Variation of jelq to help prevent baseball bat effect
Hey everyone,
So I’ve been interested in PE for probably close to a year now, an prior to joining thunders I have been kinda doing PE exercises (jelqs and squeezes mainly) on and off for a while. I officially started about a week and a half ago though, and I am very excited.
Now for my question:
I get the main concept of how jelqs expand the tissues and all that, and maybe it is just me but I feel as though because jelqs are always in the same direction(from base to glans) that this is the reason for the baseball effect possibly. I’m a newbie and all but I was thinking maybe this slight variation to a normal jelq could decrease the chance of the baseball bat effect maybe? I just personally would really prefer to have even gains when they come in
I tried this today and it seems beneficial but I’d really appreciate feedback:
Do a normal base to glans jelq with your first hand and follow with the second.
Then, instead of repeating, pull penis outward holding under the glans with one hand( like the manual stretch) and doing a sort of reverse jelq with the other (pushing blood from the glans down to the base). Same grip and everything as the normal jelq, just from top to bottom. Then repeat. I feel as though this will increase pressure more towards the base on the “reverse jelq” and even things out a bit.
It is fairly easy to do and get into a good rhythm, and I don’t feel it’s too advanced a move as of right now, but tell me if you think otherwise! And I would greatly appreciate some insight on whether or not this could benefit me in the long run. Thanks!