Thunder's Place

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Theories of Tensions for Penis-growth? - strength and duration


Theories of Tensions for Penis-growth? - strength and duration

Hi there!

I was wondering about tensions for Penis growth - strength and duration
when All-Day-Stretching and Manual Stretching and Hanging..

- There is a theory going around here that one can pull on the penis too hard. And that then there is scar-tissue that prevents length-gains in the future.
Do you believe in that theory?
(If you have any pointers to good threads in ‘penis stretching theory’, always welcome)

If this theory is true, pausing for some time also doesn’t help scar-tissued penis? Perhaps DMSO helps.

- There is All Day Stretching:
Pretty low tension. Eg with ESL40. Bungee cord. And if you pull too hard, the thing can break. Creator says don’t pull too hard, it’s not about the strength of the pull but the duration. Eg 10h per day.

How hard do you think one should pull with All Day Stretching?
As hard as you can with the current extenders - cause there is a limit ‘inbuilt’ in the devices anyway? (you can’t go superhard)

- There is Hanging:
Much higher tension, much less time.

- There is manual stretching:
Stretching by hand as hard as you can. Seems you can hardly get more force than with your hands?

(- Pointers to penis-growth theories welcome
Just remember reading one, that said ‘Keep it elongated just a bit longer than normal for as long as you can.. perhaps even at night.. Theory is that Penis heals in elongated state..’ - but nearly everyone here is against PE in sleep (very dangerous))

Comments always welcome

Originally Posted by AntiMike
Hi there!

I was wondering about tensions for Penis growth - strength and duration
when All-Day-Stretching and Manual Stretching and Hanging..

- There is a theory going around here that one can pull on the penis too hard. And that then there is scar-tissue that prevents length-gains in the future.
Do you believe in that theory?
(If you have any pointers to good threads in ‘penis stretching theory’, always welcome)

If this theory is true, pausing for some time also doesn’t help scar-tissued penis? Perhaps DMSO helps.

- There is All Day Stretching:
Pretty low tension. Eg with ESL40. Bungee cord. And if you pull too hard, the thing can break. Creator says don’t pull too hard, it’s not about the strength of the pull but the duration. Eg 10h per day.

How hard do you think one should pull with All Day Stretching?
As hard as you can with the current extenders - cause there is a limit ‘inbuilt’ in the devices anyway? (you can’t go superhard)

- There is Hanging:
Much higher tension, much less time.

- There is manual stretching:
Stretching by hand as hard as you can. Seems you can hardly get more force than with your hands?

(- Pointers to penis-growth theories welcome
Just remember reading one, that said ‘Keep it elongated just a bit longer than normal for as long as you can.. perhaps even at night.. Theory is that Penis heals in elongated state..’ - but nearly everyone here is against PE in sleep (very dangerous))

Comments always welcome

Pulling penis too hard preventing gains? I don`t think so. Many hangers who have gained +2 inches hanged heavy, or people who stretched hard. At some point I think it is necessary to pull hard in order to gain. OR you could just stretch with moderate tension with insane amount of time. Some people even say that medium stretching force only makes the penis stronger and you won`t gain so well. But just my opinions.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

By the way, you can kind of mimic hanging with manuals. Just pull hard down. But you need to be strong for this.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by Kjdeet
Pulling penis too hard preventing gains? I don`t think so. Many hangers who have gained +2 inches hanged heavy, or people who stretched hard. At some point I think it is necessary to pull hard in order to gain. OR you could just stretch with moderate tension with insane amount of time. Some people even say that medium stretching force only makes the penis stronger and you won`t gain so well. But just my opinions.

Totally, very interesting.

So i am kinda fearful in ‘doing it the wrong way and basically preventing gains long term’.

Originally Posted by AntiMike
Totally, very interesting.

So i am kinda fearful in ‘doing it the wrong way and basically preventing gains long term’.

