Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A question for the "natural biggies"

In order of importance:

1. My competitive nature drives me to be the biggest
2. Many people are impressed by a big one, it feeds my ego
3. Enlarging my penis is like living a fantasy
4. Added size further bolsters my confidence

Big to bigger.

I don’t fit the criteria of starting extra big but jut above average. I looked for PE cause I felt small. And I want to improve myself physically and mentally as much as I can.

Originally Posted by Digio

Whew, that was a long post!

Sure as hell it was, but interesting as well. Seems like everything is going to work out fine for you now that you found Thunders.

Welcome to the community:)

I am me, I am everything, I am the observer, I am the consciousness,

I am what I say I am, I am what they think I am, I am nothing,

I am yours and you are mine

Originally Posted by Ironhead22
I don’t fit the criteria of starting extra big but jut above average. I looked for PE cause I felt small. And I want to improve myself physically and mentally as much as I can.

Feelings of inadequacy are equally as strong no matter what your size.

I was average when I started here and felt terrible because my ex was always making big dick comments and singing about big black dicks. She would openly wonder about the size of actors dicks.

All of that made me pretty self-conscious about my size.

Now that I’ve been here for a while I realise she’s just a hateful bitch, and those memories now just make me wonder what drives a cunt like that.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

See, I started at 16cm but never felt small or inadequate.

So I’ve always wondered why I’m doing this. Sure, a bigger dick feels good for ME but in the grand scheme it matters little (Bad choice of words).

Dom, what drives you then?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

No idea.

I guess while I’m studying I might as well attach my hanger and multitask a little.

To be the best I could be. X

When you stretch a woman and she screams Too much, Slow down, Ouch! That is when you know your big. Without having to ask, guess, or fish for compliments. Sometimes its the negative response from your partner that tells you what you need to know. A Reaction without a request, priceless knowledge.

7.25 BPEL x 7.20 EG 6.75/7.0 MSEG

Hopefully I’m not being too narcissistic by thinking I’m allowed to post in this thread, but here goes. I had never heard anything bad about my penis size, but I am very dysmorphic (lanky frame, always feel I look out of shape even if I’m much healthier or athletic than my friends, etc) but I never felt like that about my penis. I had only heard compliments and it does wonders for my ego. I don’t really care about getting bigger, I just want to show off. I want a larger flaccid and better EQ and to last longer during sex. I want to be the one that every girl remembers and tells her friends about. I am driven in every aspect of my life by self-improvement whether it is morally, intellectually, financially, sexually, interpersonally, physically, technically, etc. I like coming here, I like thinking that one day I will obtain that fantasy of having a girl would dare to say that a large part of her attraction to me were all the aspects of my sexuality and how I wield it. I think PE helps me look at the world more sexually too. Because I grew up very timid and scared of speaking with women, I feel this has slowed my development of being able to interact with the opposite sex as effectively and has hurt me in aspects of life other than just relationships or hook-ups.

While the OP is a good question, it begs and leads to the question of how do you “really” know you are big? Nothing to do with any sort of dysmorphia, but if a guy (especially a straight guy) does not have any significant exposure to seeing other cocks NOT on tv (you can’t accurately judge size onscreen), how do you know what is big, for there must be a comparable in order to judge size, right? I played sports, and had exposure to the other guys in the locker room but I was never one to just sit and stare to compare unit size. So again, how does one really know they are “big?”

I was a natural 7.5x6 pre-PE and have added good size since doing PE consistently over last few years. Before then, I’d always gotten high compliments from women about my size and skill, but I always took it with grain of salt (I’m a pretty self effacing guy cause I always know I can do better). Even now with my gains, I still don’t consider myself all that big because I know the goal I want to reach.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Have a think on it first.

