Thunder's Place

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What the hell is BPEL? (Bone pressed erect length)


Here is how I measure, which comes from my reading of this forum:

Get an erection
Stand up
Be sure stand normally. Do not thrust your hips forward, as this will add length
Take a wooden ruler in your right hand and place it flat on top of your penis.
If your penis is curved, straighten it out with your left hand. (we want to measure penis, not air)
Press the base of the ruler so that is directly against your pubic bone.

Measure your penis the same way every time.

As others have said, you are measuring BPEL to track gains.

BPEL is a “scientific measurement” for your PE “experiment,” so you want to be as consistent as possible.

Hope this helps.

Anyway, before I get to annoyed with this thread, which really is such a simple question, I’ll just conclude that most people say that BPEL is when you hold your penis perpendicular to body and push the ruler into the fat pad until it hits the bone (hence the “bone” pressed).

Google searches confirm this.

Originally Posted by john.bigson
Anyway, before I get to annoyed with this thread, which really is such a simple question, I’ll just conclude that most people say that BPEL is when you hold your penis perpendicular to body and push the ruler into the fat pad until it hits the bone (hence the “bone” pressed).

Google searches confirm this.

I’m sorry that our patient attempts to answer such a basic question is annoying you but perhaps this “search” you speak of is how the thread should have started? or maybe it didn’t need to start at all?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

When you say “our”, do you imply that you are part of some internal, secretly defined group of posters on TP that I’m not part of? I’m asking because this is your first post in this thread, so you personally haven’t made any “patient attempts” to answer the question. And with this (only) sarcastic post of yours, you still don’t.

And yes, of course I did search. Read my first post again and you will see that the reason for needing a clarification is because i have read several different opinions on how BPEL is measured. I read those opinions in posts about what BPEL is, after searching on it. Didn’t just ask “out of the blue”.

And for the freaking record, since there are different opinions of what BPEL is, even in this thread, theres definitely a need for a clarification thread like this.

Keep down the attitude bro. There aren’t ‘different opinions of what BPEL is, even in this thread’, all people who (kindly) answered your qestion said the same : it is what it sounds, just that simple. ‘Our’ imply the existence of the not-secret-society of people who got what BPEL is and tried to explain to you.

Originally Posted by john.bigson
When you say “our”, do you imply that you are part of some internal, secretly defined group of posters on TP that I’m not part of? I’m asking because this is your first post in this thread, so you personally haven’t made any “patient attempts” to answer the question. And with this (only) sarcastic post of yours, you still don’t.

And yes, of course I did search. Read my first post again and you will see that the reason for needing a clarification is because i have read several different opinions on how BPEL is measured. I read those opinions in posts about what BPEL is, after searching on it. Didn’t just ask “out of the blue”.

And for the freaking record, since there are different opinions of what BPEL is, even in this thread, theres definitely a need for a clarification thread like this.

Not a secretly defined group, we are well documented here. Just do a search.

Patience and restraint is what was displayed when I responded to your ungrateful post about being annoyed.

Sarcasm would have been me saying “Veterans and Mods really appreciate being referred to as annoying after taking the time to answer your question! Keep up the good work!”

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by marinera
Keep down the attitude bro. There aren’t ‘different opinions of what BPEL is, even in this thread’, all people who (kindly) answered your qestion said the same : it is what it sounds, just that simple. ‘Our’ imply the existence of the not-secret-society of people who got what BPEL is and tried to explain to you.

And this group apparently knows what the other members are thinking, since you answer for him (cantlook). Quite advanced, sci fi even.

Btw, what exactly did you mean in your first post? Did you mean that to measure BPEL you hold the penis 90 degrees from body and push ruler into fat pad?

Dude, if you think that you are looking smart let me say that you are wrong. Keep on that attitude and I bet you’ll not be around for long.

BTW, you waited near 5 years before wondering what BPEL is? And never seen the search engine in so long time?

Originally Posted by cantlook
Not a secretly defined group, we are well documented here. Just do a search.

Patience and restraint is what was displayed when I responded to your ungrateful post about being annoyed.

Sarcasm would have been me saying “Veterans and Mods really appreciate being referred to as annoying after taking the time to answer your question! Keep up the good work!”

Allow me to laugh while you get off your high horse. Your adding nothing to the topic at hand, but spite and flame.

And the name of this organization is? “Cantlook’s Offtopic Rudeboys” ?

Don’t say that i referred to “vets and mods” as annoying. Thats a lie. I said the thread is annoying me. Separate person and topic.

I drew my conclusion before you even posted your irrelevant and spiteful remark, so whatever else you have to say, unless its leaving your opinion on how BPEL is measured, you can write in a letter and send it out to sea in a bottle, because yours and mine discussion is going nowhere and adding nothing.

Originally Posted by marinera
Dude, if you think that you are looking smart let me say that you are wrong. Keep on that attitude and I bet you’ll not be around for long.

Definitely not trying to look smart.

And if this is how a simple question is answered, by starting a flame war simply because i ask people NOT to post off topic answers (even if they think its helpful) i guess i should stick to asking more in depth questions like the thread where you and firegoat helped me draw conclusions about healing ligaments. I was happy with how people answered there, they stayed on topic and when they went off topic and i asked them to get back on topic, they did, without starting some ridiculous ego trip, like you and “cantlook” are doing now.

But then again, you did start a flame war in that thread too, so maybe I’m expecting to much from you?

I repeat. I’m asking a specific, simple question. This is getting out of hand. I’m ending this now, wont reply to any off topic or flames in here.

Yeah everybody is flaming but you. And of course you didn’t understand this either

Originally Posted by memento

In English, we capitalise ‘I’ wherever it occurs in a sentence, not just at the start. Please try to do that.

Originally Posted by john.bigson
Allow me to laugh while you get off your high horse. Your adding nothing to the topic at hand, but spite and flame.

And the name of this organization is? “Cantlook’s Offtopic Rudeboys” ?

Don’t say that i referred to “vets and mods” as annoying. Thats a lie. I said the thread is annoying me. Separate person and topic.

I drew my conclusion before you even posted your irrelevant and spiteful remark, so whatever else you have to say, unless its leaving your opinion on how BPEL is measured, you can write in a letter and send it out to sea in a bottle, because yours and mine discussion is going nowhere and adding nothing.

It wasn’t a lie, it was a sarcastic comment based on your seemingly unappreciative attitude towards those who tried to help you and was inspired by your apparent misunderstanding of what sarcasm is.

The thread you started is annoying you? Now it is clearer to me, I thought it was the helpful attempts to answer the question within the thread that were bugging you. It seems we agree then, I found the question annoying too.

I hope you got what you were looking for because you are right, this is no longer helping anyone.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Last edited by cantlook : 05-15-2012 at .

Have a couple of days off to calm down john. It was a very simple question; so simple that after being a member for several years and with quite a few posts, it would have been insulting to give you a ‘simple’ answer. Evidently there was something more complex about the measuring procedure you did not understand, so everybody answered it politely and well on that assumption. You were unnecessarily rude back, and trying to inflame other people unnecessarily with your answers.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Hope some newbies don’t get confused reading threads like this. Just in case, here is a link to the Glossary



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