I understand. Everyone has a different opinion and there isn’t really facts there. But I know that people have gained greatly from heavy/strong pulling. And from my personal experience when I pulled harder I got rock hard erections later and morning wood too. Today I had great morning wood and yesterday I stretcched hard. So that’s gotta be a positive sign, it is a positive PI afterall. What I recommend is start with gentle force and if you feel like it does not work for you then use power. Hope this helps! And sorry for my bad english.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

But heavy hangers didn’t start with heavy weights.

If you do a too big of an intensity/weight the tissue will react with hardening/toughening or if you do too much with tearing and the worst toughening - scar tissue.

So I would always start with Newbie Routine then add an extender and only after that hanging and adding weight when necessary.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
But heavy hangers didn’t start with heavy weights.
If you do a too big of an intensity/weight the tissue will react with hardening/toughening or if you do too much with tearing and the worst toughening - scar tissue.
So I would always start with Newbie Routine then add an extender and only after that hanging and adding weight when necessary.

powpow stretched/pulled like a “madman” and gained +1inch in two months. Was his first routine also. But still, it’s safer to start slow of course.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.


So, i will try All Day Stretching for 6 months i guess, and if it doesn’t work i’ll go into hanging. (let’s see how patient i am)
I am at month 2 (average 10 hours a day with esl40, mostly upwards, sometimes towards leg), no gains yet. If/when i see first 0.2 inch length gain (=enough gain to clearly notice) i will be super-happy that it ‘works’.
(All attempts so far did not produce any gains: 3 month each, of: stretching, jelquing, pumping, clamping)

Did some search and read the threads below. Made notes of it further below.
If you know of any thread where there is talk about Theory, feel free to send it do me in PM, I will probably read it and post notes here.
Experienced PE’rs long term extender results?

(following are all quotes from these threads)

THEORY extending:
- rootsnatty
Generally speaking, extender gains remain steady and consistent over time. Many here have gained with an extender. The gains from extending are produced through very different means than hanging or manual stretching, for instance. The long duration/low force method utilized with extenders coaxes the tissues to grow, to not get too scientific, and the toughening that slows gains in methods like hanging and manual stretching and makes them require greater forces over time is much less of an issue with an extender.
Extending is the only PE I’m willing to do because its backed up by studies and is shown to work (on some at least) and is safe.

b balls:
I think increase the tension after 15 min ,then leave tension there for a hour and half ,then lower the tension, fluctuate the tension.
Ajkingpin: I thought of this before, but I found the best gains with low tension and long hours. I notice my flaccid hang would be much lower and consistent

I’d go with the 1200gr. or so, for now - especially if you are going to wear the device for 9hrs./day.
From what I understand so far, there seems to be an upper limit to the rate that cells can create new tissue. When you go beyond a certain tension, certainly you get plastic deformation, which it seems at least some people here (including myself at one time) are going for.
With the right tension, in theory, you get the same dick you have now, just proportionally more of it. I’ve seen a lot of photos of dicks that look like baseball bats from plastic deformation, and that’s not for me.

In other words, its is typically three months before I “recalibrate” and cut a new space sleeve to bring the extender back up to 5 pounds. So for those three months the tension slowly drops as the penis lengthens. Through this 3 month cycle it drops to about 2 pounds as best as I can tell.
I find this interesting, considering I wear it for only couple hours a day to start with, which many would say is “not enough”, yet I am still gaining.

In my experience, I get better gains in both erect and flaccid length from low tension of an ADS over several hours. Everytime I apply a significant amount of tension my penis always turtles faster and become soar with negative PIs.

In lower angle hanging tension is applied to the ligs. In the upper angles the inner penis takes the load. The outer part gets stretched either way. angles.png
Get what you can from stretching ligs. Then switch to upper angles to target the inner part of the shaft.

