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Uneven Base Girth

Uneven Base Girth

So I’ve noticed that the girth of my base is very uneven. The right side is thinner than my left. I only noticed this when I started to jelq because when I grip it with my right hand (my fingers easily wrap around and get a good grip along the left side). However, whenever I use my right hand my fingers almost overlap and its much harder to get a proper grip along the right side. Its the same case for overhand grip and underhand grip. On further inspection, during my manual stretching I pulled my penis straight forward and then noticed that there is a thick muscle on the left side but not on the right. I think this is the Bulbospongiosus muscle. And during erections my penis curves slightly up and to the right (almost as if its turning onto its right side)
This is probably caused by years of excessive masturbation using only my left hand..

So my questions are:

1.) How to increase girth on the right side of my base?
2.)how to increase BC muscle strength?
3.) how to correct my curve?

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