Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stretching the ligs

Stretching the ligs

Hi everybody,

First I wanted to know if stretching the ligs effects the Flaccid state of the penis or Erect, or maybe both ?

I started PEing like 3 weeks ago but I stopped after the first week after noticing an Erection quality which sucked and a sore penis at the base due to stretching I believe,

So again, what could be the force to apply on the ligs during the first month of peeing ?

Thank you guys

>I stopped after the first week after noticing an Erection quality which sucked and a sore penis at the base due to stretching<

Erection Quality will take a hit from PE.
The sore penis is a good sign also. It means that your ligaments were slightly deformed. This is the goal of PE.

You need to read more about how PE works so that you can correctly interpret what your body tells you after a workout.

>So again, what could be the force to apply on the ligs during the first month of peeing?<

You want that soreness. As far a erection quality goes, you may have to balance that with the soreness goal.

Time spent reading will leverage any time spent doing PE.


Sorry I missed your first question.
>First I wanted to know if stretching the ligs effects the Flaccid state of the penis or Erect, or maybe both ?<

Both. The ligs typically hold some of the inner penis back from being able to show as outer penis. So stretching the ligs allows some of the inner penis to become outer penis. This would show first as a flaccid gain and eventually as an erect gain.

I looked at your routine. Why take rest days? It lets the tissues heal stronger such that it will take more stress to deform them.

Taking breaks for anything less than a serious injury is to be avoided at all costs.

You might even experience retraction (shortening and swelling). You have to work through it.

My advise is that you keep doing the newbie routine but read ahead into hanging as that is where the real PE technology is revealed.

Hope this helps to motivate.


Losing the Hard On

Ya, throughout my Career doing PE I have experienced this:
Hard to get a hard on.
Hard to stop a hard on.
Hard not to cum when I did PE.
Ache, Hurt, Minor Injury.

But I didin’t quit.

Now I got a dick twice as big as I started.


Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Our join dates are close. What type of PE’s do you focus on?
Mine is hanging. I spend a lot of time on BIB’s forum. But it really helps to pass the hang time coming here as there is more going on.


Stretching the ligaments will first impact the flaccid state of your penis and then the erect state of your penis through increases in length.

As stated above, you are aiming for a sore base as that is the message from your body saying “you have stretched the ligaments sufficiently”.

In terms of a potential loss in erection quality, kegels and jelqs should more than balance this out.

Life is great, enjoy it

Starting/Current Stats (BPEL*MSEG*BPFL) - December 2011: 6.4*5*4.2

Final Target: 9.6*7.6*7.2

Thank you guys I really apreciate your guidance, I’m officially back to PE ! :)

I have been doing basic manual stretching for a while now, and have failed to notice much soreness in my ligaments. Mostly using the ok grip (palm out) when I stretch, the feeling I am left with afterward is the skin feeling sore, and any deeper tissue that has any soreness is certainly not close to the base of my penis where the ligaments are.

I have read many threads and posts, and plenty of people seem to claim feeling their ligs stretched in this manner. The only time I come close is far forward in the chair, pulling my penis almost straight towards the floor. Then I feel *some* stretching of my ligaments.

What I *have found to work* is the following method, which I will call the Dick Prayer Stretch just because I can. I would like input on what I actually may be doing here, opinions on it’s safety and effectiveness please.

2 Hands, A and B
Start with hand A using a palm OUT OK grip and pull the penis up\out just to get it stretched.
Take hand B and use the pointer to pull the balls\skin back down toward the direction of your taint.
With hand B pointer pressed to base of shaft and balls out of the way, use a palm IN OK grip at the base.
Release grip with hand A and move palm down to base of shaft where the stretched ligs should be exposed in a pyramid shape.
With your hands now essentially in a position somewhere between a prayer and holding a baseball bat,
squeeze in evenly and with caution (as I believe you are applying direct pressure on your ligs)

When I do this, squeezing on and off for a period, what I believe to be my ligaments feel more than just slightly sore.

(this is old news? or what?)

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