That’s funny you mention that angle of halfway between OTS and halfway between SO hobby because I in my own thoughts and expiermentation have many times concluded that doing manual stretching and hanging at that angle between SO and OTS will perfectly target the inner penis as well as the outer penis at the same time. I knew this because when expiermenting I would stretch my dick out fully then carefully lift it up from the SO position straight up and as I slowly lifted it up kind of palpate (feel around) the inner shaft as the outer stretched out shaft lifted up in the air and I noticed when I lifted my dick stretched out to about a angle between SO and OTS that I could feel and imagine that the whole shaft formed a straight line at that angle thus I was stretching both the inner and outer shaft at that angle for fatigue/soreness to get gains…

Manuel stretching:
awstev: Do it with feeling. Slowly stretching, then easing up a bit after a minute, then stretching again slowly.. this way it can get stretched out better

All Day Stretching:
pyle: 4 months, 5hours every day, half inch past erect length stretch, no growth
dtwarren1942: I have been using a VacMod on my X4 for over three years averaging 3 to 3.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I have gained a little over 3/4 inches
kfh: In this study (21 people) after 6 months of use the reported average mean gain was 2.3cm gain of flaccid length and 1.7cm in stretched flaccid length which I think they imply is transferrable to erect length gains.
study_penile_extender_regarded_as_effective_treatm ent_for_short_penis.pdf
repeter: I had the normal 3/4” newbee the first 9 months (extender, jelqing and pumping), and now the 1/4 to 1/2 a year thing going on (weight only and jelqing). I’ve also added some very noticeable girth but I never measured. Before doing PE I lost 3/4” over the years due to my age.
It took me several months, but wasn’t until I worked up to to the 1200g that I started to notice gains. So even though I had been PEing for 9 months, I didn’t see gains until the last 3 months ( when I started hang stretching), and the gains really surprised me (~ 3/4”). Now after almost another year I have only saw another 1/2”+ am expecting (or hoping for) another 1/4 by spring ).
There are some advantages to hanging the 1200g weight. I choose that amount of weight because, as you point out, that is the max setting on most extenders, and it has been shown in actual studies to be all that is needed for gains (this is nothing new). It isn’t what most people who hang do (more weight less time), it’s not an extender, and it’s not quite ADS (less weight more time). I am just starting to call it hang stretching, or how about HS?
Chart01: 1180 hours, 2.7cm gain
Djrobins: Pretty much for most us us we gain for 3 months to a couple of years and thats that.
b balls: 1 inch in 3 years
dtwarren: 1 inch using an extender for 3 to 3.5 hours a day, however, it took almost five years.

djrobins: bromide iodine solution to decrease scar tissue in the shaft and allow new growth

Interesting stuff.
I had 3 unsuccessful enlargement runs so far, each about 3 months: jelquing, pumping, clamping, all day stretching.
Now I’ll give All day stretching another go, with esl40, thinking I just need to go more months, and see after 6 months if anything works.

[Notes for Myself: I have an extender at home, I guess it could pull harder than the esl40. Vacextender is perhaps good.
I’ll see after 6 months. Then probably go into hanging. Research how I should do – between the cheeks, downwards, straight out, up over the shoulder, mixing it up…

- I guess with an All Day Stretcher it cannot be in any way negative to ramp it up to the highest possible tension? Cause All day stretchers can’t pull very hard anyway?
I have an esl40. With the normal esl40 the device breaks under ‘too much tension’. But there is also an ‘reinforced’ version where you can put in much more tension.
The creator of the esl40 writes you should just use lower tension of the normal device, this is enough and it’s much more about the time.
I have no idea how much tension is normal with the esl40. (With other extenders you know, most have 1.2 kg tension maximum i read here)

- Heat shall be beneficial. I use 3 thick socks, took a lot of experimenting with the sock-sizes. When I put it off, my shaft is pretty warm.

- Stretching downward for ligs first, later upwards for tunica -> but if I start with upward, there is nothing lost, is there? Just that tunica and ligs will grow more in unison? I mean: after 5 years there will be same amount of gains either way? (or more, because tunica is much harder to stretch?)

PLEASE feel free to send me any threads where there is theory about Tension & Time – I will highly probably read it and make notes and post it here.

Originally Posted by AntiMike
PLEASE feel free to send me any threads where there is theory about Tension & Time – I will highly probably read it and make notes and post it here.

Something I’m sure works is All Day Hanging…however, for it to work, you need to be standing for 2 - 4 hours at a time. One pound works. I changed jobs and can’t do it anymore. Otherwise, I would have continued.
You need the continuous tension for those hours. Standing and walking only. One pound is plenty if you’re not conditioned.

