Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

8" x 6" and not happy??

Originally Posted by phreakk

Constant drugging and distancing from the self to try and accentuate some sense of gain or personal wealth in my outward appearance (which is still ungodly ugly and pathetic).

Seriously, Phreakk, you posted face pics awhile back. You are far from ugly. In fact, I’d say you look like a somewhat handsomer version of Billy Bob Thornton. Your problem is totally in your head.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
I wonder what Mr. Happy would have to say about all of this…

I would say it’s certainly an interesting hobby. It’s fun and challenging and provides hours of entertainment.


One’s satisfaction regarding their penis size is only healthy if there is an accurate real-world objectivity behind it, (and maybe some self-esteem is good too, while we’re at it). People who have a pefectly average sized unit and feel they are small are heading toward having an actually large unit and not being satisfied.

phreakk, for example has a distorted self image. At least he is able to recognize that he has a very large dick. Now he can perhaps focus on the other challenges his life presents & improve his lot in life by giving himself the self-love and respect he richly deserves.

As far as proportion is concerned, for those who are 6’ 9” and 350 pounds - or whatever - it depends on one’s aesthetic. If we are comparing ourselves to Peter North or Lexington Steele as models of male perfection, then obviously our sense of proper proportion is a bit skewed. If we look at Michelangelo’s David our paradigm might be different.

Look, I’m into it. I’m pulling dick (well, pumping really) on a daily basis. Like Pud, I no longer masturbate (note the correct spelling), unless you count PE, which has masturbatory qualities, but is not quite the same.

I just think anyone who does not acknowledge 8X6 as being quite large is kidding themselves.

You want to be so large or larger it’s ok by me. Knock yourself out. Dating is still gonna be challenging as is finding Ms Right.

The idea that it is necessary to possess what’s clearly well above the typical average size as a bare minimum to satisy ‘most women’…well, it’s just horseshit.

8X6 is a big dick. Big dicks have their appeal, but it’s not a ‘gold standard’ for satisfaction in the bedroom (unless that happens to be what you want).

Really that satisfaction is achieved another way. Are you with me?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
Many of you are wrong.

You CAN get happier with a bigger dick…

I think you can be happier, having worked to make it larger.

Certainly getting more size doesn’t make the mortgage or the rent payment go away; or make your kids happier or healthier; or make a boring job more interesting. But along with the gain does come increased self-confidence and a degree of male pride.

I don’t think all this has to do with a particular Gold Standard number, either, like 8 x 6. Long before I got there from a couple inches shorter I was really enjoying the new unit; the size increase. Sure, it took a lot of time and work, but I really liked the results and thought the time worth that. Still do.



Having talked to a very insightful person about size issues today I got a very good remark. It is not a question of size but of consistence. Size is no guarantee for functionality.

Originally Posted by ahund
I have seen guys here lately complaining about their
8” x 6” (+/-) dicks, being really unhappy about either girth or length, mostly girth.

I see a lot more bragging than complaining by 8x6 guys.

Horny Bastard

As far as enjoyment of sex is concerned, I am absolutely satisfied with my device, which is about BP 6”x5.25”. Of course, if I am satisfied it’s because I see how satisfied my recent partners have been.

Still, I want a bigger one because I know that I’ll be more confident with a dick that will give a better first impression. But I don’t really want a very big dick, just one that looks somewhat bigger than average, in the same way as a guy who is 180cm tall is taller than average but doesn’t stand out.

Most probably, if I grow an inch in lenght, I will stop there and not go for a really big one. Still, I can’t swear it, but I am quite certain.

We have two criteria here that are not always compatible. One is am I as big as I think I should be for the sake of looks. The other is the functional side of am I big enough to be satisfying to my partner.

Obviously the one is self centered and the other, other centered.

If I choose to chase the size for the sake of looks then we don’t care what the recipient thinks about our tool. It is just that a tool for our self satisfaction. If it hurts the other person so what. We just want to empress and if it means pain then so be it.

On the other hand if we’re out to please the other person then we might be placing limits determinate on the reactions we’re getting.

I think these two concepts fight each other all the time and we have to be aware of which one is winning.

The obvious fact is it REALLY doesn’t matter how big it is because it feels good at any time at any length. This is also selfish.

I could go on philosophically but I think you get the idea. So where is an 8X6 in the picture? It’s all in the head or between two people. Frankly I like sharing with the wife.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Well said Monty.

I also liked avocet’s post because it honestly addresses an issue of self-confidence in a self-aware manner. So getting bigger helped as it was directly connected to the issue.

The idea that 8X6 is the bare minimum or a universal Holy Grail dick-size is nonsense. Many women will find it on the long side of their comfort range, and 6” girth will, in most cases, make oral sex a real chore (as they say: they don’t call it a blow job for nothing).

