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What the hell is BPEL? (Bone pressed erect length)


What the hell is BPEL? (Bone pressed erect length)

Im sorry to ask this question, i should be able to find the answer, but i cant seem to:

How exactly do i measure my bpel - bone pressed erect length? (I’ve seen threads saying you should not touch the penis, but push the ruler into your fat pad hitting the bone and i’ve seen other threads saying i should push my erect penis down as far as i can and measure from the fat pad)

Once again, im sorry - i feel ashamed, but i need to know.

Not down, just parallel to the floor, at 90 degrees with your body.

And what is EQ and PI ??

I already checked the glossary but there is no reference to these abbreviations there.

Never mind!

PI = Physiologic Indicators
EQ = Erectile Quality

Originally Posted by Ikki T
Never mind!

PI = Physiologic Indicators
EQ = Erectile Quality

Thumbs up for search button!

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by marinera
Not down, just parallel to the floor, at 90 degrees with your body.

Then that means that my BPEL = NBPEL since my penis sticks out perpendicular to my body when fully erect.

So thats it?

No. Bone pressed is exactly what it sounds like. You press the ruler into the fat pad until it stops. Non-bone pressed is also what it sounds like. You don’t press the ruler into the fat pad. Rather you measure just to the fat pad.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Great, now i have 3 versions of what BPEL is:

1. Ruler forced into fat pad, stopped by pubic bone
2. Penis pressed downwards as much as possible
3. Penis pressed (or lifted, i guess depending on erection angle) to 90 degrees from upright body

Do i start a vote? :D

I gotta say though, that by the name alone, option 1 seems like the intended purpose.


In English, we capitalise ‘I’ wherever it occurs in a sentence, not just at the start. Please try to do that.

BPEL is all about trying to get a consistent measurement. It’s not about measuring size but about measuring difference in size. The most consistent measurements I got where to hold the penis at 90° from the body, press into the fat pad and press the penis to the ruler.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

John.bigson, you are confusing two related topics here. Topic one is what is BPEL and what is NBPEL. Topic two is how do I do it properly? I think you have the first topic figured out but the second is confusing you.

See memento above for why BPEL is important. The key to BPEL isn’t exactly how you do it, it is that you do it the same way every time. For example: you can get different measurements sitting vs. standing and erection angle. Solution is measure the same way every time like standing and at 90 degree angle. I also found it helpful to take a mental note whether I really was at full erection for the measurement as sometimes ruler shyness happens. Due to these variables I never totally trusted a new gain until it was confirmed by three measurements.

Being a smart ass here but it’s to drive home the point. The only thing that is absolute in BPEL is getting the ruler pressed into the fat pad. What else you choose to do should purely be for consistency.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Originally Posted by Ikki T
Never mind!

PI = Physiologic Indicators
EQ = Erectile Quality

I had the same problems with all the abbreviations. Glad you guys figured it out!

Hold the cursor of the mouse over the acronyms for a few seconds and a hint will appear.

Originally Posted by memento

In English, we capitalise ‘I’ wherever it occurs in a sentence, not just at the start. Please try to do that.

BPEL is all about trying to get a consistent measurement. It’s not about measuring size but about measuring difference in size. The most consistent measurements I got where to hold the penis at 90° from the body, press into the fat pad and press the penis to the ruler.

I’ll try to remember that.

I just want to know what BPEL is, purely physically - how do you measure it?
I don’t want tips of how to measure consistently. I don’t want a philosophical debate.

BPEL is about measuring consistently. So it’s a bit hard to discuss measuring BPEL in absence of consistency or vice versa.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by nowhereman
John.bigson, you are confusing two related topics here. Topic one is what is BPEL and what is NBPEL. Topic two is how do I do it properly? I think you have the first topic figured out but the second is confusing you.

See memento above for why BPEL is important. The key to BPEL isn’t exactly how you do it, it is that you do it the same way every time. For example: you can get different measurements sitting vs. standing and erection angle. Solution is measure the same way every time like standing and at 90 degree angle. I also found it helpful to take a mental note whether I really was at full erection for the measurement as sometimes ruler shyness happens. Due to these variables I never totally trusted a new gain until it was confirmed by three measurements.

Being a smart ass here but it’s to drive home the point. The only thing that is absolute in BPEL is getting the ruler pressed into the fat pad. What else you choose to do should purely be for consistency.

No the only thing I want to know is what BPEL is. I know what NBPEL is. You may be misinterpreting my reply to marinera as being confused, because you have a different opinion of what BPEL is, compared to marinera, who says that BPEL is “Not down, just parallel to the floor, at 90 degrees with your body” but says nothing about pushing into the fat pad (unless thats what he meant, but did not say). My reply to him was based on that and not on what some others say, which is to press the ruler into the fat pad, hitting the bone.

Of course consistency is important, that goes without saying. I only want to know what BPEL is, the measuring technique itself, not what the abbreviation stands for or anything else.

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