Light Hang All Day

I gained .75 inches BPEL before I had to stop using a Circle Device. Enlargement Workz also sold a one pound ADH that was much cheaper than the Circle Device.

Mix extending up with a simple 30- 40 minutes manual routine as well. Been doing so for some weeks myself and I’m finally damn near being as long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream, NBPEL. It’s my goal to be a bit longer and hopefully just as thick as it, the girth work is on hold until my length goal of 9” BPEL is reached making me over 8 NBPEL.

I’ve found that doing a manual routine really can speed up the gaining process and I always make sure to extend for at least 30 minutes after doing my manual routine which I do minimum 1 time a day, preferably 2- 3 times which I did do past week. Even had good PI’s after doing my manual routine 35minx3 times+ 6 hours of extending total that day.

Must also note that it’s the extender that have made me most of my gains it seems thus far. I too have had many trials and errors with everything from hanging for about 4 months which gave me absolutely nothing, the basic jelqing and stretching which only gave about 0,5 cm if memory serves me right. I’ve probably gained around 1” due to my extending and it’s been a bit on/off with it but mostly on for the last year.

Now I have all the pieces mounted onto the extender arms making me extend at around 20,5 cm with tension atm being at the strongest it can be as well. I think this is really good as my dick doesn’t turtle at all after removing it and it has improved my flaccid hang so, so much as I’m with a good blood flow(like when walking)hanging over 15 cm limp which in my head is a really good flaccid hang.

Hope you too find success in this proven method too, but you’ll get tired of it, believe me you will, but in the end it becomes second nature to just put it on and do something else like writing on here while you’re gaining. This is much of the reason for extending having become my favorite type of PE, as you can do other stuff at the same time. You can’t get too physical though, but sitting on your computer, cleaning your house/apartment, washing dishes etc is very manageable while extending.

Wishing you the best of luck and, please, keep us updated on your(hopefully)progress and remember this takes hours upon hours but what you’ll get in return is just pure gold. Feeling more self confident, able to satisfy your woman even better, the feeling of having achieved what most think is impossible, the ego boost that we all need from time to time and so forth.
Again, good luck my fellow PE brother.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

If this “penis heals in a enlongated state” was true then how so many members gain so well with a 10-15 min a day manual routine?

The penis just needs rest days to heal.

Originally Posted by low-hanging fruit
Something I’m sure works is All Day Hanging…however, for it to work, you need to be standing for 2 - 4 hours at a time. One pound works. I changed jobs and can’t do it anymore. Otherwise, I would have continued.
You need the continuous tension for those hours. Standing and walking only. One pound is plenty if you’re not conditioned.
Light Hang All Day
I gained .75 inches BPEL before I had to stop using a Circle Device. Enlargement Workz also sold a one pound ADH that was much cheaper than the Circle Device.

Your All Day Hanging sounds just great, very interesting!

- You used to hang one pound? That’s 0.45kg. Now i read that 1.2kg of ‘force’ is the maximum with extenders.
So, it’s not really more than with an extender? It’s just a bit different way to apply the force?

- You say standing is necessary - i guess when i am alone at home, naked, sitting at the edge of a sit and let it hang down - then it’s the same as standing, is it?

- My thinking was to first try extending alone for 6-9 months / 2000 hours, when this doesn’t work go into long (a few hours) hanging with a bit higher force than my esl40 currently does. But when going out i don’t have much hope conceiling it, so for going out i probably would use esl40 all day stretch.
For hanging i am also interested more in hanging upward, i am a bit paranoid of my erection going even more downward.

Thanks a lot!

So far i did about 300 hours and no results in non-bone pressed erect length, but i am a bad measurer.
Right now i seem to be at about the maximum i ever measured before, 17.5cm bone pressed erect length, so if the bone pressed is 18 or 18.5cm, it’s super super definitive that my penis really got bigger.
I do about 11-15 hours a day.

