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Wary of hanging or clamping

Wary of hanging or clamping

I was just wondering about the difference in gains between manual and hanging/clamping. I’m wary of hanging, I don’t like the idea of hanging weights on my dick, or closing off blood flow for an extended period of time. Obviously hanging will produce quicker results most of the time, but do you think I can still achieve the same results with just a simple jelqing/stretching routine?


6/30/06- Fl:3.9, Fg: 4.1, Bpel: 5.75, Eg: 4.5

A lot of guys get all of their results from the basic stretch and jelq exercises. The Newbie Routine takes care of your first 3 months, so you can evaluate how you are progressing once you reach that point. If it’s working well for you, just keep doing what you are doing.

I felt the same way about hanging - could never get comfortable with the Captn’s Wench. I’m now using a vacum hanger and am having good luck. It’s a lot less intimidating than the clamp style hangers as it doesn’t restrict the blood flow like the clamp hangers and you don’t actually clamp anything extremely tight to your dick.

You can still injure yourself using them if you don’t pay attention to the pain. I lost sensation (went numb) in the beginning for a three day period, but since then I’ve been using the vacuum hanger without pumping and have been having good success.

BTW, I injured myself quite a bit when I used to just intensely stretch. It’s very easy to apply too many square pounds of force without realizing it when you stretch and you may accidentally grab hold incorrectly and injure yourself further.

With hanging you know exactly how much weight you’re exerting.

All PE is a risk. You just have to decide where your priorities are.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Ya I guess I need to get some PE under my belt before I decide. Thanks for the replies guys.


6/30/06- Fl:3.9, Fg: 4.1, Bpel: 5.75, Eg: 4.5


I’ve been performing manual stretches and jelqing for about 3 months and gained about 1 inch in BPEL and .25 EG. I was pretty consistent, verging on obsessive 5 on 1 off routine as well as stretched and dry jelqed my dick when ever I got the chance (privacy). F**k it was alot of F**ken work to get about 1 inch in 3 months. Since I’ve always been an advocate of working smart and after reading numerous post regarding clamping, I began clamping in the fourth month. I went to Home Depot and purchased a couple of clamps and after the first month of clamping, my dick definitely look fatter and thicker - I was hooked. I still did jelqs for 15 - 30 minutes a day and manual stretches for 15 - 30 minutes a day along with the clamping 3 to 5 sets of 10 minutes for one month and then the following month 3 to 5 sets for 15 minutes; I gained about .5 EG in 2 months of clamping. Today I decided that I’m ready for clamping after researching on Thunders; I did 3 sets of 15 minutes using 5 lbs for starters - a very light workout.

To answer the question “do you think I can still achieve the same results with just a simple jelqing/stretching routine?”. Yes; however, it may take you longer. This is just my opinion.


If you are iffy about hanging, manual stretches are great. Plus they will, to some degree, help condition your penis for hanging. Look into monkeybar’s vacu-hanger, for hanging and also ADS. I love the thing! Good LucK bro. -BigCat


Current Stats, BPEL x EG (base): 6.5'' x 5''

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