.

Ok 20% of it is down to sleep,

So for my case, from ages 8-18 I grew 11cm.

20% of 11cm is 2.2cm - the effect that sleep can have on my penis growth

Now overall, I slept, say 15% less than others so I would take that 2.2 and multipling by 0.15; 0.33cm or 3.3mm; since you grow in girth too, I can say it’s a total of 6.6cm worth of lost growth,

6.6/200 = 3.25% of loss - my previous method of calculating had it at almost double this quantity.

Which one seems more reasonable.

In any case, I know that this OCD sucks, and has fucked me up for a while, but that I’ll get over it now, and I’m passively doing PE, and had it not been the OCD about my already big dick, I would have never reached the monster status which I am aiming for (hopefully within a couple years) which will trump any potentially bigger penis I could’ve had from the most ideal lifestyle.

BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.5" Mid Shaft, 5.8" Base, Crown (measuring around the ring): 6.00" (need to double check)

Sleep deprived throughout puberty, like a lot of other teens (maybe a little more on the worse side) - would that have effects on my penis growth? Hmmm I don't know but PE religiously and I'll be bigger than I ever could have been with the perfect lifestyle. At least I trained well, was skinny, ate well, didn't get any sever illness, didn't do drugs too much :)

Looking at your actual measurements, it would seem that sleep deprivation is good for penile size.

Off to reset my alarm clock.


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