19.11: 10
bone pressed erect length: 17,5cm (standing)
non bone pressed erect length: 15,5cm

18.11: 8
17.11: 12
16.11: 11
15.11: 15
14.11: 15
13.11: 14
12.11: 6
11.11: 2
10.11: 2
9.11: 2
8.11: 12
6.11: 14
5.11: 16
4.11: 12
3.11: 12
2.11: 17
1.11: 13
31.10: 16
30.10: 15 -> starting of wearing it also when going out (the leg-version)
29.10: 8
28.10: 7

this month, month 2: 170h
in total: 287h

flaccid stretched:
erect non bone pressed: 15,5
flaccid: 13cm

27.10: 7
26.10: 15
25.10: 9
24.10: 9
23.10: 10
22.10: 6
21.10: 3
20.10: 11
18.10: 9
17.10: 6
16.10: 11
15:10: 3
14.10: 8
13.10: 5
12.10: 5
11.10: 5
10.10: 4
9.10: 7
8.10: 2

5.10: 6
3.10: 7
2.10: 8h
30.9: 7h
29.9: 7h

month 1 - 117 hours total
erect non-bone pressed: 14,5-15,5
erect bone pressed: 16

28.9: 3,5h
27.9: 5h
26.9: 8h
25.9: 4,5h
24.9: 10,5h
23.9: 2h
22.9: 4h -> from this point on used some socks for warming it while stretching
21.9: 2h
19.9: 8h
18.9: 5,5h
17.9: 4h
16.9: 6h
15.9: 2h
14.9: 5h
13.9: 6,5h
12.9: 6h
11.9: 6h
9.9: 1h
8.9: 2,5h
7.9: 5h
3.9: 3h, red points
2.9: 8h
1.9: 6h
30.8: 13-14 1h
28.8.17: 2330-0030 2h

12,5 flaccid
15 erect non bone pressed (former maximum erect: 15,5)

Historical data (from tries about 3 years ago):
erect bone pressed: 16cm lowest, 17.4cm highest
erect non bone pressed: 15cm lowest, 15.5cm highest

I am wondering ‘how strong’ i should pull with the esl40 / with an extender in general.
As hard as you can - as long as you don’t get side effects / have to shorten the time?

The inventor of the esl40 says you shall only pull softly. He says it’s nearly only about the time.
The normal esl40 cup is ‘designed to break when you pull harder’ he said.

So this is one option,
or: i can take the smaller cup and the reinforced version of it, and i can pull a lot harder.

People say with hanging big weights (how big?), it can happen that penis scars. Which leads to preventing future gains.
And that the ‘soft pull for long hours’ of extenders leads to a different kind of penis growth than hanging with big weights.

I am a bit unsure about the whole thing.
Any pointers to threads appreciated, i will of course also search and look around.

Originally Posted by AntiMike
Your All Day Hanging sounds just great, very interesting!

- You used to hang one pound? That’s 0.45kg. Now i read that 1.2kg of ‘force’ is the maximum with extenders.
So, it’s not really more than with an extender? It’s just a bit different way to apply the force?

- You say standing is necessary - i guess when i am alone at home, naked, sitting at the edge of a sit and let it hang down - then it’s the same as standing, is it?

- My thinking was to first try extending alone for 6-9 months / 2000 hours, when this doesn’t work go into long (a few hours) hanging with a bit higher force than my esl40 currently does. But when going out i don’t have much hope conceiling it, so for going out i probably would use esl40 all day stretch.
For hanging i am also interested more in hanging upward, i am a bit paranoid of my erection going even more downward.

One pound? Yes…it works on the principle of tissue creep. It also was very warm when I’d take it off. I’d guess about 105 F.

Some extenders deliver over 3kg of force. That’s determined by the springs. However, you have tissue relaxation. When that happens there is less tension from the springs, but with a weight hanging from your dick you go from tissue creep to plastic deformation.

Can you sit naked? As long as it’s hanging freely and there is no break before hitting fatigue. I used to hit tissue fatigue every single day when wearing the Circle Device. I was also moving around so I had some pendulum action happening as well.

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