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Alternative measure of erection level


Alternative measure of erection level

In developing the second PE survey, we’ve been trying to find an accurate and repeatable way of describing erection level employed during jelqing. The use of percentages seems to present a problem, because different guys may rate the same erection level with different numbers.

Please take a look at the following scale and comment on whether you think this accurately describes erection levels during jelqing.

  1. Penis does not resist compression at base but does expand slightly toward glans as stroke is performed.
  2. Penis resists compression slightly at base and progressively more toward glans.
  3. Penis resists compression moderately at base and progressively more toward glans.
  4. Penis resists compression strongly at base and throughout jelq stroke.
  5. Penis is very hard and not easily compressible at base and throughout jelq stroke.

Your comments may help to improve the quality of the survey and to upgrade the language we use to describe erection level during jelqing.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Well done Bossman. :up:

I can’t tell you how sick I get seeing this kind of advice: “Jelq with 60% instead of 50%”. I’ve been around a while and still cannot reason with that kind of stuff.

Your 1-5 looks good. I’ve only had a few #5’s in my life. I hope your attention brings some closure to the % nonsense.

So, number 1 is 40%

Number 2 is 60%
Number 3 is 80%
Number 4 is 90% and
Number 5 is 100%



I try to jelq somewhere between a 3 and a 4. What about you guys?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
  1. Penis does not resist compression at base but does expand slightly toward glans as stroke is performed.
  2. Penis resists compression slightly at base and progressively more toward glans.
  3. Penis resists compression moderately at base and progressively more toward glans.
  4. Penis resists compression strongly at base and throughout jelq stroke.
  5. Penis is very hard and not easily compressible at base and throughout jelq stroke.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I try to jelq somewhere between a 3 and a 4. What about you guys?

Somewhere between 1 and 5 for me :D

Probably somewhere between 2 and 3, in all seriousness.

Its a better description than erection level %, but I’m not sure it’ll catch on….(:

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan

I try to jelq somewhere between a 3 and a 4. What about you guys?

:up: Yep. I was thinking the same thing.


Yes, in between 3 to 4 also. I think a fiver would be more or less a edge/massage. During a jelq, I liked it to be a tad of a sting at the end.

What do you guys think of the idea of using resistance to compression as the real measure of erection level?

I noticed that, with a weak erection, my dick is very squishy at the base but, as the stroke procedes and blood moves forward, it becomes more turgid toward the glans. The more erect I am, the more uniform the resistance to compression feels, at least until I reach the glans, when there’s a peak (assuming I go that far, which I generally don’t).

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Five stars! Bravo!

Does that mean 100% ? :D

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Something just occurred to me. If most people jelq between 3 and 4, don’t we need a choice between 3 and 4?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I usually shoot for about a three. Although if I think about Catherine Zeta Jones for more than 30 seconds, I quickly for progress to five :)

You’re just dying to make it complicated. :) I guess you are right though.

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