Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

8" x 6" and not happy??

UHmmm well this is my goal.. But I am wondering if my balls will look very out of proportion because they are not that big.. Bird2 said he massaged them and got them bigger? If I have a 8x6.. And small balls that will look wierd hrmm what to do?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by kaan
Working for a bigger penis is perfectly OK for me. Development is nice. But feeling unhappy or obsessed about size, that’s not good. I think that’s the whole thing.

I agree with Kaan. If someone feels that their 8x6 penis is “small,” then I seriously doubt that they will ever achieve satisfaction about their penis size through penis enlargement; they need psychological therapy, not penile therapy. (Likewise for the already-big-and-ripped bodybuilder who thinks he’d be happy if only he could pack on 10 more pounds, or the 100-pound girl who still feels fat.) If, on the other hand, a “big guy” is truly happy about his size and simply wants to cement slightly more size, for whatever reason — as GM and Dino point out — I don’t see anything wrong with the situation, as long as the dude is not approaching sizes that are actually hurting the people with whom he has sexual contact (which, of course, might indicate some other kind of psychological issue…).

I don’t do PE anymore. It’s just too much work.

If you are 8x6 and still not happy, you need help - seriously. I’m not saying you’re a sociopath or at all a bad person. But maybe an honest appraisal of some underlying emotional disfunction is called for.

Just consider the wonders of the universe and your own finite period of existence within it. How much of this do you want to spend on dickpulling?

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by huff
If you are 8x6 and still not happy,

about your dick size, presumably ;)

Yes Goomba. A big dick is certainly no guarantee of happiness.

There are guys around here who wouldn’t be satisfied if their cock was the size of a watermain. I just don’t get it. The best course for these souls is to purchase a dildo that best approximates their size and fuck themselves up the ass with it.
“Still don’t think you’re big bee-aaaatch!”

Or we can put them on Langeman’s stretching routine.:)

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Many good posts, and I agree, nothing wrong with wanting bigger than 8 x 6, but
I get a little concerned when I see posts like;

“My dick is 8 x 5.8, but the area below the glans
is thinner than mid-shaft, please help me, this is a big problem for me”


“help me, I’m only gaining
width, my dick is now 8.3 x 6.1 and flat. I’ll kill myself!”


“How do I fix the baseball effect? my dick is 7.75 x 6.3 mid-shaft, but the base is only 5.9”. HELP ME!!”

I think Dino is right, Be happy, no, THRILLED with 8 x 6 or 7 x 5.5, and go for 8.5 x 6.5 or whatever your goal is.

I hope I am making the point here.

By the way, I think Janet S.-Q. Jackson said “Bigger is better” in an interview, she didn’t sing it. Or maybe both? She is
really boosting male insecurity! Maybe she is hanging with Lex, Mandingo and Shane?? Or maybe she was referring to nipple piercings? :-)

Keep it up.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

I want an obvious big bulge.

Speaking for myself, Most of the time I can’t “see” an 8x6 because I am 265 lbs and 6-0. Sometimes, I sit in front of the mirror and push the fat back to see what I have and it helps. I’ve pretty much laid off the “gonzo” style PE, I simply have to lose weight for gains.

Good point Mr. Nine. If a dude were 7 feet tall and 400 lbs, it’d be perfectly normal for an 8x6 dick to “look” truly small on him, even if he knew it was large relative to the population as a whole.

I wonder what [b]Mr. Happy{/b] would have to say about all of this…


I don’t know about you guys, but my wallet could never be fat enough.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally Posted by huff
Just consider the wonders of the universe and your own finite period of existence within it. How much of this do you want to spend on dickpulling?

What a great perspective to have on yourself. I always try to look at myself from a third person perspective as well. I still PE though I’m not the dedicated philosopher that you are. However I do limit my PE activities to 20 minutes a day. And since I quit masturbating I haven’t been able to get back into the masturbating habit as well, so I’m finding much more available free time. So lately I’m a much happier person, I practice my guitar scales every night for at least an hour, and I’m improving at such a rapid rate it’s amazing, and fulfilling.

Having a bigger dick and doing PE can waste a lot of time. I myself try to determine how much time is absolutely necessary, and only use that much time on the PE front.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I can tell you in all honesty, having a big dick means you have a big dick. Having a big dick does not mean happiness, or confidence in yourself, or loving yourself as a person…notwithstanding loving or caring about anyone else.

I am living proof that having a big dick can destroy you. I am a swinging tree trunk down there even when I don’t PE for days at a time…yet I feel smaller than anyone else on the planet, even Ulcasterdropout. =p

I forgot to work on the human on the inside, instead choosing to work on the 350 lb body, losing the weight, the little 6 1/2 incher in my pants at the time, into the 9”x6.5” monster I have now.

My problem is…I can’t stop now. I have lost my ability to give a shit about anyone or anything but myself. Constant drugging and distancing from the self to try and accentuate some sense of gain or personal wealth in my outward appearance (which is still ungodly ugly and pathetic).

I am a teacher now. I show people the ugliness in themselves and give them the choice, the opportunity, to prove to themselves how far down they wish to fall and fail. It is up to them whether they want to succeed in failure. I simply show them the way.

Many of you are wrong.
You speak of the majority of the unhappy guys, I get that.
But there are also many other cases.

You CAN get happier with a bigger dick, why?
Put yourself in the situation where you have a small penis and you are afraid to take it out infront of a girl ‘cause you’re so ashamed of your size.
You can never have sex ‘cause of this issue.

You start to perform PE and reaches an average sized dick.
You’re no longer afraid to take it out and can have sex.
Life is better with sex, isn’t it?

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Pud
What a great perspective to have on yourself. I always try to look at myself from a third person perspective as well. I still PE though I’m not the dedicated philosopher that you are. However I do limit my PE activities to 20 minutes a day. And since I quit masturbating I haven’t been able to get back into the masturbating habit as well, so I’m finding much more available free time. So lately I’m a much happier person, I practice my guitar scales every night for at least an hour, and I’m improving at such a rapid rate it’s amazing, and fulfilling.

Having a bigger dick and doing PE can waste a lot of time. I myself try to determine how much time is absolutely necessary, and only use that much time on the PE front.

Yup, for similar reasons I have never bothered much with PE methods besides hanging and, recently, pumping. During two hours of hanging I attend to my PEing for only a few minutes total; the rest of the time can be spent reading or doing something else productive (e.g., posting here, :D , lol).


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