I have wanted a big dick ever since I can remember, and the bigger it gets the more I want it even bigger. Circumstances, and perhaps genetics have conspired to make me feel this way.. Al I know is it is an undeniable force. It wasn’t until my early twenties that the notion that it was possible to increase my size came to my attention. At that time my dick was 6 x 5, which I thought was woefully small. Twenty five years later it’s 8.75 x 6.5 with a 7.5 inch base do to, (I think) the many years of hard core clamping, and if I wear a ring my mid shaft girth can get up to 7.5, and even though I know this is quite big I want more. I can’t stop. Already it is bigger (ring off) than any women I’ve met likes. Every girlfriend I’ve had recently has at one time or another complained about it. In my experience real big dick is not what woman like. My average size dick was a much bigger hit. I just don’t really care. It is the tension it creates that gets me going, and the caution and fear, and at first the awe. A few years back I did a tour (ring on) of petite Thai whores just to see there reactions. I loved it. One whore thought I had a prosthetic attached, and couldn’t even believe it was real until I had blown a load on her head. Nearly every whore however thought I should pay them double for the pain it caused them.. So I gave them 5 bucks more, which was triple. It’s wrong, I know. I continually fantasize about beautiful, slim, petite woman taking my even bigger, dream cock (like 9.5 x 8) Into their straining vaginas, and their cervixes relax and open to allow penetration deep into their wombs. In this fantasy the outline of my throbbing tool is visible in their stretched and bulging abdomens, and they have to inhale and exhale in conjunction with my thrusts because in essence they are now little more than squirming, squealing, cock bags. And when I finally pull my baby sized cock from her squeaking and quivering snatch she erupts with a veritable shower of frothy juices. How fucking sick am I. I’m lucky it takes nearly forever to achieve even a small amount of growth or I would’ve P.E. D myself right out of the fucking business all together, and would now be having to do my whoring out in the wet-lands of the Serengeti, where the rhinos and hippos do roam. What was this thread about again,.. Oh yea, right, bla bla bla who cares. Lets get back to how we can make our cocks huge. Who has another idea? The other day I started hitting my cock with mallets. Two of them simultaneously, which took some practice, and shouldn’t be attempted drunk, but you have to be willing to think outside the box. If this sounds extreme to you maybe p. E. Isn’t your bag, because if you really want a huge dick you’re going to have to hit it like a crazed maniac with a car jack, and your cock just may explode, and then in the end you will have to ask yourself if the thousands and thousands of hours you put into stretching, pumping, clamping, twisting, punching and what ever the fuck else you figure out to do with the god dammed thing were worth it.

That’s the best post I’ve ever read here.

I now realize that I want 10x8 just so women have to wash it and caress it like baby while it glistens and pulsates with each stroke, until they dare to take it inside..

Hell, I’ve got the rest of my life.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Yeah, that was a good one!

We are all deranged cock obsessed maniacs. PASS THE BIB HANGER!

When you stretch a woman and she screams Too much, Slow down, Ouch! That is when you know your big. Without having to ask, guess, or fish for compliments. Sometimes its the negative response from your partner that tells you what you need to know. A Reaction without a request, priceless knowledge.

7.25 BPEL x 7.20 EG 6.75/7.0 MSEG

I had no idea I was bigger than average until I got divorced and slept with a few women.

With one gal, the subject of John Holmes came up & I mentioned that I was curious what women thought of his huge dick. She replied with a big grin, all I know is that yours is perfect. And I believed her sincerity.

Another gal looked over to my flaccid length after a romp in the hay & said whoa, you really have a big one. That caught me off guard because I never thought I was bigger than average.

So I was feeling pretty good about myself. I checked the average penis size online, and true enough, I was bigger than average. Not by a big margin, but significantly so that I was bigger than maybe 75-80% of the population. I would never have guessed.

On the flip side, one time in college a buddy of mine & I had 2 girls in my small frat bedroom. He was making out with his girl on the couch & I was with the other one on my bed. The girl I was with had huge tits, & so she was trying to rub them on my you-know-what. I was obviously naked, but shy & uncomfortable, and my dick just wasn’t responding. The girl on the couch looks over & sees my wee wee, & comments, hahaha you’re so small. Well, thanks— NOT!! At the time I didn’t realize that there are growers & showers. It was really quite embarrassing & a serious slap in the face. That might explain also why I always thought my size was average, & maybe even a bit smaller than average in flaccid state.

Then comes along a new buddy also recently divorced & we partied together. He would say, “Let’s take our big dicks & go find some women.” For the record, he’s never seen my dick, so I thought it was a figure of speech. After meeting his friends, his buddies would comment that he has a huge dick & they heard it from many of the women they knew he slept with. So I confronted him & he said it was 9 inches & thick. His reputation got out & it was actually helping him get laid. So I figured, heck, I’m not THAT big, & maybe it couldn’t hurt to see how much bigger I could get.

So I started PE about 1 1/2 years ago & have gained, and I’m currently with a GF that is enamored with my dick. She talks about it all the time how much she likes this, that & the other. She has also been recently sharing it in public with her girlfriends that have inquired about my size & if I’m good in bed. You know, normal girl talk. Any ways, that does feed my ego & I have to admit I do feel a bit more confident around women. I also realize that penis size has nothing to do with confidence. It’s all in the mind anyhow. So bottom line I PE & will continue to do so. Interestingly enough, the truth of the matter is that I never had a need to PE & I’m pretty sure my sex life & my partners’ enjoyment would probably not be much different than if I didn’t PE. So I think as many say here, it’s more about what makes me happy because I don’t need to be any bigger to make her happy.


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