Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Theories of Tensions for Penis-growth? - strength and duration


Originally Posted by Gentlepsychopath
If this “penis heals in a enlongated state” was true then how so many members gain so well with a 10-15 min a day manual routine?

The penis just needs rest days to heal.

bigknob gained 2 inches in 12 months with a short stretching sessions troughout the day. Also, bennett8 had the same strategy and also gained 2 inches but in 3 years with a different routine. QL gained 1 inch 6 monthswith this strategy, also hunglikeagerbil. So, it’s great. Yes, you can also gain with 15 min a day. You also scatter your 30 minute routine trough the day sometimes, right? You gained well too.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by Kjdeet
bigknob gained 2 inches in 12 months with a short stretching sessions troughout the day. Also, bennett8 had the same strategy and also gained 2 inches but in 3 years with a different routine. QL gained 1 inch 6 monthswith this strategy, also hunglikeagerbil. So, it’s great. Yes, you can also gain with 15 min a day. You also scatter your 30 minute routine trough the day sometimes, right? You gained well too.

Exactly. Those guys had a simple routine with enough time to rest.
Thats why i believe that many people dont reach their potential in terms of gains because they dont rest enough.

It takes time to achieve big gains and you should have the petience to let the time work.

Also if the intensity of the routine is high more rest days are required.

Originally Posted by Gentlepsychopath
Exactly. Those guys had a simple routine with enough time to rest.
Thats why i believe that many people dont reach their potential in terms of gains because they dont rest enough.

It takes time to achieve big gains and you should have the petience to let the time work.

Also if the intensity of the routine is high more rest days are required.

…but what is enough rest?

5 days on - weekend off
5 minutes - 5 times per day ..
Doesn’t sound like much rest. Did it for a year.

Big Gainer analysis shows that most big gainers had big routines…
BeardedDragon - Big Gainer Highlights

Even the ones like Bennet8 and Bigknob, that Kjdeet names, who didn’t do high intensity per set amassed a lot of load over the day and weeks with not much net rest between exercise.

Here are the routines I was talking about:


Very short duration manual stretch - gains?

In this thread larslaukanen also gained well. 1 inch in 3 months with 3 minute stretching once a day, everyday!


2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures

I remember QL mentioning in one thread about his gains, just can’t remember which one was it.

Also may I add these:

6.8-7.5 from a stretching only routine
The 5-minute routine

8 years of PE: time to grow some more…

powpow gained 3cm in 5-6weeks. A lucky one.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by Kjdeet
Here are the routines I was talking about:


Very short duration manual stretch - gains?

In this thread larslaukanen also gained well. 1 inch in 3 months with 3 minute stretching once a day, everyday!


2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures

I remember QL mentioning in one thread about his gains, just can’t remember which one was it.

Also may I add these:

6.8-7.5 from a stretching only routine
The 5-minute routine

8 years of PE: time to grow some more…

powpow gained 3cm in 5-6weeks. A lucky one.

Almost all these people had minimal to no rest days. Short sessions trough the day have worked well for many people!

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
…but what is enough rest?

5 days on - weekend off
5 minutes - 5 times per day ..
Doesn’t sound like much rest. Did it for a year.

Big Gainer analysis shows that most big gainers had big routines…
BeardedDragon - Big Gainer Highlights

Even the ones like Bennet8 and Bigknob, that Kjdeet names, who didn’t do high intensity per set amassed a lot of load over the day and weeks with not much net rest between exercise.

Yes, good points.
2 rest days a week its very good and i think its enough rest.

Well we dont know for sure, as thoughtfulgold says: to achieve big gains many criteria must be met. Of course big gainers had big routines, but big in term of duration. High intensity, long duration and not enough rest its sure a bad thing.

I try to say that if someone wants big gains there is no need to do too many things (stretching, hanging, pumping) because ”big routine=big gains”. It seems that one or two simple PE methods with consistency are enough for someone to achieve big gains. So i try to make my routine big in duration, with good(not so high not so low) intensity and with enough rest, lets say 5on - 2 off.


Was wondering if with just All-Day-Stretching one should also do 2 rest days per week

I think we are starting to muddy the water here.

A "big routine" versus an "Intense routine" versus an "All Day Routine" are three different things. And we are glancing over what a "Regular Routine" is and skipping the step that usually (not always) is involved with making a massive routine change, as far as talking about routines and what makes them work.

Everyone is different but the approaches are basically the same, with a different bent. I’m going to talk about that in a new post here in a few minutes.

Edit*: Routine Types: Why we emphasize the aspects we do

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 11-28-2017 at . Reason: Missed the link

This is something I have been struggling with as well. I stretch as hard as I can go without any pain or discomfort and I’m holding it for 2 to 3 minutes in each direction for a total of about 15 mins of total time. At the end of it it looks very skinny and it hangs a bit longer then my normal flaccid but only for a minute or so then it shrinks a bit shorter then it normally sits. I am worried that either I’m pulling too hard which from reading on other threads here can cause it to strengthen the tissue instead of stretching it giving you no growth or what if I need to pull harder and it doesn’t hang low for a while like others on here report because I’m not pulling enough! Only been at it a month so I guess we will see what the results are but I am thinking in January I add in one of the mechanical methods either pumping, clamping or hanging so I get some objective measurement to know I’m doing it right. Want to see some good gains!


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