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To small to jelq or stretch


To small to jelq or stretch

Hi I am just wondering what to do because I find it difficult to jelq and stretch because of my size, which is 1 inch flaccid and 3 inches erect.

Anyone have any advice as it would be much appreciated.


Actually it’s difficult starting out for everyone. I don’t think a small staring size should matter so much.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Should small penis jelq with one hand

Try the jelq technique I describe here where you use one hand to stretch your dick out and the other to jelq from the base up.

You might also try different grips, because and OK grip takes up too much dick and you can’t get a good stroke. Try the C grip that’s used in the bottom frames of this link. If you use an OK grip, it should be an overhand instead of a underhand, because you can get a better grip further down the base of your Special Purpose.

As for stretching, you can still get a good grip and stretch regardless of how long you are. You can probably do the stretches demonstrated in this post. A and V stretches can be done using some implement as the fulcrum, like the drumsticks used for the aided V stretch in these frames.

Jelqing might be a bit tough for you, but stretching should be okay. One thing going for you (yes, it could be an advantage) is that your smaller tissues probably aren’t very resistant to plastic deformation. If I were you, I’d begin with a simple stretching routine: 2 minutes down, 2 minutes straight out, and 2 minutes straight up (6 minutes total) - 5 to 7 days per week.

Do that for 1-2 weeks, then add 1 minute in each direction (9 minutes total). Do that for another 1-2 weeks, before bumping it up to 12 minutes total.

I’d keep doing that - adding 3 total minutes every 1-2 weeks - until I was up to 21 total minutes (use a clock). As your flaccid gets longer, you’ll soon be able to start jelqing - which will help your gains even more.

Why is it hard to stretch with your size? If you are 3 inches erect, that means you should have about 3 inches stretched flaccid as well, right? That’s plenty to work with.

I would recommend picking up a pump to supplement your stretching and jelqing. There is no minimum size requirement, and it’s an effortless PE method. Just be sure to read all about it in the Pumper’s Forum, and buy a quality pressure gauge.

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Yeah, I agree with Para,

3 Inches is enough for both jelging and stretching. I would recommend to grab your member palms down when jelging - you can definitely grab closer to the base.

I don’t see how it would be too hard, you can still get a good jelq on that size. I agree with the pump - I am gonna get one too soon.

Good luck and take it slow.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

I am 4 inches and I use the c-grip, it is great. Just remember not to grip too hard and dont put pressure at the top of the shaft where important nerves are.

Mickie I have one thing to say to you: if you have a dick, you can stretch and jelq it. Now I have another thing to say to you: Check out this very inspirational gainer who was in the same boat as you. 2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures

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Hey cslm1223, thanks for the additional feedback!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Hey guys I was there too so I want to help some anxious guys to gain I started my jelqs doing the umbrella style with my fingers then I moved to OK jelqs with no stretch for one month It was on my second month that incorporated stretches and ulis. I had taken horny goats weed to keep me sort of semihard whilst jelqing.

Blue eye, blonde latino

Originally Posted by sricardo
Hey guys I was there too so I want to help some anxious guys to gain I started my jelqs doing the umbrella style with my fingers then I moved to OK jelqs with no stretch for one month It was on my second month that incorporated stretches and ulis. I had taken horny goats weed to keep me sort of semihard whilst jelqing.

I’m blown away. 3 inches in a few month’s. Thats insane!

Happy to report that today I reached a milestone of 7 inches

Last edited by memento : 02-24-2015 at .

Originally Posted by cslm1223

I am 4 inches and I use the c-grip, it is great. Just remember not to grip too hard and don’t put pressure at the top of the shaft where important nerves are.

Top part of shaft, do you mean just behind the glans, be more specific. What other precautions are to be taken?

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