I also agree that there is a discrepancy for many between what is visually pleasing (and first glance impressive) and what is really reqired to get the job done.

8 X 6 is a big dick. Can we all agree on that? There is no “only 8 X 6” except at a porn convention. Even then…it’s still pretty darn big.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by avocet8
I think you can be happier, having worked to make it larger.

Certainly getting more size doesn’t make the mortgage or the rent payment go away; or make your kids happier or healthier; or make a boring job more interesting. But along with the gain does come increased self-confidence and a degree of male pride.

I don’t think all this has to do with a particular Gold Standard number, either, like 8 x 6. Long before I got there from a couple inches shorter I was really enjoying the new unit; the size increase. Sure, it took a lot of time and work, but I really liked the results and thought the time worth that. Still do.

It’s the butterfly effect. A bigger dick can make the mortgage go away, it can make my kids happier and healthier, and it certainly can make my boring job more interesting. It’s a matter of relating your cause to your effect. For instance, my bigger dick makes my wife happy, which makes my life easier because she gives me less shit ( if your reading this honey, it’s just a joke please stop reading my posts for god sakes! ) With my “happy” wife comes peace to me, comes a little more respect as well. With my bigger dick comes a better out look on life which makes my attitude at work better which makes me more productive which makes more money which in turn lowers my mortgage on a relative basis. That is I make more, so less of a percentage of my gross income goes to the mortgage.

I don’t have kids but I could use the same type argument if they existed. I’m just glad they don’t exist just yet, I’d rather not live for some ungrateful little brat that only messes up and complains about everything. So until I have one of those bundles of joy I’ll just live life and enjoy life while I’m young and can live it and enjoy it to the fullest.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Monty530
We have two criteria here that are not always compatible. One is am I as big as I think I should be for the sake of looks. The other is the functional side of am I big enough to be satisfying to my partner.

Obviously the one is self centered and the other, other centered.

If I choose to chase the size for the sake of looks then we don’t care what the recipient thinks about our tool. It is just that a tool for our self satisfaction. If it hurts the other person so what. We just want to empress and if it means pain then so be it.

Right to the point.

Originally Posted by mravg
I see a lot more bragging than complaining by 8x6 guys.

I don’t wanna start with names, but I’ve read the “please-help-me-posts”, and I thought;
“hey, let’s see what this newbie needs”, and it turns out that his dick is close to 8 x 6.

The 8 x 6 guys are bragging, but they’re here, right? Look at their goals.

I’m saying that there seem to be a development in what people here consider big, huge, and big enough.
Earlier, that is a couple of years ago, 8 x 6 was the golden dick size, nowadays it’s considered big, no doubt,
but not like before. I think the golden standard now is closer to 9 x 6.25. A lot of guys have 10 x 7 as their goal. That’s fine, but very unrealistic for
most. And why do they want this size? To compensate for the lack of self confidence IMHO.

“If I had the biggest swinging dick in the universe, nothing could threaten me, make me feel small, no woman could intimidate me, I would be perfectly confident! The KING!!” I think it’s a question of power balance.
“I have an average dick, women have power over me, I have a biggish dick, it’s more or less even, but if I had a humongous dick, I would have power over women, they would worship me and my penis.”

I think we are scared to death by the thought of size queens, that women might think that we’re not big enough.
And that fear I can understand, because I’ve had it myself, big time.

Dick size is only one aspect of sex, let’s not fool ourselves into believing that all it takes is a big dick, that happiness is to hear women scream; “Oh my GOD!!” when you pull out your dick.
To guys who believe this; take a good look into yourself!


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Nicely put, Ahund.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

The question is, given all the ways in which a woman can find a man to be inadequate, why do we seem to fear our penises being found inadequate more than anything else?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Well I’m at 8X6.5 and want to be bigger. Why? I’m coming to grips with the fact that I’ve felt small and inadequate for some time. It all stems from my ex-wife having numerous affairs and after questioning; I found out that most of them were all larger.

I don’t think that being larger will hinder my sex life. I’ve never run into a situation with my current size that didn’t allow for great oral and other sex.

Okay, I know it’s a self esteem issue. My girlfriend laughs because I still won’t shower or go the steam room at the gym. I feel so small when I undress.

I don’t consider myself crazy, but I know that my self esteem needs help.

My $.02…


Originally Posted by Titleist

It all stems from my ex-wife having numerous affairs and after questioning; I found out that most of them were all larger.

Larger than 8 x 6.5?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Yeah, it was when we were clearing the air after me finding out about another affair. I don’t think she’d have any reason to lie at that point.


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