Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When To Call It Quits

When To Call It Quits

I have been a member of this site for a long time (I only have a few post) and I have no idea where to post this so I posted to the first forum I had access to.

I have a long history with PE and consider a minimal routine; like the newbie routine, necessary for health and physiological reasons and have made considerable gains over the 13 years I have practiced it. I have come to a point where I wonder when is enough enough and when has it become purely self serving and not about our partner anymore.

I say this because over the course of the past few years I have been considering and even going to the point of infatuating the idea of extreme surgical measures to obtain the fabled monster. I don’t want to get into my size or what routine I use as it feels demonstrative to the topic. I would like to discuss when we should be honest with ourselves and be comfortable where we are at.

Is it the image we want to project to others as a masculinity symbol? The satisfaction of our partner(s)? Or is it a battle against our own psyche and self perspective.

As said earlier I have been considering surgery over the past few years and yes even silicone, even though I fully understand the massive health risk and the possibility of deformation to the point of uselessness. I have had a moment of clarity the past few months and know I will never undergo such measures but it does lead me to wonder why the fetish still persist. I know I am of adequate size for any partner but why is the need or drive to become larger still there?

My 2 Bob

Mate, if one’s dick is near enough to normal then there’s no way one should be looking at that sort of stuff. It’d be like a bloke getting bicep Botox injections or something. I would suggest to anyone like that contemplating that stuff to get out and find some people with real problems so that it can all be put in perspective . Rural African villagers could be a good source. (Not personal by the way)!

Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 “ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.

Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.

The explanation my opinion is simple:

Getting bigger feels good. So we keep doing it.

This does become selfish but at its core the desire to be bigger always was self-serving from the outset.

You will have to make a conscious effort to stop PE and you will have to have a reason strong enough to defeat that feeling of happiness that you get when continuing to do PE. Otherwise you will continue onward.

I joke that PE is like the mafia and no one gets out. I joke because it’s funny because the statement is true.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by benfen101
Is it the image we want to project to others as a masculinity symbol? The satisfaction of our partner(s)? Or is it a battle against our own psyche and self perspective.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but my battle is simple. I want to be larger than all of my wife’s previous exes. I’m the smallest she’s ever had. Clearly, I should have known better than to ask. It now haunts me daily. I suppose a bigger man would just get over it and not let this bother him. However, I’d rather just become a bigger man in a literal sense.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

It’s more or less the same as doing bodybuilding.
You can do it to stay fit.
You can do it to get ripped.
You can get really bulky and you can get monster biceps.

You can also go so far as to inject hormones. That’s where you enter the crazy BB territory.
Then you can inject saline and other shit. That’s the dangerously stupid BB level.

Injecting penis hormones(for a healthy person) is bad imo. Having penis surgery to me is dangerously stupid.

I believe it is just human nature to never be satisfied. People buy nice cars all the time only to want a different car months later. This PE stuff is really messing with my head to the point where I don’t want to have sex until I reach a certain milestone. My motivation for PE comes from the fear of losing a significant other to a man who has a larger unit than myself. Hopefully one day I can reach a point where I can feel content but I’m not sure if that day will come.

Personally it’s partly about confidence within groups of men and to generally feel more masculine and attractive. But also it’s a practical matter, that I don’t want to run out of dick when a girl wants it deeper. Of course it’s completely dependent on the girl, but with my current girlfriend, I infer from her reactions that she wants a bit extra. So my reason is to be the best sex she ever had, not the biggest dick. From all the reading and such I have surmised that 7 NBPL x 5.5 EG would be a pretty effective tool for the job. Much bigger is just for vanity (and that’s pretty tempting too! Haha).

I wish calling it quits and not doing any type of PE was something I could do. Unfortunately I’m probably going to be in a life long battle. To slow down my ED and bad EQ. Many times I have walked away from PE only to have those problems bring me back.

Now when to stop for length and girth. I guess at one point the effort to get extra 1/8th inch will be to great. And the time and effort would just not be worth it for you. And the added size would be uncomfortable for your partner. Those would probably be good times to stop trying to gain size.

It’s some cruel joke of evolution that the ideal length by visual appearance is 9 or 10 but that only 7 or 8 of it fits.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Good topic I would offer the following things
Every where we as men go we are reminded by society that if you don’t have a big dick, you aren’t as good as someone who does. Everywhere on tv, porn, commercials and advertising that say size matters. Plus women can get every procedure they want done but even with advancements in medicine there is no procedure for men that is considered fda safe for enlargement. It would be a trillion dollar industry if it would.

A lot Women just don’t understand how much it can destroy a mans ego to say something about his manhood. We have no control over what we are born with.


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